How do people make themselves not forget food is a thing?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by IvyLB, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    I haven't yet figured out myself how not to forget that food is a thing. Breakfast especially, which is sad because I LOVE breakfast, but it's just so hard to think about it when I first wake up, and then it's hours later and then I'm just ??? breakfast?? Especially now that I'm at home for break and I can't help but think about how people (parents) will see me making bagels at like 2 in the afternoon and just nnnnnnn. I know that I should establish a Getting Up routine which involves breakfast - I tried to do that this past semester, but I soundly failed, and now I'm just kind of flailing. Ugh. Food.
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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    agreed, breakfast food is best food
    but also kind of annoying
    i love french toast so much but it's just toooooooo maaaaaaaaany steps in the morning
  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    successfully ingested a breakfast today, let's see if it becomes a winstreak. Thanks everyone for the suggestions <3
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    when i had bad depression and mostly didn't get out of bed, i kept a sack of oranges in my room on my desk. so when my bloodsugar really sucked, i'd just reach out and peel an orange and eat it. oranges don't make much crunchy/chewy noise when you eat them... if you can stand it, keeping apples, a knife, and a jar of peanut butter in your room could work out. cut the apple and swipe it through peanut butter and you've got sugar and protein. pretty good snack. if apples are no good, think about raisins, and shake them on to a spoon or butterknife swipe of peanut butter.

    ETA: oh whoops, are you allergic to peanut butter? i can't quite figure. if not it's only like 2-3$ a jar from most convenience stores, not too hard to get hold of even if your family won't shop for it. keeps forever even outside a fridge.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    tuna in oil with ritz crackers or saltines isn't so bad either. high in fat and salt if eaten like ALL THE TIME FOREVER but not generally bad, and much better than not eating at all. upside: will keep in your room. downside: you should probably take the empty cans out of your room or you will smell pretty nasty pretty quick.
  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh also a carton of cheap eggs is like 2-3$, you can hardboil all 12 at once, mark the shells w a pencil, and then put them back in the fridge and they'll keep for a week. that's 2 eggs a day for 6 days for 3$, and about 20 minutes of work. combine with a microwave potato (5 minutes work) and some ketchup or garlic salt and you have a solid chunk of carbs and protein. combine with some fruit and you have vitamins. it is actually very good fuel, potato and egg fill you up and keep you going for a good while with no fat or sodium drawbacks for health nuts to fuss at you about.

    EDIT: sorry for making a million posts! just realized maybe not everyone knows the secret of microwave potato. take potato, wash, put in microwavable bowl while dripping wet, poke fork holes all over, stick in microwave. three minutes, poke with fork again to test, do not burn yourself, add slightly more water if it is getting wrinkled or crusty, then another 2-3 minutes. potato should mash under fork tines when done. chop in quarters, mash with fork, add butter and salt or garlic salt. or slice and add ketchup.

    to make hardboil eggs that peel easily, set the water to heat to a boil, with the eggs you are going to boil set on the counter to warm up a little from the fridge (if you store eggs in fridge). ONLY when the water is boiling do you put the eggs in. lower them gently one by one with a spoon so you don't drop or crack any or splash yourself. simmer 10 minutes, turn heat off, wait another 10 minutes. should be good.

    the thing that makes the shell stick like nuts to the albumin is slow heating, which is why you shouldn't put the eggs in as the water is heating. but if you drop fridge-cold eggs into boiling water, the shock can crack the shells. if you want really quick heating without the cracked shells, or you just forgot to set the eggs on the counter, just slip the fridge-cold eggs into the boiling water very slowly with a spoon, and settle them gently to the bottom of the pot. if they hit sharply against the bottom they'll crack for sure. if you're making egg salad, hardboiled eggs that crack while boiling are fine, they just end up a little cratered and funky looking. but if you want to save them for a couple days, uncracked shells will keep the egg fresher for longer.

    sorry if this comes across as too condescending or lecture-y... i never know how much cooking people know.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
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  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Hah thanks!
    wrt the peanut butter thing I'm not technically allergic but peanuts make my mouth prickle weird and there is precedent in family history to be like deathly allergic to a number of nuts so I'm not gonna risk it! I kinda wanna make/buy almond butter tho, i dig almonds.
    i love all these suggestions though some of them would be a sensory nightmare for me (die, citrus fruit, DIEEEEE) but this isn't just my thread, and it's generally great tips!
    My mom is going to re-organize the snack cabinet once we move so it's easier for me to tell what I'm allowed to eat (a major source of anxiety is that I keep questioning forever whether or not something is part of a dinner plan or something like that.) Other than that I could try boiling eggs to keep in the fridge and maybe make small batches of egg salad with or something if i really need a food thing a lot.
  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    something that could help the snack cabinet is to hang a sharpie marker on a string inside the door, so you can write on wrappers and bags— put an X on things that are for meals and not snacks, or initial it if it's just for you and no one else, like that

    p.s sorry you hate citrus! i just went and ate an orange... i could eat oranges until i died. of eating oranges. it is hard to remember that people could dislike them!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
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  9. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    What about dried fruit? You can get bags to keep in your room, it lasts forever, and you can get non-citrus dried fruits like apples, figs and banana chips (and imo dried mango is way less citrusy, but that's your call).
  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    yes! i should get back to hamstering away dried fruit!
    things that are maybe of note: i spend very little time in my room, most of my day i spend in our living room where my mom does not want me storing food, especially ot food that is just for me (pretty obvious with a teenage brother who has a blackhole stomach. He inhales first and asks question later most days)
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  11. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    I figured your room was a good place for food based off the aforementioned brother, unless you wanted to get v cunning with hiding spots (and risk forgetting where you put ir)
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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    problem: if i don't have things in my visual field andor pretty close by i sometimes forget they exist. I am known to accidentally amass huge quantities of my favorite chocolate because I put it away and the forget i put some away assume i had none and go out to get more.
  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    maybe after we've moved. I'm even getting a little fridge in my new room and a shelf for my maceration projects so it'll be less of a problem then!
    Might be my food issues are actually half aggravated by the stress but by the end of february we're supposed to be in the house so by then I should have everything reorganized.
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