Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by pineapplist, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

    i just can’t stop feeling the ways people have touched and abused me in my nightmares, how i let these things happened to me and how i live with the scars. i will be better one day, but i wish it could be now
  2. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

    guess who just got fired
    • Witnessed x 1
  3. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

  4. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

    chronic pains been really bad

    going into outpatient care for ptsd i guess

    trying very hard lately
  5. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

    crack by The rock load
  6. pineapplist

    pineapplist labrat

    shhhh i have been undergoing metamorphosis......
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