i can't remember for shit and it's. kind of scaring me

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. @budgie i'm just really afraid of coming off as some kinda ungrateful slacker, i guess? i don't want my teachers to hate me over this, or think that i'm taking advantage of them. same w/ the doc.
  2. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    if there's anything you know you can do, try and include that too. but probably most of your teachers will have noticed something's up, and they'll be fine working with you. the ones who won't, well, they'd think you're taking advantage of them regardless of what evidence you offered. and if your doc's your usual one, i really doubt she'll think you're trying to take advantage.
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  3. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    I would think that that's a reasonable request from a student who's having some pretty bad neurological problems.
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  4. i know my pottery teacher at least (i spend near half the day hiding in his room on a good day, more if it's bad) has been prompting me when i forget/letting me label stuff/etc for a bit, and my anatomy teacher knows something's up. idk for sure abt the rest of them but math might have an idea, or maybe econ? english just thinks i'm lazy and entitled. and also doesn't believe in mental illness and spent a while bullying a girl w/ a tbi earlier this year til she transferred out of the class.
    the nervousness is prolly irrational, this is a problem that i am having and it is bad and i still don't always believe that even though i know how bad it is
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  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    tbh if your english teacher is that much of an asshole i'd take every single fucking advantage i'd get in that class
    seriously, that person shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children, let alone teach them!

    your pottery teacher sounds nice.

    and i really hope your doc figures out what's happening with your brain, because none of this sounds pleasant.

    (if your english teacher ever comes to class with a cast or sth make him carry stuff, and if he is pissed about it say "i dont believe in injuries". see how he likes it. (or if he doesnt come to class because of sickness/injury)) (actually no dont do that its an asshole move)
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  6. @whimsicalobservant she's a woman, actually! i mostly just care about getting bitched out in front of the class over this, cuz she'll absolutely do that if she feels like it
  7. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    your english teacher seems to be one of those people whose purpose in life is to act as a counterexample as to how to behave.

    i would suggest going to the principal's office first and asking if someone (counsellor? vp?) could explain the details of the doctor's note to your teachers for you. english teacher is much less likely to flip out on a peer than you. as for if she bitches you out, the rest of your classmates have no doubt realized how ridic she is and won't be going 'man, that @taxonomicAtrocity, how lazy.' just mentally envision her as umbridge.
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  8. i hate going to school. it's exhausting and depressing and i'm def hiding in the pottery room all day tomorrow, i can't fucking stare at a paper and feel inadequate for solid 50 min stretches punctuated by six minute passing periods where i repeatedly forget where i'm going tomorrow, i'll start crying or something and that's dumb
  9. okay hiding in the pottery room was the best decision ever, i can at least still do pottery things relatively well. and i don't have 2 go 2 school 2morrow cuz eeg
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  10. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    good luck tomorrow!
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  11. apparently i can't have coffee b4 it >8(

    /is not looking forward to the lack of caffeine headache
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  12. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Can you drink tea? Not quite the same as coffee but still has some caffeine in it.
  13. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Aah okay! Ignore me then XD
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  14. blurgh okay that was weird and now there's wax in my hair. neuro appt where i'll actually talk 2 someone is tuesday i think
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  15. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Good luck! And grats on the test, i hope they find useful things for you. *hugs*
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  16. i keep on forgetting words/shifting tenses/saying half a sentence then starting a completely new one part of the way thru irl and online now, and not realizing it, esp when typing, til afterwards and only if i read back thru. this prolly doesn't sound like much of anything, but i don't typo like this normally and it's getting more and more prevalent which is kinda freaky. jesus fucking christ let the eeg have found something nice and obvious and, like. way treatable through relatively noninvasive means.
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  17. i forgot about the extra credit my teach put out to help me get my grade up 8')

    how the fuck do i even explain that
  18. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    With your doctor's note, I would think.
    • Like x 1
  19. i talked to her receptionist on thursday evening and she's only at my place tues thru thurs so she hasn't gotten back 2 me yet
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