Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    You can add shrimp too, but wait until the veeerrry end, like, the last 15-20 min or they get sad and rubbery
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Distinguished Readers tonight is my annual 'fuck spoons I'm cooking venison' extravaganza. We are gonna have a great time with some nice deer with carrots, onions and parsley root and honey cake mash on the side.
    Also I found the book the absolutely delightful chocolate blackberry sauce was in so I can translate and post that too because that is still my favorite sauce ever
    ETA: Starting dinner cooking three hours before dinner time: sophistication! At least it's not all work, mostly I'm just letting the stuff do its thing in the oven, so it's actually pretty easy!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
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  3. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I burnt my potatoes tonight :P I was inpatient, turned them up higher, and walked away. This turned out to be a bad idea, because then one side was all black XD I ate them anyway, because who has time to redo the potatoes? :P (Especially because I was so inpatient to eat)
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i had a success! i made this chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe:

    with the following alterations:
    • no nuts
    • said fuckit and dumped the whole bag of chips in
    • full size ghirardelli dark chocolate chips
    • used fresh homemade pumpkin puree, since luka and aud brought me a cute little pie punkin from the store
    • instead of water, i used earl grey tea!
    everyone exclaimed over it, and it all got eaten up, the last of it for my breakfast this morning. it is SO moist and rich, and the tea adds a nice smoky note to offset the sweetness. i am absolutely going to make this again.
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    so the food was good, but nothing very special. I guess it's kinda like a super thoroughly cooked meat ends up tasting? Very tender and tasty but ultimately nothing very fancy so I'll probably not do it again.
    As for the single highlight, honey cake mash, i think it makes more sense as a really heavy dessert than how it was right now but since it's so easy I figured I can post instructions to it?
    So all you do is you get your honey cake (or something similar, everythign that has this kinda spongey breakfast bread thing going on is good, bonus points for christmas-y spices being in there) and you cut that up in small-ish cubes. Then you get cream (the kind you can whip) and heat that in a pot. Just a bit is enough. Then you put the cubed honey cake in and stir it until the whole thign dissolves to a texture that's like mashed potatoes. That's literally all! I think you can play around with the portioning of the cream and the cake for different textures but a very form-able kinda sticky thick mash was what resulted of 400g cream + 300~350g cake. I think this could be really cute if you put it in the square-ish dessert shapers and top it with some hot fruits, but if you want a lighter, less stiff texture I guess less cake/more cream or substituting some of the cream with milk might work?

    You need coriander seeds (uh... I think i forgot to put them in the last time, honestly, it's not that important if you don't like em) tendons of whatever meet you are using this with (or not *shrug*), 2-3 shallots (you know those fancy small red onions?), 70-100ml brandy, 200ml portwine, 150-200ml stock (also the same type as meat you are using), 1-2 tablespoons blackberry jam, 50g dark chocolate, 10g of nougat (nutella or something like that), 250g blackberries, salt and pepper.
    K so you probably started frying your meat in a frying pan with some oil right? you will wanna keep that pan and when it's still hot, immediately after putting your meat in the oven to cook the rest of the way, you put the tendons, shallots and coriander seeds in the pan and fry them for a minute. Then add the brandy and let it cook until the liquid is reduced by half. in go port, stock and jam. Let that cook for like 5 minutes, until it gets the consistency this kinda sauce has (This is why I'm bad at translating cooking stuff sorry) sort of creamy. Put in chocolate and nutella and melt that until the whole thing has an even, smooth consistency, pass it through a sieve or colander (cuz of the bitty things), then put in your blackberries and salt and pepper to taste.
    This sauce is meant to go with deer but probably tastes fine with beef, too. A thing of mashed potatoes and some nice mushrooms (porcini, for example) and you got a real good meal.
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  6. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I made delicious chilli tonight, and I have three portions still in the fridge for monday, tuesday and thursday :D
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    you gonna give us the recipe or what? :D
  8. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @jacktrash By request :)

    Emma's Chilli
    This is a really simple recipe that probably does not qualify as chilli to Americans, but it does to me, so :P

    500gr ground beef
    1 kilo tomatoes
    2x400gr cans of kidney beans
    1x400gr can of corn
    3 or so onions
    200gr crème fraîche
    Chilli powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper

    To serve (optional):
    Grated cheese
    Tortilla chips

    1. Chop onions finely.
    2. Brown beef, breaking up large chunks as you go with a wooden spoon. You'll want sort of uniform small pieces of ground beef.
    3. Season meat by adding as much chilli powder as you like, garlic powder, salt and fresh ground pepper. I do this to taste, so about as much as you like :P
    4. When beef is browned, add onions. Mix.
    5. While beef and onions are cooking, chop tomatoes. I like to take out the seeds and keep only the outside part of the tomatoes, but that's up to you. It will be more watery if you put in the seeds as well.
    6. Once tomatoes are chopped, add to pan, mix. Cook for about five minutes or so.
    7. Drain kidney beans and corn. Add to pan. Turn down heat, put lid on pan and let it sit on the heat until everything is warmed through.
    8. When you're ready for eating, mix in the crème fraîche thoroughly.
    9. Serve with cheese and tortilla chips.

    I omitted the tortilla chips, but I have used them in the past, and I generally used them to scoop up the chilli and cheese together, so no spoons required if you do that :P
    Last night I boiled some rice and had my chilli with that, because after portioning three portions for later in the week, I didn't have a lot left. XD
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  9. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Also, I put too much chilli powder in my vegetable/sausage/bacon thingy tonight. My lips are tingling... :P
  10. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it, chili is chili. I don't understand why people get so het up about this.

    I also grew up on Bear Creek chili packets, so I might be coming from a not-quite-as-proud chili heritage, and thus don't feel like arguing about it.

    But if you ask me Bear Creek chili is nothing to shake a stick at

    I love my BC packets. they even have single serving microwaveable cups of their soup that I really need to get around to trying sometime.
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    creme fraiche is a new one on me wrt chili, sounds interesting!
  12. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    It makes a nice sort of sauce combined with the beef juices and the tomato pieces. Also mellows the spice a little bit.
  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Today, I made chocolate-coated coffee beans. As I suspected, I do like these more than drinking coffee.
    This might have been a mistake, though. I'm doing that [INTENSIFIES] thing in real life now. (Well, more than usual.)
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  14. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    CrockPot Chicken Parm!

    1/2 to 1 box Rotini (or other) noodles
    4 chicken breasts
    1 jar pasta sauce
    Packet of italian shake-n-bake OR breadcrumbs + italian seasoning + powder parmesan cheese

    Toss chicken breasts into bag w/ shake-n-bake. Brown slightly in skillet with a little olive oil but do not cook through. Just enough to get the crumbs golden

    Uncooked noodles in Crockpot. Chicken on top of noodles. Sauce on top of both. Cheese. Turn Crockpot to Low for about 4-5hrs and go futz around on the internet or go to the dentist or something. Crockpots are amazing.
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  15. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    I just made Seebs' potato things using roasted garlic instant mashed potatoes, and they're sooo gooood.
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  16. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    chicken fried steak ~
    chicken fried steak ~
    oh how i love to make ~
    chicken fried steak ~

    i don't have a recipe or anything i just made chicken fried steak for lunch and it was so fun + delicious i wanted to post about it.
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  17. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    What is chicken fried steak? This is the second time I've seen it referred to in as many days.

    Edit: ah, I should...I should learn to google. Looks tasty, in any case!
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
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  18. NutDragon

    NutDragon Member

    So today I decided to try putting some fresh garlic into the meat when making burgers, and it ended up tasting good. I put half the meat into a bowl, ran a single clove of garlic through a garlic press, added the second half of the meat, and then kneaded it all together to try and mix the garlic throughout it. After that it was the same as making burgers normally, made 6 paddies (had 1.4 lbs of meat) and cooked them till done. It's extra work so I wouldn't do it usually, but as a special treat it could be nice.

    It was my first time trying to cook something other than just how my mother makes it.
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  19. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Bacon Mac'n'Cheese

    Box of noodles (I like rotini. Holds the sauce better)
    2 cans of cheese soup
    2c shredded cheddar cheese
    1c milk
    Bacon (I do a 1/2 to 1lb of thick sliced applewood bacon because I might possibly make poor dietary decisions)
    Garlic salt to taste (not much, just a little for zing)

    Preheat oven to 375
    Cut bacon into 1in pieces, fry & drain well.
    Boil & drain noodles.
    Combine all ingredients in large baking dish (helps if noodles are still hot) until gloppy.

    It will probably look gross. Bake for 10min, stir well, bake for another 10-15min. Now it looks tasty.

    Shovel into your face hole.
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  20. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I discovered a Food I Like that I can cook myself! This is a rare occasion and deserves celebration.

    Heat a frying pan.
    crack 2-4 eggs depending on your appetite and pan size into a bowl.
    Mix in large dash of soy sauce and large dash of teriyaki, plus salt and sugar if you want.
    Melt butter in frying pan, pour egg mixture into frying pan, and scramble like scrambled eggs!
    It's really good...
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