I have to go to work pretty much as soon as i'm done eating, so i'll write his character info and more info about the ship and such when i get back. If anyone has any questions about it ask 'em!
Wowee this looks like an interesting thing but I somewhat doubt my ability to get up to speed such that I could join in, aha
Give this thread a once-over, or if you want something more condensed, take a peek at the condensed thread, into which I stuck a bunch of worldbuilding.
"The captain has given me a note to remind Ivy that, yes, their order of a Phasianidaenic Draco has arrived, and could you please take it off his hands, because it keeps trying to claw its way out of its cage now it's left travel stasis. Also, he would like to pass on a reminder that an acid-spitting bird dragon is for life, not just for Christmas, found taped to the original box."
Of course Ivy will love it. They wanted a pet dragon for 50 years :P (Ivy uses, like me, they/them pronouns, sorry I keep correcting people on it but :I)
How big/where is the spaceport, or has this been decided? I'm just wondering, land the whole ship, or just shuttles?
Kintsugi basically only has a localised atmosphere in the bubbles, so landing either just outside or inside the Great Wall of Nope would probably work if the ship can handle non-freefall.
"We'll put up some traffic cones and maybe make this flat bit you keep landing on a bit flatter. Bring your own unloading kit."
@Imoyram i think it would be quite simple for you to simply show up in a crate. :P (moving this to the general world-building thread...)
@QuotableRaven SO i guess... a large box unmarked, except maybe "Kintsugi Space Port" Probably one of the last things that got put on, since it wasnt supposed to be put in.
literally anywhere works honestly, she is supposed to have run away from asshole technomage who created her, he wasnt very happy with her actually learning things. SHe's been not quite hitchhiking through the galaxy, but stowing away unbeknownst to the drivers, then getting off at each longterm spot to see if this place is far enough that she can stick around. (in conclusion, you may have not known she was there. but if you want you could, idfk, thoughts?)
I was planning on taking off from earth, and then landing on kintsugi a bit later, i just thought posting how she got on the ship might be fun, since it could be her sneaking around people.
@Snitchanon @QuotableRaven @IvyLB Should I try and sneak out of my box while the cargo bay doors are still closed, and then go to sneak out side only to be caught by ivy standing there, Or Should I stay in my box and not have time to sneak out before snitch gleefully grabs it and goes to jump in like a cat only to find a harpy in their box
"caught" would be a little much, Ivy is... not a combatant. Ivy is basically just wall-sitting currently. It's more like 3 foot small alien going "Uh Hey There You Might Wanna Register Later, Or Something? If You Wanna Stay Here That Is"