I made a huge mistake.

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by Laz, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. a cuttle couple

    a cuttle couple cuttlesbians

    *is unsure you can block the whole order sepiida, but invites you to try anyway*
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  2. Laz

    Laz Member

    Okay, I admit I was wrong.

    I should probably have just gone to the fanchat and just taken down the list there. Man, I do legitly feel retarded for not knowing that earlier.

    Thank you all for coming, have a wonderful evening.
  3. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    mmmmm...just a heads up: I'm not on that list, and good luck finding me! but then I suppose it won't really matter if one person slides, right?
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  4. Pesh

    Pesh schtroumph

    Someone needs to find that gif of Mituna doing the wanking motion.
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  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    hey @Laz, I have an idea: why don't you give me your Tumblr, and I'll block you, and then I'll give you my Tumblr to block? I think that's a much fairer trade!
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  6. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    What is "tumblr"?
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  7. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    A type of travel ready coffee mug.
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  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Since we are all getting off on our power to make people do what we want, we are all now super vindicated by your admission of having been incorrect. That was, after all, the only thing anyone could want: for you to acknowledge our rightness, and then leave.

    I especially like the tone dissonance of the use of retarded in your admission. By using it in your "I was wrong, you were right" message, you cleverly hint without saying that we must agree that you're retarded. So now, to accept your admission, we would accept that claim too. And I'm sure you already know the majority of people here wouldn't express such a sentiment. Nicely done! I bet solo people who don't have friends checking for each other would rush to disavow such an accusation, feeding you delicious nuggets of unbelievable claims of your goodness. I bet it's effective irl and on Tumblr!
    • Like x 7
  9. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    I mean, the even simpler solution would be to just walk away from the forum. I think only the people who knew you before this even know your Tumblr URL so on the off chance that someone encountered you there we wouldn't even know it was you.

    Also if you really want random strangers on the internet to hate you, it's super easy. Just go on any forum or subReddit and express the opposite views or just spam insults at people. But you specifically chose the mental health help forum that won't ban anyone. Why?
    • Like x 3
  10. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    That IS savagery. What is it if not savagery?
  11. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    You can't say "I'm doing my best to be a bully" and demand we comply with your demands while providing no reason we should other than "I want you to". You don't have the power to make us and you're not exactly providing any incentive.
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  12. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    not to chime in at the door near the end of conf, but you forreal need to work on that bully thing. youre not even being mean, youre just being a pain in the ass to deal with. real bullies actually yknow, bully people and not sit around like weak shit complaining that they are failing at bullying people

    (dont take this advice at heart im just being a gremlin)
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  13. Pesh

    Pesh schtroumph

    Tbh like.
    I was bullied for ages
    Your attempts are adorable in comparison. You want to be a bully that scares me?

    Be a fifth grade girl. And be one when I was in fifth grade.

    Dude we're dealing with Donald Trump in this country you're the guy going why is no one paying attention to my failure at arson when the whole town is on fire.
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  14. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Let me put this to scale.

    Your attempts to "man up" in toxic masculinity will be nothing. Your impact on others, even hurtful, will be zilch. You can't hurt the people on this forum, who in many cases are extremely vulnerable and mentally ill, and very obviously so. It would take me less than five minutes to come up with a way to hurt a random member of the forum, and I could probably actually hurt someone because I am not... well, I am not lost and despairing and desperate like you, and I have actual weight with the people I could hurt.

    If you go the route of a bully, your attempt will squeak out into unknown misery.

    If you choose to question everything your distorted thinking is telling you, you get closer to true enlightment, and respect. You can get the support, the friendship of people from many different walks of life. You can seek compassion, and grow from it. You can seek comfort, and comfort in turn. You can become someone you admire.

    All that is stopping you... is you. It's your choice. It will always be your choice, and nothing but your choice. It is terrifying, and horrible, and you don't want that to be true, do you? It makes you responsible. It means that it won't be someone else's fault. It means you won't be truly blame free, like you seek to expiate yourself by going "it is just society" and pretending it is a dog-eats-dog world. You want to be a victim. You want to pretend that it is out of your control, that They drove you to it, and They are to blame for what you have become.

    But in the end, its up to you whether you finish their work for them and victimize your own self, or whether you grab the fucking hand held out to you.

    I don't have the time for you. I have moirails to care for and my own mental and physical health and difficulties facing my own responsibility to deal with. But right here, this an opportunity. Fucking take it. I dare you to do better and heal. Stop trying to hurt the friends you've cut ties with because their care makes you feel vulnerable and raw, stop trying to justify yourself (you already know it won't take), stop trying to do the worst for yourself and others.

    Woman up, bro. We women are strong. Perhaps you could learn from us how to be both strong and vulnerable.


    the complete stranger whose opinion you value or you wouldn't be posting here
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
    • Like x 11
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