JoJo's Bizarre Forum Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by paintcat, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. valenstyne

    valenstyne Went out for cigarettes, never came back

    *crashes into thread* Hello yes I am new to the fandom and would like to hear any and all thoughts anyone has! I'm only just starting Stardust Crusaders but I do not fear spoilers.
  2. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    The next episode will apparently contain cherries.

    I am excite and will blog.
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  3. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    so i'm in part four now
    watching it with artist friends, and apparently rohan is #relatable. freaking art people XD
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  4. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    -Anne is fascinated by Kakyoin's murder abilities.
    I love her.

    Wtf is up with him?

    Did he just... eat a beetle what the fuck?!


    ....lerolerolerolerolerolerolerolero YES FUCK YEAH

    Oh, so he's been replaced by a Stand, huh?

    Lol @ the real one just going "hey did someone say my name?"

    Wait WHAT THE HELL? She's Yellow Temperance too? And she's grabbing her boob why is she grabbing her boob why did she absorb a dog what is going on???

    ...poor doggy...

    One final strategy? Is it...

    Oh, that was.... over quick. And we got some explanations, too. Huh.

    ...or he could eat a few crayfish and get his energy back and suck him into a hole, that works too I guess.

    ...A hundred million dollars, huh?

    Heh, nice pressure punch.

    Oh, going with the GlaDOS strategy of "haha look at how funny my "attempted murder" joke was, right?" I love it, so desperate.

    ....Anne's gonna pop up in 3... 2... 1...

    Oh, lol, cherry. Nice.

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  5. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    every dog in this show dies, it's so weird
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  6. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    Fun fact! Araki has stated that he loves dogs, and the reason he (for instance) had Dio kill Danny in Phantom Blood is because he didn't want readers to be able to root for him.
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  7. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Fucking Araki, goddammit.

    ok yeah that's too much liveblog, If I skip parts sorry in advance lol

    Anyway, episode 10:


    ...ah ok. So he's going alone. Bad idea, but oh well.

    What is this, an Indian soap opera?

    ....OHH he's the other Stand user!
    ((why the hell does he have soap opera-style drama with his girlfriend?))


    "me, Hol Horse, with my Emperor" yes I am definitely saying these lines for real and not for the benefit of the audience not at all why would you think that.

    ...why did he leave his elephant behind lol

    fuck, let me guess, surprise attack from the puddles of water. Polnareff, you idiot.

    WOW. He almost fucking killed him with one bullet. Nice going, Avdol.

    ...oh shit, bad feeling? Who's gonna die? Can't be Polnare- Avdol. No fuck.


    Yeah stab to the heart AND bullet to the head? He's not surviving this one. FUCK!

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
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  8. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    I still love that in a world of crazy and outrageous Stands, one guy has a Stand that's just "Gun." I mean, yeah, he's got some special stuff to it and other gun stands come later but still.
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  9. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    I still don't understand why the pig toilet was there it is ridiculous and I hate Araki and I love it.
  10. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    What's Kakyoin gonna do-
    EMERALDO SPLASHU at him yeah that makes sense.

    ok, so there's no "inside" a mirror, which means, what, he attacks using light?

    Oh... what's he gonna do now that he's inside the kid's...

    ...ohhhh could the reflection in his eye allow him to hurt Hanging Man?

    I'm kinda confused tbh. But at least he got him.

    Oh, ok. I get it. Sort of.

    ....oh. Fuck.

    Ah, good, Kakyoin is gonna do something badass, I'm calm now.

    Hello. My name is Jean-Pierre Polnareff. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.

    Okay WHAT THE FUCK?! She's... in the middle because.

    Because it's a soap opera.


    Hol Horse hauled off on a horse. Fitting.

    whoawhoawait what the fuck?

    So she's another Stand user and the blood is the Stand? But what the fuck was that mouth and tiny voice? That's so weird.

    ..Ep 12 is called "the Empress". Ok then.


    ...yeah Polnareff that's not gonna work, sorry

    OMG you call that "swollen"? You sure? Like, it's pretty clearly a parasite thing.

    OMG It's ridiculous I love it.



    it... grew arms.

    Hamon, nice. It's been a while. I hope it makes a comeback.

    I love Joseph's OHHNOOOs

    WOW it's fucking big.


    where is a 30,000 yen camera when you need one?

    ...Polnareff you IDIOT.

    wow, nice!

    "You're going to say X"


    Aaaand Polnareff is mostly just upset that she was "actually ugly" goddammit.

    whew. Ok, one more down. 2 to go.
    Death iirc, and the gun-I mean Emperor. Then the old lady, and then finally DIO.

    ....or not. Apparently the next episode is "wheel of fortune". Welp.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
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  11. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Anne! (lol @ Jojo's "good grief")


    Omg no, no why are you actually beating up random people?'d he disappear? Is the car a Stand?




    ...well then.

    Yep, the car is a stand.

    *TRANSFORMERS: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE plays in the background*

    Hide between the rocks? Why do I have a feeling that's not gonna work?


    OH MY GOD They're milking it for all it's worth, aren't they? Just, zoom on Joseph's face and he just fucking... puts his hands on his cheeks and just..

    ...oh. Gasoline, huh?

    ...well that just happened.

    Anyway, that was a short battle after Jojo actually got a hit in.

    Aaaand they just left him there to die. What the fuck.

    That's it for the 7, huh? Justice is up next. And Emperor is probably gunna make a comeback but other than that I don't see many more obstacles.
    Watch the series prove me wrong in Ep 15.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  12. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    I am still, to this day, mad about Justice. Enya's defeat is one of the only fights in the entire series that made me go "BULLSHIT!" when I saw what the protagonists pulled out to beat her.

    Other fights are clever, amazing, sometimes mildly wonky, but no, you did not beat Justice like that. That was a good Stand and it shouldn't've gone out like that.
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  13. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    It was pretty asspully! Star Plat had a kind of Superman "new abilities as needed" thing going on.
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  14. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    BY THE WAY, I want the thread to know that I'm officially caught up on the manga, so I can talk part 8 with anyone who wants to.
    Talking points:
    -exactly how terrible is Joshuu and why does Araki keep trying to play him for laughs
    -who is best girl, Yasuho or Daiya?
    -Gappy's cipher of a personality
    -????????rock people????????????
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  15. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    Alright, but this thread is missing the real meat and potatoes of Jojo discussion.

    How does King Crimson work, go

    Halfway serious here, a few of my friends have tried to explain it but I still don't understand.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
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  16. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    King Crimson's ability is literally avoiding consequences. Diavolo looks into the future, sees reality catching up with him, goes "Hmm, nope, I don't want to deal with that" and just skips it.
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  17. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    Heck, I forgot to mention Beetle Tendency in my JoJolion post!
    I was in a constant state of "I can't believe this is happening" for that entire bit. It struck me as really ...recursively Japanese??? Like, beetle fighting as a children's pastime --> fight-based manga aimed at kids --> JJBA and stand battles --> JJBA becomes a seinen manga --> beetle fight-mediated stand battle between adults. Full circle.

    Ooh, discussion question: What would you consider the moment of peak Bizarreness in JJBA?
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  18. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    i think that each arc has its own peak moment of bizarreness. the ones that stand out most to me are the first two that happened before i got desensitized to the weird: the introduction of zeppeli in phantom blood and the existence of santana in battle tendency
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  19. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    Either that time they fought a stalker orangutang on the giant boat he controlled with his mind, the time everyone was slugs because they looked at rainbows, the time the Nazis fought the Aztecs, or the time a chef made a man's eyeballs burst by cooking super well.

    On second thought the time that a doctor infected everyone with mold then took off in a helicopter and they were like "SHIT NOW WE CAN'T BEND OVER"
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
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  20. paintcat

    paintcat Let the voice of love take you higher

    The snails are an easy answer, but the moment a super-vampire turned his hand into a squirrel which, iirc, then exploded...? That was pretty good too.

    God, the Manhattan Transfer/Whitesnake x2 combo mini-arc towards the beginning of Stone Ocean was a wild ride. I couldn't tell wtf was going on and neither could the characters.

    I'm tempted to say "everything Doppio does" but I think that's just because I find Doppio really entertaining.

    Part 7 is pretty bizarre over-all, but the bizarreness is in the big picture, like when you try to summarize the plot and it comes out sounding like a conspiracy theory. The really bizarre moments require all this explanation because they coalesce out of a complex web of previously established crazy.
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