i pick my nails and my scalp and ive gotten way better lately. for my nails wearing nail polish because it gives me something to pick that isnt my nails, lots of stim toys and things like bringing my crocheting to class, and having lots of fidget toys. also using cognitive restructuring to deal with my anxiety helps. scalp is trickier cause i have a thing that gives me lots of sores and scabs. i use head and shoulders and as long as i use it every few days that keeps the scabs waaaaay down but if anybody knows stuff that is gentler on hair dye thatd be great
im a nercromancer i've been washing my hair only twice a week because every day is too much right. and i used to do twice a week and it was good. it's getting less greasy in general, but by day 4 of the cycle it's really intense and it's like, past the point of return so i can't stop touching it and reveling in the good texture the excoriation makes it worse than it would be because i have to annihilate my scalp for like an hour a day after day 2 of the cycle (not an hour straight straight) which brings all the oils from my fingers on the hair (and also introduces a fair amount of blood into the picture) it's so satisfying but man. the grease
i have loads of icepick acne scars that actually highkey push me to pick more (i guess it's a trigger???) (note: if you have issues with loads of tiny holes like i do, Do Not Look It Up) i've been pretty good about not picking at my face but every time i see the fuckin scars it fucks me up again lol i think im gonna sink $20 into one of those needle roller things that are supposed to help with acne scarring, we'll see if it helps or not, ill keep yall updated this is kind of what mine look like right now, this image is just from google but ill try to take some before n after pics with my Fun Needle Face Device Spoiler: potentially triggering
I've had good luck with a face wash that has hyaluronic acid and ceramides and is otherwise gentle for decreasing zit frequency (so less face picking), but in return my nails and lips have become prime targets Can't win
sad whale noise.....my picking has been really bad :\ watching stuff from /r/popping has been helping i think bc it externalizes the urges but bleh. my back looks rly bad.