i'm just a regular joe human. cyborg. just the arm. and some medical nanites. i have this autoimmune thing, see. so i just kind of... well. i'm real hard to kill, is all. and obvs i've got this shiny arm. red right hand jokes are allowed but kind of old by now.
I kinda want Em to just be ambiguously human. Just that weird ghostly guy with all the mice. Are they human? Are they alive and just dead looking? Are they dead and just alive looking? Were they ever technically alive in the first place? Are they a mad science experiment from the same place as all their mice? Who knows. Who cares, there's more important things to worry about.
quoting myself to add -- because i just realized it's not obvious -- that this is how kintsugi-in-space jesse (you know, the farmer with the metal arm) sees himself. just a regular human with some medical tech. but in the process of attaching/injecting/whatever the cures/treatments for things like arthritis, chronic fatigue, and whatever happened to his arm way back when, he has sort of turned himself into a superhero. he uses his super strength to pull stumps and boulders out of his fields, and his super speed to catch bees without harming them so he can see what they've been pollinating. he may or may not have used it in more violent ways once upon a time, but here in the colony, he's just a farmer. just... a regular farmer. yep.
Void has claimed most closets and under bed spaces as places to sleep. They love those mildly hidden dark spots.
Have you been feeling watched? Do the dark corners of your closet seem not as empty as they should? Well, don't worry. It's just Void, yet again.
Luckily they are just making sure you are okay, or napping. That light on their head just makes it weird.
-sigh- well in fairness romcoms can be a thing too. As long as I get my costume and intrigue porn fix.
I am very attached to my hoodies to the point where even giant dinosaur me who runs around naked wears a hoodie. Like, goddammit SS does that hood even fit over your weird dinosaur head? Probably not. If you try to make me wear fancy clothes I like suits and leather jackets. There is no force in the 'verse which can make me wear a skirt. In terms of backstory achillo!SS is likely the result of good old-fashioned cloning and genetic engineering to create a sapient/talking dinosaur. And anyone who references Jurassic Park when talking about this is getting bitten because the JP scientists were fucking idiot incompetents and I do not want any of that all up in my spacefuture wishfulfilment backstory.
Imagine redesigning a hoodie so that the hood part fits on a dino head Raptire: Clothes to be a Dinosaur In moss: shoving words together to make brand names since 1992
my idea of dressing up is jeans that aren't muddy or saggy, shoes that aren't steeltoes, and a shirt with buttons. maybe a nice sweater if it's chilly. but i do love me some snazzy jackets. especially military style jackets. yep that'll do