Howdy there. So, I'm new.

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Kallen Kicklighter, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Kallen Kicklighter

    Kallen Kicklighter Writing is hard!

    Okay so, first of all, HELLO! You can call me Kallen, or Kal. That works too. (It was my RPG character a loooooong time ago when I was silly teenager.)
    I'm kind of anxious as over the last year I've slowly been trying to get back into doing online stuff of pretty much any kind. One of my husband's co-workers suggested I sign up because they thought I'd benefit from talking to people again, and that I might meet some new people that are like me. So, here I am! I love to cook for my family and I love to read. My favorite book of all time is called "Drawing Blood" by Poppy Z. Brite, and I love anime and manga and one of my favorite movies ever is Cloud Atlas. (It always makes me cry!) I'm also a writer, but I've not published anything yet. Though I've written enough over the years to fill at least 12 novels full of stuff!
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  2. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Hello! I've never read a Poppy Z. Brite book, but a friend of mine absolutely adores them. There's a pretty active cooking thread over here, if you want to poke around in there a bit, and I know Fan Town has a fair number of anime threads.

    It's lovely to meet you!
    • Like x 1
  3. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Hey, welcome! This is indeed a great place to meet people. :D

    We have a lot of writers here--there are a few writing threads in Make It So, if you're interested!
  4. Maya

    Maya smug_anime_girl.jpg

    It doesn't seem like we have anything in common except being writers but welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay! In my experience we're all pretty friendly. :D
  5. ironicBonds

    ironicBonds is actually two dogs in a trench coat

    Hello! I'm new here too but everyone already seems so friendly, it's pretty nice.

    I'm a pretty big fan of the Animes too ;D haven't been into it as much since my high school weeb days lol, but I've been getting back into anime lately. Rediscovering my old love for Evangelion, oof

    Hope you enjoy your stay!!
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