a thing on space!kintsugi architecture: there's probably a lot of those transparent solar panels, and solar water heaters, and solar roofs using those extra-tough tempered quartz glass solar panels that look like normal roof from the ground-assuming of course that it isn't just all powered by Ancient Magitech Weirdness there may also be things like hanging gardens and aquaponics and the like.
First I was nickjay228, then I was N, then I was Technicality. I changed the first one because I didn't like the numbers, the second because the forum software couldn't tag a 1-letter name
It can't? Huh. That's a weird limitation. Anyway what's your opinion on futuristic greenery-covered architecture?
Okay, I'm imagining something like the Floran ship from Starbound. If that's what you're talking about then I 100% support it
The guy also has a lot of other stuff-check his 'projects' tab, some of it is either currently built or in the drafting and building permissions stage, others are concept only like the Lilypad and Dragonfly.
Also: vertical town-airships that are also farms and make their own fuel. That's a thing he's come up with.
have you got a name idea for the architecture thread? i have no name ideas except just. Architecture Thread.