I'm a failure...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Mala, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    So I'm taking a required English class over the summer and it's the third time I've attempted this. First actual essay and I spend the entire long weekend struggling with the reading and not being able to force myself to work on the damn thing and I end up finishing what little I have in the library as class is starting figuring I'll be a bit late but I'll have my work. Except then technical problems mean I don't get what I need printed off and by this point class is over halfway done and there's no point in showing up so late without what I need which means I don't have the peer review stuff I need. And it's not like this is my first fuckup in this class either. I missed another big assignment last week partly due to a cold which I apparently can't pass without and he's said he doesn't accept late work. I think we're not even halfway the semester but it's so short and fast that I feel like I should just give up and accept my failure again.

    And this keeps happening! I have a class I should be able to handle and then I fuck it all up because I have all the motivation and self discipline of a dead slug. Eventually my family's going to give up on me getting better and I have no useful skills or experience so I won't be able to get a job and I'm just fucked and it's all my own damn fault
  2. Vacuum Energy

    Vacuum Energy waterwheel on the stream of entropy


    You're not a failure, that's depressbrain talking. You're still in school, they haven't kicked you out yet and it means you're obviously young enough that there's certainly still hope!

    You should definitely talk with disability services/special ed (not sure if you're in high school or college), they can talk to the teacher about letting you turn in things later because of brain problems. In addition, is it possible to take this English class with a nicer teacher?
  3. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    *sends many hugs* it's okay, shit happens, and English class sucks. I dropped out of my first English class after something really similar happened to me. Have you tried an online version of the course? I found that a lot easier, especially since everything was due late at night. It gave me a little more time than I would have had otherwise, and that way there's not the pressure of seeing the person who peer reviews your stuff.

    Anyway, you are not a failure, not at all! The great thing about college is that you can bow of classes before they go on your gpa if you know you're not going to be able to pass. I just dropped out of a chem class that I really need, and even though it feels like a failure, I know it's not- I can change my major, and then do chemistry later, when I'm working on my bachelors. An associates degree is a necessary step, but it doesn't really matter what kind you get.

    And I definitely agree with Vacuum- talk to disability services and see what they can do for you! They are there to help, that is their job. c: if you can though, I would see about taking the summer to get your metal health sorted out, which is what I'm doing now.
  4. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I know that feel inside out brosis. Idk what else to say but whats already been said better from above, but got hugs if you want 'em. This too shall pass.
  5. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    The problem is this is the third time I've tried this English class and I can't keep failing the same courses forever. My parents are already hella frustrated and eventually they're just going to stop paying for it. So I really need to pass this class.

    I don't think there's much more disability services can/will do especially in time for this class. If it was offered online I'd take it; I love online classes.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  6. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Talk to them anyway, you never know and depression loves to make you think 'theres no options, no one can do anything' when actually there is and they can.

    Also you might try talking to the teacher? If you mention you're having health issues he might accept late stuff when he might not for someone who just would rather party or something.
  7. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    @Lissiel Communication and asking for help sends my brain into a panic and then words dont happen because its scary and he's gonna be rightfully frustrated with me and what if he says no then im fucked -screaming goat noise-
  8. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Have you thought about emailing him to ask for the help so at least you can look it over and make sure it basically says what you need it t say?
  9. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    @ZeroEsper Email is hard because my brain panics and then i cant words
  10. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Well what basic points would you want the email to cover? Like, as a list?
  11. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    We are your ghostwriting ghost-pals!
    • Like x 2
  12. siveambrai

    siveambrai Negative Karma Engine nerd.professor.gamer

    Hi friend! I may be able to help as a professor who also struggles with depression pretty badly so I do know what you're going through. Please talk to your professor. We really want to see you do well and we aren't vindictive. If you are upset but want to do well, every professor I know will bend over backwards to try and make sure you succeed. The key parts there are you need to talk to us, like regular communication. We can do a lot to help out including extending deadlines, changing formats of things, etc. But we can't do anything if you don't let us know what is wrong or going on. Its surprisingly difficult to tell the difference between students who don't bother trying and those that are but are struggling. We can only act once you reach out to us.

    I also recommend talking to any mental health counseling or disability services. They have official backing and can do more than a professor can to help you out. Even if your prof decides to be a dick, they have to help if you have the services at your back (its illegal to ignore them). This means that you can have things like a notetaker for the class, alternative submission deadlines, or other things which may help a lot. If you go to them first they can also help you draft a letter to talk to your professor, so you will want to go sooner than later.

    I would also be happy to help you draft an email to your professor. *hugs* You can do this. Just acknowledging it is a big step forward.
    • Like x 6
  13. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    The biggest things are I'm missing the sentances from last week that he said were important and I wasn't in class today (Tuesday) so I didn't get to turn in my essay or get classmate essays for peer review.

    I'm so frustrated because there's so little time in this class and I'm behind and ugggh how do i catch up?
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