Kintsugi Hunger Games

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kaylotta, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    I'm really curious if me and @swirlingflight in 4 were for a reason (that's lost on me because I don't Hunger Games much), or if we were just shoved there
  2. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    yup - I wanted to put @seebs with tech, and @jacktrash with textiles, but I couldn't split them up, that would be too sad. :(

    @oph - I don't remember any particular reason, no.
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  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    4 is fishing, so idk.

    i dont know that much about you two :l
  4. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Yeah, I'd be interested in hearing more about your logic with the team pairings and districts.
  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    oh lordy lou okay, lemme see what I remember

    District 1 (luxury): @rigorist and @pixels. Went with a pair of bad-ass lawyers. Lawyers probably lived in luxury-land? I dunno, they don't get mentioned in the series I don't think.

    District 2 (masonry): @TheMockingCrows and @tinyhydra. I paired you guys because you strike me as super determined despite whatever issues you deal with, and I went with district 2 because ... rocks are solid?

    District 3 (technology): @jacktrash and @seebs. Duh on the pairing. Technology because Seebs - though it was a tossup with District 8 for textiles and Jesse.

    District 4 (fishing): @oph and @swirlingflight. You guys strike me as ... round and swirly and water-like, I guess. It fit?

    District 5 (electricity): @Aondeug and @Lazarae. I paired you two up because you are both of a witchy bent, and I went with electricity because any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    District 6 (transportation): @Vast Derp and @Snitchanon. I paired you two together because everyone knows you're the same person, and I went with transportation because it reminded me of VD's love of Minecraft villages and protecting them and also building railways and such.

    District 7 (forestry): @Wiwaxia and @wixbloom. I paired you guys because of the running joke that you are constantly mistaken for one another based on your names, and I put you in forestry because you seem like friendly people who like trees.

    District 8 (textiles): @littlemissCodeless and @EulersBidentity. I paired you guys because you struck me as a team that would work well together, and I put you in textiles because you're both stylish.

    District 9 (grain): @Imoyram and @Kaylotta. I paired us 'cause we're sisters and I stuck us in District 9 because Manitoba has shittons of grain.

    District 10 (livestock): @Acey and @Void. I put you together and in District 10 because I am pretty sure y'all love animals. I know Void does, that's for sure.

    District 11 (agriculture): @IvyLB and @whimsicalobservant. I paired you guys because you're moirails, and I put you in District 11 because ... I dunno, German food is tasty? I was running out of ideas at this point :P

    District 12 (coal mining): @TwoBrokenMirrors and @unknownanonymous. I put you two together because you guys have similar energetic personalities and I thought you'd make a good team... and I put you in District 12 because I'd literally run out of places to put you. >_>

    I'm currently sitting at 17 tributes for the next Games - 9 first-timers, 5 who were killed on Day One so they get another chance, and 3 repeaters. I need 7 more :D
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  6. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

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  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    also i really like sushi
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  8. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Im up for going in again, unless im already on the list. :P
  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I do love animals! I'm especially fond of rats. :D

    (Not gonna lie, though, I just thought you put me and @Void together because of our icons...)
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  10. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

  11. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    we're up to 19!
  12. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Awww I... I wanna do this again in a way that I actually participate!
  13. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Winning like this is funny, but not that much FUN
    • Like x 1
  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    *adds wix to the list*
  15. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

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  16. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I'd also like to volunteer @Derpyfishnoms :p
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Well, if we're volunteering other people then I volunteer @LadyNighteyes, as we knew each other of old came from the same bulletin board
  18. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    LOL okay sure, why not!
  19. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

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  20. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I volunteer @albedo. xD
    (you can put me in again if you have a random free space but I suspect I would make up for my psychopathic rampage last time by going out in some spectacularly stupid way very early on. xP)
    • Like x 1
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