kintsugi IN SPACE

Discussion in 'Kintsugi In Space' started by wes scripserat, May 8, 2015.

  1. sicknastyspades

    sicknastyspades Most Rad.

    @wes scripserat I will all kinds of be a genetically-engineered dinosaur, shit yes.
    Not velociraptor or deinonychus, though. Much as I love velociraptor ain't no force in the 'verse can make me be the size of a turkey, and I really do not care even slightly about deinonychus.
    I wanna be something like utahraptor or achillobator (there u go, that's all four dromaeosaurids I am still capable of naming. Behold the tragic remnants of a once great and noble childhood obsession). They might be slightly too large to be practical but fuck that, I have spent my whole life being tiny. When it comes to space dinosaur wish fulfilment I wanna be HUEG.

    I do not know what I could do. Possibly I would be a space hobo, lurking on the fringes of Space Kintsugi and occasionally popping up to monologue earnestly at people.
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  2. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    this work?
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  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Hmmmmmmm so

    I am thinking that I am a Totally Natural Human. Except not, because I am, like, tapped into the infrastructure of the colony, and y'all can ask me shit from anywhere like the Computer in Star Trek. Also I bake bread and make awesome cakes and cookies which you can get at @wixbloom's café, and at night, I DJ rockin' parties.

    how does that sound?
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  4. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I would like to play but I am currently trapped in Cannot Think Of Myself As Anything But A Useless Fucking Lump land, so literally the only thing that came to mind as to what I could be was 'a glowy thing like the aura spheres from thaumcraft that doesn't really interact with anyone or do anything'. Which is, of course, absolutely no fun at all.
    I am also aware that I do not have a big enough presence on this forum for anyone else to suggest anything, so I will just think on it more, probably.
  5. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    I was thinking some cat thing because of the icon, but possibly one of the fighters in defense?

    ((I feel like I would use weaponized dysphoria or something, myself, which sounds horrible but i'm having a weird morning))
  6. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Yes, usually I would have just chucked my usual pantherself-sona in, of which my icon is an iteration (her name is StickFigure Kitty, technically). But today I feel like I want to be something as divorced from my actual self and usual habits as possible, because of all the self-loathing, hah.
    I quite like the idea of being a fighter, though. I do actually have a sword (it's made of nylon, but it can lay down some gnarly ass bruises) and a helmet (Roman) in reality, heh.

    ((and fwiw i feel like weaponised dysphoria would be a very interesting concept))
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  7. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    yeah i mean i chose mine (not super-effective, stopgap mechanic), because a great deal of the time, that's exactly what I feel like.

    Vaguely harried, making things a little better a bit at a time, but not super noticeable. Honestly, that's kind of the way I like it. I take a lot of pride in knowing my environment - and understanding what needs fixing and what just needs to be rerouted around.

    (augh my old therapist's talk about how i needed "tools" for my "toolbox" may have been weirdly more effective than previously thought)
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  8. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    I feel like to defend ourselves against the sjws we would have gotten good at light, proving the things they say don't exist exist.
    so my character has two "patronuses" for lack of a better term, which represent his depression and his dysphoria, and they fight for so he can keep them from attacking him.

    and a nylon sword... huh.
    roman helmets are awesome
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  9. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    @TwoBrokenMirrors How about something that plays off your username? Broken mirrors could make for some awesome weapons - if we're talking small shards, I don't know, glass kunai? Or twin serrated swords if large shards. And they don't have to be glass mirrors, how about ... copper? Or brass?

    "Mirrors" also suggests communications technology to me, like scrying I guess.
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  10. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Nylon plastic. One of these bastards. White version with a red grip. I used to go to a HEMA club- Historical European Martial Arts. Tbh I miss it painfully.

    Ahaha, my username is actually a slightly oblique reference to the idea of scrying/magic using two mirrors opposite each other- the idea of using two broken mirrors to do it fascinates me, for all I haven't actually done anything with it, ever, in fiction or otherwise.
    Though honestly the suggestion of communications just leads me to imagine me as the world's least helpful switchboard operator. Which is an extremely amusing thought (I have a bit of a boner for being deliberately unhelpful atm, because it's the one thing I could never be in reality, but wish I could be because I am the kind of people-pleaser who'll run themself ragged and then resent it, sadly. I am not really a very nice person I don't think).
    Though whatever happens, swords ought to be involved somehow.
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  11. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

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  12. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    ^^You could be the person who gives tumblr officials who demand acess to the colony the runaround until they give up?
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  13. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    And sometimes people try and break in and assassinate me in the hopes someone more amenable will be put in place but I turn out to be a lot better at swords than they think I am, and then they get knocked out and posed in embarrassing ways somewhere public.
    Also for the sake of tradition, panther ears and a tail. I couldn't ever leave those out, not really.

    EDIT: Oh, also willing to run the rest of the communications for the actual colony provided it's all mirror-based. I keep getting the image of me in front of... you know those big banks of computer monitors? Like that, only mirrors.
    I also like the idea of being able to travel through mirrors, personally. And/or reflective surfaces generally.
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    re fossils: perhaps there was an Ancient Space Mystery on planet kintsugi before we landed here, like idk ancestral atlanteans or sth. so there are cool ruins to explore and fossils to find and mysterious texts to try to translate!

    i am always turing these things up in my fields, i have programmed the Adorable Tractorbot Army not to ruin them, pls come excavate them so i can plant more glow trees thx <3
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  15. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    Ancient Space Mysteries are my favorite sorts of mystery

    (i guess in this respect, I am seeing a utopian version of the Alternian planet in my head, just because it fits so many different types of person)
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  16. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

  17. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    @wes scripserat was sitting underneath a tree by the fields reading when Kaboo, one of @jacktrash's robots came scooting by. Some adorable malfunction meant it had confused the ground around the tree for planted land, so it was very carefully weeding the grass.
    Wes scooped it up, making gentle shushing noises. He walked over to where Jesse was working and quietly placed the robot next to him.
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  18. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020


    I am the cute squishy soft alien fightmaster who mostly sits around and doodles. Makes a lot of awkard cooing, squeaking, and chirping noises.

    People are welcome to squish my fat paw fingers and their toebeans.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    (can i retcon one letter and say the robot is named 'kazoo'? i want to name them all after actual words that are funny to say. well i guess 'brillo' is a brand name but you know what i mean.)

    Jesse stuck his pitchfork in the compost pile and turned with a smile, wiping his red face with a bandanna. Turning the compost was the one thing he didn't have the bots help with. Digging in dirt was, after all, one of his favorite stims. "What's this little dorkus been up to?"

    Hearing of the bot's malfunction, he grinned fondly and picked the machine up. It spun its wheels confusedly and plucked at his shirt with its little rubber-padded claws. "Thanks for stopping it, Wes. I'm gonna have to debug the lawn care routines, but for now I think this goofus should go play in the cornfield."
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  20. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    (Course, they're your robots. And kazoo is an awesome name for a robot)

    Wes nodded, and grinned at Jesse. "I mean, it was kind of amusing that it was so firmly convinced that the grass needed weeding, but I thought it would be better over here."

    The elf considered slinking off to go back to reading, but then he remembered the whole SJ particles thing. "Some particles got through the Wall of Nope, just to let you and maybe Seebs know? Nothing terribly serious but they tried to wipe away the A again, though they got absorbed in time."

    (I'm picturing Kazoo right now and it is so adorable :D)
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