I'm going to marry a ghoul. [Fallout Thread!]

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Sol, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Clicks

    Clicks The All Consuming Dread

    I've never played Fallout, but I just wanna say that the VA of Hancock was at a local con of mine last week, and I got him to step on while he was in full cosplay.
    • Winner x 1
  2. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Step on? sorry, I'm not parsing the last clause of that sentence ;-;

    Also, I wanted to share: I got my Sole Survivor commissioned this week. She's a babe.
    • Like x 2
  3. Clicks

    Clicks The All Consuming Dread

    @Kittenly Step on me. I accidentally a word
  4. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Feels like an appropriate time to revive this thread in light of the new announcement. I'm...apprehensive to say the least. Bethesda seemed like one of the only major studios still committed to single player games, so I'm worried about this online survival rpg. I don't like multiplayer games for the most part. Which is why I play games like Fallout.
    • Agree x 3
  5. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    hey so, assuming I actually have a computer that can play the game by then, does anyone want to form a co-op farm village with me when the new fallout is released or something

    I’m still unsure about the multiplayer but I Fucking Love basebuilding and I’ve always wanted to play as like a farmer or business owner or something in one of those games so 76 looks pretty neat to me
  6. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Necro-ing the thread to bring you yet another commission of my hot mess of a sole survivor, Sofia Darling (I love her so fecking much)
    I was lucky enough to get some b-day money for commissions and I got this beauty from the insanely talented @Elanor Pam (it doesn't look like they're active here anymore, but I'll @ them just in case). Just god damn look at her coat. Also Darling I don't care how suave and cool you think you are, I know you're a dork.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2019
    • Winner x 3
  7. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Todd Howard has personally discriminated against me by depriving me of my deathclaw husband.

    Where's Goris, Todd? What did you do with Goris?
    • Witnessed x 2
  8. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    today I was both shocked and delighted to learn that my laptop actually meets the minimum requirements to run New Vegas!! without spoilers, is there anything I should know before playing?
  9. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    you should know that it's a good game and that you should play it!
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  10. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Probably the thing I would recommend is looking into modding if you haven’t already. There’s some graphic overhauls that are nice, but if that seems like too much, it’s fun to take some time to browse for some things like Hair styles and quality of life things (no weapon degrade!!!)
    • Like x 1
  11. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    I think graphic overhauls may be pushing my luck in terms of not letting this laptop’s fans die like my last one, and I’m already mostly through character creation, but I’ll look into the QOL stuff!
  12. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    achievement unlocked: stay up at least 4 hours later than you should have playing fallout new vegas

    it's a good game!!
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  13. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    • the faction stuff is giving me that RPG Anxiety but also I love it
    • the soundtrack isn’t as good as FO3 but it is very good. I hope you can meet Mr. New Vegas the way the radio guy was an actual character in FO3
    • I would give an arm and a leg to be able to recruit Beatrix Russell as a companion
  14. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    • To the town of Agua Fria came a stranger one fine day...
    • Agree x 1
  15. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    James Garrett: lol one of our customers wants us to find them a ghoul cowboy lady, what a freak can u imagine

    me: oh good you got my note
    • Agree x 2
  16. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    (Disclaimer: I've never made it all the way through NV cause it was such a quality of life drop from FO4, even if it's definitely a better game in most respects *cough* story *cough*, but my moirail played through it and we've roleplayed my SS and his Courier quite a bit.)

    Oh my god I forgot about James Garrett. I'll take a ghoul cowboy lady too, she can sit next to the ghoul in the revolutionary frock and the rusty toaster man. Yes I'm making a collection.

    On a different note, I booted up FO4 last night and found my favorite mod: the Journal of the Sole Survivor. I don't think there's one for NV, but it might be worth checking. It's just a holotape that lets you type really whatever you feel like. I read through some of the entries I put in and they made me so :3c. Some I don't even remember writing. I haven't found any way to export it, which might be for the best, just cause it almost enforces the no-pressure writing. But there's something really special about doing something in game, sometimes main-quest related, but mostly not, and being able to pop open the journal and write some IC stuff about it (Mostly from Darling's POV, but I have a number from Hancock and Valentine too). Sometimes I pretend its a voice to text journal and write some script style conversations cause that's also really fun.

    So far some of my favorites are:
    -A sweet conversation between Darling and Valentine the first Xmas in the commonwealth.
    -everything about Treasures of Jamaica Plain
    -Losing Hancock that one time cause he wandered off a pier and couldn't get out of the water.
    -Darling's early interactions with the BoS, which she has decided stands for Bieces of Shit.
    -Rundowns and musings on some of the out of the way places to explore, like that parking garage haunted house death trap, or the cannibal torture house they cleaned out. God, when Fo4's environmental storytelling is on, it is fucking on.
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  17. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    now that I have a computer that isn’t hot garbage I am playing fallout 4 finally. Codsworth keeps shaming me for picking up garbage. Codsworth, I don’t think you understand why people play this game.

    also I Love the radio dj man
  18. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    dear people who have ever successfully completed a fallout game: HOW do you decide what order to do things in, I have so many active quests and I want to bring every companion on all of them

  19. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Honestly it's a combination of what grabs my interest at the time and what's nearby. Sometimes if I'm having a real hard time then I look at it in character: what would they prioritize and with who? But I'm a heavy RPer so
    • Like x 2
  20. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    if I do that I’ll end up blazing through the main quest bc there’s no real reason for my PC to go taking odd jobs and poking into local politics when she’s trying to find her kid :P I sort of wish they’d give you a few spots where you totally lose his trail and have to go sidequesting until you stumble across the next clue.

    also I keep having to load saves because I Need My Companions (Especially Valentine) To Love Me lol
    • Witnessed x 1
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