is this an eating disorder??? please advise

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by dky, May 3, 2017.

  1. dky

    dky burnt toast

    i think i might have an eating disorder but i can't tell because i don't know what an eating disorder is like or what it does exactly, and i don't have self-image issues (beyond general dysphoria) that make me want to not eat to look a certain way

    but at the same time my dad was eating beside me and i got really fucking nauseous from the smell of the perfectly normal food that I actually enjoy??? and i tend to have days (or weeks, or months) where i go from being ok with all food to hating meat and it being near me makes me sick to my stomach and i can only eat greens.

    the smell of chicken makes me sick too, except it shouldn't, and over the last 2 years i've lost all appetite for chicken beyond chicken strips/nuggets or chicken sandwiches from fast food restaurants. and now im kind of losing interest in eating other kinds of meat as well???

    that and also sometimes i lose my appetite all together and the idea of eating anything in general makes me sick/anxious and i am very confused
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Not particularly sure if it is an eating disorder but I have a similar thing which is also in the nebulous land of "possibly eating disorder" but my issues have overlap with a shitton of physical symptoms from other complications and chronic conditions that make everything hard to pinpoint.
    I'd keep an eye on it? I usually try to work around the lack of appetite thing by like phone alerts and my family helping to remind me so I eat at least some stuff anyway. As for meat... idk as long as you eat enough proteins to compensate for it it's not like it matters what you eat or don't eat tbh? If it's seriously distressing for you that sucks a lot, but there's a lot of vegetarian recipes around that can give you enough nutrients despite not eating meat.
    (I'm sorry, I honestly can't really help with trying to like get back into eating meat because I'm supposed to eat very little animal products aside from specific exeptions for medical reasons)
  3. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    This is old and maybe you figured it out, but this honestly sounds more like sensory issues than eating disorder symptoms. I've never had issues with body dysmorphia myself, and when I was younger I used to get the thing you were describing: just abruptly start hating certain foods to the point of being nauseated around them. (To my recollection this happened with - hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs, kiwi fruit, steak, macaroni, and orange juice with pulp. Some of these things I still dislike.) Like all of a sudden my brain just decided something in the taste or texture was Bad. I chalk this up to autism.

    The second thing happens to me too, and I think in me it's a combination of the first problem with depression. Decreased appetite is really common with depression; combine that with food sometimes being too tiring to even think about obtaining and annoying to eat because it makes your brain flip out, and I end up with something like you described.

    If you're not autistic or depressed then idk, but I think it doesn't count as disordered eating until you start forgoing meals often enough to be detrimental to your health
  4. Tea and Rain

    Tea and Rain angry squirrel

    Sensory issues can mess with eating. I go through periods where I can't eat certain things because they are sensory maybes. Some I can eat now, some I can not. Stress affects appetite too. Setting reminders to eat (I use a few different alarms) and having a few simple go to meals prepped may help.
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