After Detective Pikachu featured Pokemon-human fusion magic, my friend Dolly has become convinced that Giovanni's Perrsian is a baleful polymorph of Ash's bio dad, done in revenge for him seducing Delia away.
if we're talking dark headcanons about what happened to ash's dad i imagine that he got statued by a petrification gun and is decorating some rich person's house as a statue
Okay, HS never actually explained the difference between burgundy and yellow telekineses, but... Yellows have electrokinesis too and could control electric currents in the air, perhaps. Burgundies have necropathy. When a burgundy flings a rock or bends a spoon, are they actually, rather than using direct mind powers, telepathically asking ghosts to do it?
Alternia's leading cause of death is legally classified as suicide. Actual suicides make up some percentage of that number because Alternia is a horrible place, but the Ankh-Morpork definition of ""suicide"" in terms of lethal carelessness also applies in Alternian law because they have no health and safety regulations. The number is so high because no one has sapient parents to teach them not to do ridiculously dangerous things.
"Horrifying" may be a bit relative here but I imagine there's a lot of Pokemon species prone to the "people adopt one bc they think it's cute but aren't remotely equipped to meet its care needs so they end up either horribly maladjusted or dumped in shelters en masse" problem. some possible examples: Joltik - adorable and pocket-sized, but absolute hell on your electric bill. WILL chew through wire casing and ruin all your electronics unless they're trained out of it. Don't take well to being manhandled for the most part and will bite/shock ppl who insist on pressing the issue Vulpix, Zorua, etc. - foxes are Horrible Bastard Mans by default and these guys will ABSOLUTELY start Causing Problems On Purpose if they aren't given appropriate outlets for their instinctive behavior. Vulpix specifically also has deceptively involved grooming needs and the Alolan variant has special environmental needs on top of THAT Murkrow - same as above, except they can fly, are exponentially more likely to steal your keys for shits and giggles, and are NOT above projectile-pooping on you out of spite Whimsicott - tend to be real destructive little shits when not socialized properly, and unlike their pre-evos they don't shed naturally and need to be periodically shorn Pikaclones in general - imagine every pet rodent/lagomorph neglect horror story you've ever heard, combined with the fact that most electric-types have residual static & electric buildup that need to be manages and the fact that Pikachu specifically is invasive in several regions Yamper - all the same reasons this would apply to IRL corgis, plus the above-mentioned electric-types-in-general problems
The APH Baltics are terrified of Russia and Lithuania has horrible scars, but even in pretty much the same scenes we see that physical injury doesn't harm the nations. In the scene in the anime where the Baltics are introduced, Russia just broke his back jumping out of a plane and yet he's perfectly fine, and multiple characters have been fine after being shot in the head. Lithuania did have a thought-bubble picture of Russia whipping him but it's not clear if that's a memory or a metaphor. Fanon holds that they only get scars from war and atrocity, and Russia-the-character is generally shown as pretty naive and manipulated by his human bosses. It's quite possible he has no idea at all how much damage is being done to poor Liet because Russia-the-character didn't cause any of it.
Thinking of ways to fuck with HP-verse which would piss off Rowling while maintaining the things we loved about it, and the idea of eldritch wizards and witches occurred to me when I remembered that "hags" in D&D are a nonhuman species. I don't know if she'd actually mind about that idea but I like it anyway. Wixes being entirely nonhuman and perhaps Muggleborns are spore-spawned parasites which aren't the genetic offspring of their Muggle parents at all...
Not horrifying, but concerning; I'm pretty sure A. Claire was actually trying to keep the cherub key away from Joey. It's noted she didn't actually give it to her, Joey just found it, and this is how that info's phrased: Multiple emphases on a concept in one piece of dialogue/thought like this usually mean a Suspiciously Specific Denial. How Not to Write a Novel, as always, provides a good description: "Any character who says 'I would never lie to you' is understood to be lying. Likewise, if a character repeats the same point over and over - 'Sure, I can defuse one of these. Your cat will be perfectly safe. I can do this with my eyes closed.' - by the third repetition, we assume he is about to be proven wrong."
Spoiler: tw noncon Thing which could be a factor in the trolls having no concept of sexual orientation, even beyond "gender doesn't matter reproductively"; unless you're at seadweller level at least, odds are good you don't actually get to pick. Vriska faces no consequences for sexually assaulting Tavros and it's pretty clear she wouldn't have even if they still had a society, and Zebruh notes that a lot of lowbloods are forced into relationships and/or fake interest to suck up to highbloods for social protection. If you turn down a cerulean or purple for any reason, orientation-related or not, they can just mind-control you into thinking you want them anyway. Brrrrr.
The Alternian equivalent of the "We can't go to the hospital bc we're criminals and there'd be Questions so instead we have to rely on back alley surgery from this sketchy horse doctor who can be bribed not to talk" and "it's the post-apocalypse and all the real doctors were eaten by zombies so the closest we've got is this horse doctor" tropes features helmsman technicians instead.
it's perfect bc a helmsblock engineer necessarily has to know enough about troll anatomy to keep their Very Important Imperial Hardware from bleeding out on the operating table and therefore can keep someone alive and a given value of functional through some pretty horrific circumstances. but their training doesn't exactly encourage treating their patient's comfort, dignity, or personhood with any kind of importance, so most wouldn't ever consider approaching a helmsman's engineer for medical help unless they were really desperate. Not to mention, any helm engineer who's shady enough to provide Discount Emergency Surgery to the local Special Stardust Smugglers or w/e is potentially also shady enough to turn in any draft-dodging psionics they find for a few quick credits. (I also imagine a lot of disgraced/unlicensed helm engineers end up in the torture business too, bc well, they can keep someone alive and a given value of functional through some really horrific circumstances.)
... I bet a lot of young lowbloods figure that the whole concept of a medical professional is itself a fictional trope. I mean, where are they going to meet one? They grow up on Lord Of The Flies: The Planet (With Zombies). The fleet probably has at least some medics somewhere, but I bet they don't spend much time improving the quality of life of low-caste enlisted. A helm-tech who can be bribed to staple you back together might not even be just an expedient for criminals, they might be the only medical treatment a big chunk of troll society will ever meet.
idk, fleetside I feel like pure cynical pragmatism would lead to most ships having an at least halfway reasonable number of medical staff, bc even if there ARE always a fresh crop of eager young Murder Teens being imported from the homeworld, constantly having to train up new troops bc you keep tossing out decent soldiers with extremely fixable injuries out like used kleenex is a giant pain in everyone's ass. not that "prioritizing the highblood officer's papercut over the lowblood shock trooper's sucking chest wound" type problems wouldn't be prevalent as hell, tho. I reckon there's a lot of olive-and-lower adult trolls who theoretically have access to Official Fleet Medics but don't actually trust them over like, their matesprite's moirail's kismesis Bonesaw Joenes with the mostly clean handsaw and the dubiously acquired musclebeast tranquilizers. on Alternia proper, tho? 100%. like, Hiveswap/Friendsim gives some of the new trolls magical sci-fi injury-unfuckers but we're given ZERO indication that they're anything other than expensive toys for highblood kids so that the empire doesn't loose too many potential officers to adolescent wargames. meanwhile your average bronzeblood kid will see someone getting fixed up by a fleet-standard surgical droid overseen by a perfectly competent medical officer on Troll Sailor Moon or whatever and put it in the same mental category of "unrealistic plot-lubricant" as Extremely Handwaved Travel Times and Nobody Tried To Kill You Until Your Transformation Sequence Is Over.
Personally, I don't think there even is a fleet. So many troll kids get killed so very easily for things as trivial as losing Little League tryouts that hardly any of them would be able to survive to adulthood, however numerous they were to begin with. I think by ascension there are probably only enough left to serve the Condesce's direct needs (if that, there are robots in their world).