Kintsugi Hunger Games

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kaylotta, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

  2. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

  3. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    "Welcome to Kintsugi! And may the odds be ever in your favor! May they be ever in your favor. May they be ever in your favor, kintsugi. "
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  4. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    second fun fact: @a tiny mushroom was also on my list of potentials! (this was before everyone started betraying volunteering their friends of course)
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  5. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I read this in Cecil's voice.
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  6. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I'm still alive, holy shit.
  7. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    one of the best compliments one could receive honestly
    • Like x 1
  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    It's the third night in the arena!

    @WithAnH begs for @TheMockingCrows to kill her. She refuses, keeping WithAnH alive.

    @Derpyfishnoms fends @albedo, @LadyNighteyes, and @Lib away from her fire.

    @Neurogabu screams for help.
    (it worked so well last time, let's do it again!)

    @Bel Capricorn thinks about winning.

    @ectoBiologist sees a fire, but stays hidden.

    @QuotableRaven, @Beldaran, @Acey, and @Vacuum Energy tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

    Let's take a quick look at our remaining tributes...

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
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  9. ectoBiologist

    ectoBiologist I'm a wise guy

    District 3 for the win yeah? @Beldaran already has 1 kill. If I die, may she continue to bring glory to our District.
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  10. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    Apparently, I only kill when I can use someone else's weapon or make someone else do the dirty work. Man I just made this spear, I don't want it stained up yet. 8/////
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  11. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    @Bel Capricorn AVENGE ME

    We totally made friends on the battlefield.
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  12. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    albedo is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

    Tbh this is totally IC. I really need to rehab the blackberry thicket this year, it's gotten overgrown.
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  13. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    aw hell yeah i forgot @WithAnH was my partner

    good job? killing the most hardcore of players?
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  14. Derpyteacakes

    Derpyteacakes Thread Hermit

    Thank you by the way XD
  15. Derpyteacakes

    Derpyteacakes Thread Hermit

    have i no desire for self preservation?!
  16. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    on the third night you fended off three people without a weapon.
    @Derpyfishnoms fends @albedo, @LadyNighteyes, and @Lib away from her fire.
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  17. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    But I might have shared that fresh food! Now you will never know!
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  18. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I guess I really felt bad about what happened to @peripheral. Sorry, buddy, you were just kind of there...I didn't want to wait for Wix to drown me too! @TheMockingCrows why do you force me to live with my guilt? :(
  19. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    And it's day four ... the crowd is thinning ...

    Neurogabu receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

    albedo makes a wooden spear.

    TheMockingCrows and Acey split up to search for resources.

    WithAnH tends to Vacuum Energy's wounds.

    QuotableRaven steals from Derpyfishnoms while she isn't looking.

    Beldaran tries to sleep through the entire day.

    ectoBiologist fishes.

    Lib scares Bel Capricorn off.

    LadyNighteyes collects fruit from a tree.

    No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

    (booooorrrrrring .... )
  20. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    ;7; still kickin'. and look! no murderhands this time! :3
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