i can't remember for shit and it's. kind of scaring me

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Yeah, but once you have a doctor's note, I think that would explain why you forgot about the extra credit ;) If you're forgetting everything, it stands to reason you're forgetting about the extra credit.
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  2. waiting 4 neuro appt n geez louise am i ever nervous
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  3. mri, psych eval, and shiny new pills all incoming
    thank you, scary russian neuro lady
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  4. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Yay!!! Thats progress! I hope it helps. <3
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  5. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    Mazel tov. Did your EEG get read yet?
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  6. yup! tis normal
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  7. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    That's good. Seizures are shit, and the treatments suck eggs (that's official medical terminology). What are the new meds for?
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  8. they're for migraines, which i get, like. all the fucking time. i constantly have a headache. i have one right now. so i'm starting those to see if they'll do anything cuz daily headaches rlly aren't that specific of a symptom n the shaking can be splained by a nonessential tremor, and seeing her again in two months, after the mri n the psych(ological, not iatric, 2 see if i have adhd or somethin that'd kinda sorta explain the memory/concentration stuff) eval
    (un)fun new things i learned about myself 2day: i can't do mental math anymore and remembering short strings of words for more than 30 seconds is a bit of a no go
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  9. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    ...i really don't think suddenly losing the ability to do mental math when you could before or not being able to remember short strings of words or not knowing where you are or /forgetting you're in the middle of a conversation/ sound like adhd. Like. At all.
    What kind of doctor hears "daily headaches, severe tremors, severe memory loss and impaired mental functioning in multiple areas" and says "lol maybe adhd lets just give you pain meds and talk to you in two months"??? Like, wtf. Did you tell her what has been actually happening? How much its impacting your ability to function on a given day? Because that doesn't seem like she's taking you seriously, like, at all. Im really mad on your behalf right now.
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  10. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yyyyyeah. ADHD can get worse over time in afab people (it's a hormone thing), but we're talking a matter of years to decades, not months. Sudden sharp drops in ability are not normal for ADHD.
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  11. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    I get how you feel scared for him. But the neurologist does seem to be taking it seriously, from my perspective. They don't just hand MRIs out like candy - she wouldn't have ordered it if she didn't think TA's symptoms could indicate something seriously physically wrong. In the mean time, it's good practice to try and fix any potential less-serious causes first. If there's any chance at all that his issues could be down to ADHD and migraines, and that he could get treated for those and be right back on his feet, that's fucking great. Both of those are shitty things that'll require long-term (or possibly life-long) treatment, but they're WAY easier to treat than anything you'd spot on an MRI. Nobody wants to hand out a an ominous prognosis (tumor, malformation, neurological disease) before they've exhausted every shot at a good one, especially not with someone as young as TA.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
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  12. yeah, she indicated when we were talking that the psych eval's mostly to narrow things down, and the appt's in two months because she wants me to have the mri+eval before she sees me again, as well as have me on the meds long enough to see if they make an actual difference, and getting appointments for those things won't be instantaneous.
    she's concerned, and took me seriously, and i'm happy with the actions being taken. i'd like for things to move faster, because i know that i could do basic mental math a couple months back and losing that's scary, but i get why things are taking the time that they're taking.

    (also: he/him (8 )
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  13. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Yeah that all makes sense. I just want you to get the care you deserve and not have your symptoms minimized, esp with how your parents have handled things. Im glad to have been wrong. <3
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
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  14. mother: yell at me because doc prescribed new pills and she thinks i'm on too many and this is my fault somehow
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  15. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Honestly your brain is still functioning better than hers. For fuck's sake.

    It's worth remembering about the doctor moving slowly, that TA's insurance might not authorize expensive stuff until cheaper, simpler options have been tried.
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  16. my teach started talking to me about all my missing fucking assignments and i just. burst into tears. why can't i stop fucking crying
    it was in front of the whole class. christ
    why am i still in school why hasn't my stupid doctor gotten back to me why is my head so fucked why is my memory utter tits please god i need to pass this class so i can graduate
  17. i had mum take me home cuz i can't stop crying and she yelled at me for my shit schoolwork, which is fair i guess, and then said that since the eeg is normal and nothing's been found yet i have no excuse for my poor marks or forgetting to do chores or homework. then she gave me some chores to do and mocked me for being a drama queen when i wrote them down on my wrist. i should've just stayed in school.
  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i'm so sorry that's terrible D: even if they haven't found something yet that doesn't mean nothinng's wrong, clearly something's not okay rn or you wouldn't have these problems :U
  19. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    You're having mysterious issues that are severely impacting your ability to live your life, it is not at all fair for her to yell at you about schoolwork.

    That she's cruel enough to mock you is... I don't have words, I'm so appalled.
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  20. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    ^------ x 10 million. What the actual fuck, ta's mom?
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