How much joint pain is normal?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by ZeroEsper, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that really, really doesn't sound like the flu - especially with no fever or any other symptoms. Toughing it out with OTC meds is not a great idea, especially if you're taking acetaminophen, which is not good for your liver to take as often as it sounds like you'd need to.
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  2. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Definitely go see medical care, because you are not being a crybaby about pain, you should be resting for an entire week. I'm amazed your mom got mad at you, that sucks, you deserve proper medical care. Whatever it is it's just going to get worse.
  3. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately I didn't make it to the doctor. No one around here could see me immediately. If this keeps up I will go to Med Express after work on Wednesday (there's one right by work - if I had to I could even walk). I didn't want to go today because like @PRelations had mentioned, they can be kind of hit-or-miss with long-term issues. At least, that's been my experience. I feel slightly better, although now my head kind of feels like it's stuffed with paper and cotton - not even necessarily like a headache, just really pressure-filled. I'm hoping it's from the exertion of my body trying to heal itself, though.

    Thank you all for your support. I was almost crying the past two days because I don't want my Mom to be frustrated with me. She hasn't been as bad as she could be though, so there's that! I appreciate everyone's advice. Here's to hoping work is okay tomorrow!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
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  4. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I went to Med Express after work today! It took a while, but the woman who saw me was incredibly kind - probably one of the nicest doctors I have ever seen in my life. I hadn't taken anything before going in because my Mother always told me not to take medicine if you're seeing a medical professional soon because it can mask symptoms. This lead to a funny moment where she went to examine my legs and I realized that my ankles were very big oh my goodness. I didn't even realize they had started swelling! So I'm sitting there examining my own legs with just as much interest as the doctor, which I'm sure would have been very amusing to an onlooker, had one been present.

    Either way, she's not able to run a full battery of tests. She gave me a prescription for steroids (don't do drugs, kids!) to bring the swelling down and told me that it sounds like I have arthritis, but they need to make sure I don't have a more serious auto-immune condition going on like my sister does. So the steroids will help me until I can see the doctor I have an appointment with. She was so thoughtful she put a bunch of notes down on the paperwork Med Express gives you when you leave that were directed at the doctor I will see in a few weeks, which is a huge relief because I think they're more likely to take me seriously now!

    Today was a good day!
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'm glad! Hopefully the steroids help, it's good when you get a doctor that really cares.
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  6. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    (I'm sadly Not Okay right now but I feel like I need to get this out because bottling it up really doesn't seem to be helping so, might as well try the alternative)

    I went to the doctor on Friday. He basically told me he doesn't think anything is wrong with me and that I'm 'young and healthy.' The woman at MedExpress had wanted me to get bloodwork done; he refused to sign off on it because I'm young and don't know what it's like to be in pain (because as we all know, young people don't experience pain; that's a myth perpetuated by the government to sell us things we don't need). Straight-up refused to deal with my blood pressure issues even though the one day I had the symptoms of a heart attack and it scared me half to death but you know, I'm just whining is all! He wanted me to exercise more but can someone please explain to me how when I can't even do much walking anymore? I tried pointing this out but apparently the fact that I can walk at all is proof that nothing's wrong so I guess I've got to wait for my bones to crumble into dust so we know something is actually really wrong and I'm not just a liar.

    And then tonight my coworker made a disparaging remark at me about my health (basically amounting to 'you whine but nothing is wrong') and it just kind of re-broke the dam. Ever since my joints swelled up my neck has hurt. The pain is better some days than others, and overall it gradually seems to be getting better, but it's been a month and it still hurts. Now my wrist is acting up. It's been low-level pain - it feels like my ankle did when I sprained it but I didn't do anything to sprain my wrist. Every now and again it sends out stabbing pains. It's in my dominant hand, too.

    And honestly at this point I feel like I'm faking it. I know I feel pain but I've probably let my stupid already-broken brain convince me that I'm hurt or sick because I want attention and validation and I don't know how to make myself stop doing it. I want to stop being in pain and I want to make myself stop being in pain but I don't know how because I don't even know how I'm doing this. But if everyone thinks I'm faking or overreacting then I'm probably faking or overreacting and I feel bad because I don't want to be a bad person but I don't know how to stop myself. I feel really helpless and I just want to go back to normal. Like, I promise I'll stop whining if everything stops hurting - I just want to be able to do my incline walking again for as long as I used to and at the same intensity I used to.

    I'm just a mess and I'm sorry I'm always a mess.
  7. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    People are awful and invalidating and it's really hard to battle against that but also no, you are in your body, they are the ones who are wrong.
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  8. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Is there any way you can see a different doctor? Because that is bs. I have a friend with juvenile arthritis, its a thing that exists.

    EDIT: not saying you have that specifically but "you're young" =/= "you can't have medical problems", basically. That doctor is full of crap.
  9. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    Yup - Ancient Guardian's leg bones went poof when he was 40. First doctor didn't even suggest X-Rays. Second doctor (a week later) did X-Rays. Next day called him in for MRI. Sent him to an orthopedic surgeon for emergency surgery because the entire ball at the top of each of his thigh bones was gone - he'd been walking on technically broken legs for years. But since he was only 40 nope, couldn't have a real problem. (The surgeon was wondering if he had a nerve problem since he was able to walk at all - should have been in too much pain.)
  10. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Thank you all. I'm more stable today and more rational. I am going to be moving soon, and I think I'm gonna try and find another doctor. I think the last doctor wanted me to lose some weight (I think that's why he kept bringing up fitness and exercising) and honestly I do miss exercising - not necessarily to lose weight, I just like doing it. But as things are right now I'm pretty limited. I'm hoping the next doctor will take me more seriously if I try the 'I'd love to exercise more but I'm in too much pain to do so consistently' card. The last doctor had already made up his mind before I tried that.

    Also, I hope your guardian is doing better, Lissa! That sounds amazingly painful.
  11. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Wishing you luck. I also hate when doctors try to push the weight thing like it's the solution to everything. I'm overweight according to BMI but I'm comfortable and my doctor was like "well, BMI is kinda bullshit BUT you should also exercise more" after I told him I walk 4 miles total back and forth from work each day...

    It's good to remember that doctors are human like the rest of us and have their biases and hangups. So don't be afraid to shop for one that will actually listen to you. (i know that's a pain in the ass, though.)
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  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    You are not faking, and that doctor was a fucking prick for suggesting it. I'm so sorry he did that to you, but if you can find a doctor in your new place, try the "I would love to exercise but I can't because of the pain" argument. I know it's hard to buckle down, but sometimes just repeating that and using vivid descriptors (along with "I want a blood test" and maybe even "I want a referral to a rheumatologist") is what it takes to force them to listen.

    If nothing else, I want you to know you're not faking, your pain is real, and just because other people dismiss you doesn't mean that your pain is something that isn't worth acknowledging. I hope things go better with your next doctor.
  13. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your kind words - I'm about to cry. I'm not used to people taking my pain or illness seriously. And thank you for the tips - I do have a hard time buckling down, but I really do want to get better, so hopefully I'll be able to stick to my guns.
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  14. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Bringing this back because I haven't found a new doctor yet but I almost started crying in class because I'm scared that this might be serious. It seems now like I'm starting to have motor problems. For example, today it seemed like I was shaking a lot - I shake a little normally but today it feels noticeable. And my arms are a little sore from work so I keep telling myself 'this is normal' but it feels like all the time. Sometimes I'm fine, but sometimes I try and raise a cup to my mouth and it feels like my wrist will just give out for no damn reason. I'm starting to notice difficulties doing things like going up and down stairs with my knees - that has really hit me now that I use an escalator to get to class which is such a collosal relief, and I feel like it shouldn't be. I also seemed to be having a little more trouble typing than just your basic errors? I'm just scared, I guess, and I know it'll take forever to get a doctor so I feel a little helpless, honestly.
  15. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I just tried to get something out of my bag. It shouldn't have been that hard.
  16. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Okay so. I'm not going to pretend, this is serious. It was serious when your symptoms first started showing up, but motor issues and joint weakness means it's definitely something that needs to be looked at.

    It could be arthritis, fibro, or (depending on certain factors) it might be the onset of something like EDS. If you're capable, you really need to see a doctor, and blood tests are something that should be the first thing you ask for.
  17. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    yeah i agree this sounds very very serious. the major concerning thing i'm seeing here is it's progressive, which is usually a sign that medical attention is needed as soon as possible

    blood tests are good as are xrays
  18. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I am going to call a doctor tomorrow morning. Or start calling doctors, rather - I've moved so I don't have one here. My friend (who has joint problems as well) actually suggested EDS as a possible cause as well (although she's not a doctor) so I'll definitely ask the likelihood of that.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    It may be bias on my part, because it's what I'm familiar with but EDS can get triggered and rapidly deteriorate without warning, so it's a concern. Even if it isn't though, it's good that you're calling around for doctors. I hope you can find one that helps.
  20. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I appreciate the support.
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