I know you are, but what am I?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Inkblot


    I was such a huge bug collector as a kid. I filled a music box with leaves and tried keeping moths and crickets and caterpillars in it, but uh. They all died. Still love them, though.
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  2. Inkblot


    @Kaylotta Compasses, Gryffindor, very sweet and likes writing. I'm getting femaleish but that might be the username at work, early twenties?
    @Imoyram Well-contrasted colors, hot green tea, attention to detail. Masc and maybe later twenties.
    @Acey I always think of you as the Other Amethyst Fan as of reading the SU thread, loves Damara and is a very fluffy cupcake, yes. Female and mid-twenties.
    @Ruevian Those plague masks doctors wore, chilly wind and a really old, beautiful decrepit castle. NB but leaning towards masc.
    @hellfirelover Dry humor, likes complex hairstyles, lots of glitter confetti. Male, late teens perhaps.
    @autopsyblue Garnet Garnet squishy Garnet that picture is so cute. Taller than average, likes to Sort Things, masculine, just hit thirty.
    @Loq Definitely a lot of flowers, maybe in a very artful bouquet, femme-leaning and early twenties.
    @liminal Heavy Pearl associations, soft colors, kind but firm. Femme NB and early-mid twenties.
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  3. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Some impressions I have of people in this thread (sorry for anyone I missed, you are probably literally your username/icon in my mind)

    @Wiwaxia female, and alternately A Scientist or a wee prehistoric critter.
    @Imoyram I don't really have a gender-feel for you, but you are also in my mental category of wee kintsugin. I also thought you were older before I saw your school posts.
    @tinyhydra You are permanently Seadra in my mind.
    @Kaylotta Female, crafty with fabrics/yarn/thread
    @unknownanonymous Either agender or nb, idk why
    @WithAnH I associate you with nebulae and pink but not any particular gender
    @Emma Female and accompanied by at least one cat at any given time
    @Carnivorous Moogle Female, disproportionate number of sharp sharp teeth
    @Void Is it too on-the-nose to say that I think of you as a sort of vast darkness?
    @wixbloom Is floral nb a gender?
    @Re Allyssa Female, and for some reason limes? I think maybe your tumblr has limes in the subtitle or something.
    @Moss Green, masculine nb, the smell of rain
    @liminal Female and kind of... ombre-cloud-ish
    @Ruevian Corvids, female, cool spaces

    I'm curious as to impressions anyone has of me.
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  4. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @budgie one of the Bird kintsugijin, masculine, grey, thoughtful, level-headed
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  5. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    !!! That's an angry little mof.
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  6. Inkblot


    @budgie You are actually a bird, and you're trying to fool us all. NB, blanking on age.
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  7. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020


    i am the infinite darkness in everyone's soul
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  8. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    @budgie birbs... vibrant colors... basically your username:

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  9. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    @missoyashirou Female. Tea rose. Rose tea. Small baby bird.

    @Snitchanon Just male enough to avoid a ???, occasionally you slip down into ??? entirely. Grey, grey, and also grey. Fog, teeth. Slenderman.

    @Emma Female. Apricot. Tired lion. Tall grass.

    @Carnivorous Moogle Female. Warm grey. Bowl-shaped, shallow and wide.

    @BlackholeKG Male. Violet. Geometric circuitry shapes.

    @palindromordnilap Male. Fandango. Static, noise and shape.

    @Mendacity Female. Forest green. Seaweed and kelp, still in the water, waving.

    @wixbloom Gender switched with your icon (you are maybe the only person on the forums whose previous icon I can actually remember) -- so, female now. Bright, light yellow. A small fern, fractalling out into itself.

    @Bel Capricorn Male. Blue. Fishing line, hard to see but from the right angle.

    @Elph Female. Burgundy. A spiral, simultaneously flat and telescoped.

    @TwoBrokenMirrors I previously read you as female but recently started getting male vibes, and I don't know when or why that happened. Dark spring green. A dark but familiar room.

    @Aviari Female. Ghost white. Ferrofluid.

    @sirsparklepants Female. Tan. Gooey.

    @Moss Male. Straw. Crunchy like a ball of fine wire.

    @dorkfang Male. Carrot orange.

    @Silvereye Gender not found. Air.

    @Ruevian Female. Dark, cool grey. A sharp edge, a knife, but one used to a good, helpful purpose, not to inflict harm. Also black gloves.

    @hellfirelover Male. Ash grey. Square.

    @Loq Female. Gold. A lotus flower.

    @budgie Male. Taupe grey. A small metal ball.

    Again, if I missed anyone (and you want me to read you), shout
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  10. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    You could say I was a lady in the past, in that I am a trans man, although I do not think anyone who knew me then would ever use the word 'lady' to describe me. And I never went to college but if I did I would probably be out of it! I do like to read

    It looks as it's meant to!

    If I could be said to have a job, it is indeed one that involves a lot of typing. I am also an adult and ffffaaaiirly academically minded.

    I am probably not @Snitchanon.
    Also yes good.

    @liminal for reading of me! And everyone else, read me if you haven't!
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  11. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    All these aesthetic things are excellent.

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  12. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    [dissolves into a hundred tiny ophs and disappears between the floorboards]
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  13. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    That's eeeenteresting. Also you're the first one to suggest a green
    People tell me I look good in green in RL and one of my favourite hoodies is disgustingly bright green
    Also I like dark but familiar rooms, but am very amused how different that impression is to the one @albedo gave me once.
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  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Going through the thread and hitting anyone who asked for any general readings! Apologies for the spam in advance. Also general disclaimer that I have no clue why my brain assigns preferred pets to anyone, and these are probably wildly inaccurate.

    @unknownanonymous Fish, or maybe hamsters! Something small you can watch just do their thing.

    @rats I can't come up with anything BUT fancy rats because of your username. Congrats! Pet rats are cute and smart.

    @oph Cats or reptiles.

    @LadyNighteyes Cats as well.

    @Void I like to think you love any and all pets and have no real preference as long as you can play with them

    @Lib Birds! Parakeets or other little birds, not big ones like parrots or cockatoos.

    @Imoyram I get a super strong 'dog person' impression.

    @Re Allyssa kitties! Or lizards.

    @alchemicalheart Possibly because of your icon, I tend to assume anything furry.

    @littlemissCodeless With your tagline and icon, I can't really say anything except 'cat' xP

    @swirlingflight Geckos! This is weirdly specific, idk.

    @liminal I feel like you enjoy other people's pets but don't want one of your own right now.

    @Lambda Frogs

    @Inkblot Contrary to your icon, cats!

    @KarrinBlue Cats or dogs!

    @Deresto Dogs for preference, but I'd guess you like just about all pets.

    @blue dogs!

    @Kit also dogs!

    @Acey Anything you can cuddle.

    @Kaylotta Cats!

    *flops* 4 pages down, 8 to go! I need some food first.
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  15. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

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  16. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Impressions; a woman! Most likely afab. An adult, definitely, may even be above 30. I bet you have a pretty good work ethic most of the time and don't procrastinate too much. Aesthetic: A prop sword on a cold morning, and the map screen on a fantasy video game.
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  17. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    @BlackholeKG - masculine, soft-spoken, wide open windy spaces and clouded skies. Smells fresh, coastal, ozone.

    @Kaylotta feminine, peaceful. Warm rooms with dust motes in golden light, natural fibres, laced boots. Smells of vanillin, warm cut grass.

    @sirsparklepants masculine, flamboyant, an old VW camper van painted metallic blue with padded seats. Sharp smell of lemongrass and bergamot.

    @oph Neutral leaning to femme, calm, rational. Wheat fields, harvests, produce in abundance. Smell of earth and apples.

    @Snitchanon neutral to masculine, avoidant, jocular. Dark smoky rooms, worn down pencils, bourbon. Smell of tobacco and machinery.

    @Inkblot masculine, analytical. Pine forests, frost, clear pale skies. Smell of ginger, leather and wood smoke.

    @budgie masculine, resilient, thoughtful. Thunderstorms, candles, electricity. Smell: metallic.

    Thanks everyone who read me!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
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  18. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @Kaylotta the crinkly edges of burning paper, small orange-flavored gummy candies, the sound of cloth ripping!
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  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Ideal pet impressions continued!

    @WithAnH dogs! Especially big dogs.

    @soulsuckingisaacnewton I cannot see anything but cats because icon.

    @Mentarnes turtles!

    @missoyashirou Cats or maybe gerbils.

    @Snitchanon I get really strong dog person vibes from you.

    @Emma kitties, because icon.

    @Carnivorous Moogle Snakes.

    @BlackholeKG cats!

    @palindromordnilap anything that will let you cuddle it.

    @Mendacity cats or frogs!

    @wixbloom Dogs and particularly playful cats.

    @Bel Capricorn birds! You give off super responsible vibes to me, and I personally feel that only really responsible people should own large long lived birds, so maybe that's why.

    @Elph small fuzzy pets!

    @TwoBrokenMirrors cats!

    @Aviari you would have struck me as a dog person even without the icon, but that cements it.

    @Moss dogs!

    @dorkfang dogs as well.

    Two thirds through! If you responded in the first 8 pages and I haven't done you yet, ping me and I'll add you to my part 3.
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  20. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.


    Interesting. I'd consider myself dog-cat ambivalent, but I've had most success with dogs in Being Friendly.
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