I know you are, but what am I?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    @Kaylotta 2-3am, summer, sugar-gliders, citrine. also, slightly taller than average?
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  2. Inkblot


    I am Dirk Strider, yes!

    Almost too accurate :o

    People reading me as male makes me very happy!

    I do! And the spider is evil. Do not trust the spider.

    That's about as far as I understand it, pretty much .

    Male again :D And it looks like I'm famous for the spider.
    I'm agender, to be honest that might change, but that's the word that fits me right now. But it's so awesome to see all the people I read as male to!
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  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    @Inkblot i noticed i fogot a gender. probs nb of some sort

    i am correctish!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
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  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I'm actually in my first year of college. Also the icon is red because it is a drawing that a very nice comic artist drew after I came to his conbooth in cosplay, which happened to include a red hood. And I like the art so much that I use it for like. A ton of avatars.
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  5. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    there are a few of you I just don't have enough of an impression of to even make guesses at, sorry u.u but for those i do!

    @Wiwaxia you literally just read as a Science to me. trying to pin down your gender just earns faint laughter while the concepts run away.

    @unknownanonymous earnestness, sincerity, a cup of tea (?), puppies, rapidly changing weather, 'kid' although not necessarily child.

    @tinyhydra sort of masculine? young adult. a Mystery. You stick your hands into your pocket and look out a cloudy window while music plays. (idk i am just kind of going freeform)

    @rats my mental image of you is entirely in bright colors like your icon. like a line cartoon of indeterminate gender and vivid colors. but very quiet for some reason!

    @oph analytical? faintly masculine.

    @Void bluuuuuue. water. songs.

    @Lib a smile, an open book next to a plate of cookies, feminine

    @Imoyram just fem of center, the little brrrt noise cats make when they're curious about something

    @peripheral a horizon with the sunset almost faded out, peaceful music, a bit masc of center?

    @Re Allyssa "go forth, heroes!" type video game music, feminine

    @littlemissCodeless a cat! things precisely placed. v fem? teacups.

    @swirlingflight seafoam green, long philosophical conversations over coffee, gender is an open sky :)

    @blue snark. a drawn arrow. fem

    @Acey fem. like you're gonna punch something with a grin. trash: crumpled paper with forty colors of marker and some disconcerting smears of Things.

    @Kaylotta glasses, poise, scattered papers everywhere, fem.
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  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'm not surprised i read pretty young.
  7. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    hokay here we go

    @Wiwaxia - mature, compassionate, loves to cook, grandperson bear (jesse beardad vibes but with extra cuddle), cuddly, browns/blues/greens, warm, sharp-smart, wise

    @unknownanonymous - excited, laughs a lot, likes colours, loves to spread joy, reds and pinks and whites, hot-warm, determined

    @tinyhydra - tiny (heh), clever, badass w/a welding mask, wants to work hard, takes no shit, blues and greys and blacks, warm to cool

    @rats - understated intelligence, dark greens and pinks, kind and friendly, cool

    @oph - warm, round, loving, sensitive, insightful, dark and light blues

    @LadyNighteyes - sophisticated, gentle in the gentleperson sense, dark blues, alternating warm and cool, secretive, friendly

    @Void - friendly, caring, serious about self-care, lots of blues, hot to warm, fiercely passionate

    @Lib - bookish, introverted, blues and mossy greens, comfortably warm but pleasantly cool, friendly, hides in libraries

    @Imoyram - intense, cares deeply, occasionally confused, deep oranges and purples, literally on fire, will throw a book at you

    @peripheral - small, shadowy/slippery, cool, grey blue lavender periwinkle, calm waters running deep

    @Re Allyssa - uber friendly, hugs for all and sundry, cool to chilly, teals and silvers and iridescence

    @alchemicalheart - warm, red and orange and brown, slightly removed from everything, steady, and a word that i just can't pin down

    @littlemissCodeless - the German cat lady who is very particular, cool to chilly, cool greens and blues with teals, kind, exacting

    @swirlingflight - lavender and blue pastels, a perfectly comfortable temperature, thoughtful, intense, quietly powerful

    @liminal - blue and black and maybe green but very dark, cold, deep, smooth pebbles and dark wood

    @Lambda - not willing to be held down, yellows and reds, hot, watchful, keen observationist, candlelight

    @Inkblot - water and kelp, cool, black and blue, clever, a running stream

    @autopsyblue - deliberate and firm, unimpressed by your shit, burgundy and deep blue and purple, very warm

    @KarrinBlue - blue and red/warm and cold yin-yang, swirling, doesn't settle easily, thinks hard about everything

    @Deresto - warm, red and black with orange, solid, dependable, determined, how firm this foundation is.

    @blue - warm, clear and muted blues, gentle, elegant, poised, a fast-running brook

    @Kit - kind, very warm, greens and yellows, grass and aspen trees, a strong defender

    @jashindamnit - bright purple, hot, neon and bright lights, very forward, passionate, strong in your convictions

    @Acey - rainbows and fluffy pillows, warm and cuddly, crocheted blankets and charm bracelets, overflowing love

    (if I missed anyone, or if someone would like some more development of ideas, ping me. :D)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
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  8. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    I'm just
    At all of these impressions
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  9. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

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  10. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    aw thanks sis
    XD "literally on fire" "will throw a book at you"
    im dying over here
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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    @Kaylotta, it's funny you mention blankets, because while none of mine are crocheted, I DO have more blankets than is reasonable and I love them. And I wear a fair bit of fun jewelry, too, including a charm choker...
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  12. Inkblot


    I fancy :D
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  13. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    lemme reply to some of these
    I guess I could be considered mid-twenties!
    that's what i'm going for
    I wish I had short hair. I'm growing it out and it is an enormous pain in the butt to maintain.
    I am okay with basically all of this, although as a rule I do not like dark chocolate. Still, I am not upset to be associated with it.
    this is also what I'm going for
    I am confused (but not offended) by most of these. How interesting!
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  14. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    eeeee ^^ "cool to chilly" why yes, I keep my window open even when it's like 40 degrees out. xD

    Just like. I'm going to take all of these and put them in a text file somewhere. Maybe I'll get all the colors by the end! XD
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  15. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

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  16. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    i love that everyone associates me with blue

    this pleases me but it's likely cuz every avatar i've had is fuckin blue
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  17. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    Or maybe all of your avatars have been blue because you are blue
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  18. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    well shit you got me

    i'm actually blue
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  19. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    A blue-grey figure stares moodily into the middle distance, affecting a pose you assume is meant to invoke brooding mystery. As you watch, it's edges undulate and swell, like the rolling of clouds corralled into a vaguely humanoid shape by an oversized t shirt and a pair of worn jeans. A welding hood, though buffeted by the ceaseless motion of the creature's indistinct form, clings stubbornly to the topmost outgrowth. The "head", you assume. It sighs, as much visible as auditory, a ripple of heat and thin blue smoke pouring from behind its hood. Its head quirks towards you then quickly back to the nearby window. It sighs again, louder this time, blueish flames licking black plastic.

    Snort. It's really cool seeing how you guys see me compared to how I am irl. Apparently my online persona is a p cool dude.
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  20. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    hehehe confusion
    ooo. this is cool.
    im afraid to say that i am not very introverted, and am quite tall. {:l
    this s really cool and now i wanna hear this noise! (also i like being just femme of center it feels really nice)
    well youre not wrong. i do not present super femininely. and am turning 14 in 2 weeks ish
    so many warm fuzzies bro. so many

    more people should do me! im very curious!
    • Like x 4
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