Dumb question time. Is the Great Wall of Nope and that stuff the only thing protecting Kintsugi? Is there any kind of... police? Or something? Or if somebody gets inside (e.g. like the mini-nonnies claiming to want to join Kintsugi) is there nothing stopping them from doing whatever they want? (lol noooooooooot talking about why I thought of that just now)
there are security forces and such. I mentioned the Kintsugi Defence Force and the Advance Compassionate Vanguard in the radio episode. I don't think we elaborated more than that?
spoons, where dem at tho (by which i mean i have no effing idea where to pull a sensible set up from)
I would love to have Intern Moss hang out more! I probably can't do any of those fast back and forth ones, because spoons, but I really love this entire au of our lives on the internet
omg that would be incredible they're kind of just pocket universes to themselves so body shapes are just "whatever they pick" so like that would be incredible i approve