Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

  2. Inksalt

    Inksalt the prettiest yautja

    oh no scrolling through this thread has made me super hungry

    @littlemissCodeless oooh i've been thinking of learning how to make my own ramen too

    @lilacsofthedead omg my mum used to make that for kid-me all the time, i totally should try making it for myself some time

    @jacktrash mmmm those look delicious

    i made japanese curry for the first time yesterday and it went alright, considering i messed up the recipe order and was adding in extra ingredients (recipe the fuck do you mean you only put meat and onions in, you gotta have carrot and potato at the very least). i even managed to entirely cook the potatoes, which is a win considering my past history of miserably eating undercooked potatoes because i didn't have the spoons to put them back in the oven/microwave/etc

    next time i might try making it in my slowcooker, because trying to manage pan-cooking it at the same time as rice was stressing me out, and it didn't reduce properly on my shitty shitty stove so the sauce was a bit watery. i'm also gonna need more containers for leftovers- and different rice, it feels just weird to have basmati rice with this sort of curry
    • Like x 1
  3. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    I've spent this winter working on . . . . meat pies!

    Steak and Porter and Mushroom Pie.
    This tastes like MEAT. If you don't like MEAT, get out.

    about 2 pounds of chuck
    white flour
    1 onion
    2 stalks celery
    2 carrots
    1 bottle porter or maybe a little more. You're gonna buy a six-pack, so you have plenty!
    2 cups roughly cut mushrooms (I like portabellos for this)
    Rosemary--roughly a tablespoon, but definitely "to taste" for this.
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Stinky cheese--Stilton is best, but any blue cheese will work
    Puff pastry--either buy it or make your own

    Cut the chuck into bite-sized pieces and dredge with flour. Chop up the onion, celery and carrot.

    Turn on all the fans and crack a window. Take the battery out of the smoke detector. Heat up a solid pan as hot as you can. Add some oil and fry the chuck until it gets nice and brown. The kitchen will fill with smoke. This is normal.

    Take the chuck out of the hot pan and put it in a pot.

    Turn the heat down to something more reasonable and put the onions, carrots, celery, and rosemary in the hot pan and cook for about three minutes, stirring like crazy.

    Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook for a couple minutes more, stirring like crazy. You want the mushrooms to shrink a little and release a little liquid to sizzle.

    Pour about half a bottle of porter into the pan and deglaze it by scraping all the stuff that's stuck to the bottom.

    When the pan is deglazed, add the rest of the porter. Let it boil until about half the liquid boils off--maybe 5-10 minutes. When it's nice and thick, pour all the sauce into the pot on top of the meat.

    Close the window, turn off the fan, put the battery back in the smoke detector.

    If the sauce doesn't cover the meat in the pot, add half water/half porter until it does.

    Let the pot full of meat and sauce simmer for about two hours--until the meat is nice and tender.

    When the meat and sauce filling is done, it's time to make pies!

    You can use whatever sort of casserole or ramekin you like--it just has to be able to withstand an oven for 4o minutes at 425 F.

    Pour the nice thick filling into your final baking container(s). Leave space for a layer of Stinky Cheese. Over the Stinky Cheese, put a lid of puff pastry. Pop that into an over at 425 F for 40 minutes or until the puff pastry looks puffy and delicious.

    • Like x 9
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    • Like x 1
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like orange! tell me more! got a favorite recipe?
  6. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    I've only made apple tea cake myself (and it was mediocre so I can't recommend that recipe), but a proper tea cake is so moist and wonderful. You can add clove and other spices to make a really warm sweet and comforting winter dessert.
  7. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

  8. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    Fkn yeeeeah aldi box risotto.

    • Like x 3
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, those are a lot like kolaches. thanks for the recipe link, tho!
  10. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    After turning all the noises in the house off and drinking d some water, I managed to make creamy cheats pasta bake from this recipe. I'm so excited. It's got peas and sundried tomato and mushroom instead of ham and broccoli. Seasoned with coriander and rosemary (would have liked to do sage instead but my sage was killed by my ferrets.)

    • Like x 3
  11. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    It's rose-flavored-rooibos-flavored caramel candy. I later put it in the freezer and cut it into smaller pieces.
    • Like x 4
  12. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    making an ultimate vegetable soup this morning for my moirail

    • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 onion, diced
    • 2-3 celery stalks, sliced
    • 2 cups carrots, diced
    • 3 garlic cloves
    • salt and pepper, to preference
    • ¼-1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
    • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
    • 12 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
    • 1 28-ounce can of crushed tomatoes
    • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 1 can black beans
    • ½ cup lentils
    • 1 zucchini, diced
    • 1 cup mushrooms, diced
    • 1 cup cauliflower, chopped finely
    • 1 cup broccoli, chopped finely
    • 2-3 cups spinach, chopped
    • 1-2 cups frozen green peas
    1. Heat 1-2 tablespoons olive oil in a large stock pot over medium-high heat.
    2. Saute onion, carrots, celery, and garlic for about 3-4 minutes, until tender. Season lightly with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes (to your preferred heat level), and Italian seasoning.
    3. Add chicken or vegetable broth, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, black beans, and lentils. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer (slight bubbling), stirring occasionally. Season again lightly with salt and pepper. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
    4. Add all other vegetables except frozen peas (zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach) and simmer another 5-10 minutes.
    5. Stir in frozen peas and turn off heat (or turn to low), so they don't overcook. Remove bay leaf. Taste and adjust seasonings.
    my changes:
    • went with chicken fat rather than olive oil, because i used about 2/3 homemade stock and had the fat on hand
    • skipped the red pepper flakes because who has those
    • went with frozen cauliflower/broccoli because i had a bag of it and also fuck chopping cauliflower and broccoli
    • had a bag of frozen grated zucchini so used that
    • also went with frozen spinach
    • added some garlic powder as i need to buy more raw garlic
    this makes a tasty soup. the spices with the tomato/chicken combo are delish. :D also, super easy to parcel out for freezing and then add a meat or a noodle if you want. would also survive having cabbage added with little problem - i wouldn't put beets in though, unless you changed it to a beet broth rather than a tomato. and then i'd go with dill instead of oregano etc.
    • Like x 4
  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I accidentally made brioche while trying to make pancakes. Somehow.
    The one time I managed to make proper pancakes without using a pre-made mix, I was trying to make eggnog.
    • Like x 6
  14. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    try to make brioche! maybe you'll wind up with eggnog!
    • Like x 10
  15. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    I made this tonight and used green lentils and two red peppers for the veg, and ate it in a tortilla. Delish!
    More water/stock required for the same dry weight of lentils ofc.
  16. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    Hi folks

    What is a good way of making chicken breasts that does not take a lot of ingredients? (I have a fair number of spices, olive oil, etc.)

    I'd take this to "low spoons food thread" but I think anything that involves seasoning something and putting it in the oven requires a fair number of spoons, and I happen to have those to spare tonight. I also have a couple of frozen chicken breasts and not much ready protein aside from that.
  17. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Foil packets are the bestest easy chicken making thing. You can ask the Googles for "foil packet chicken" for specific recipes but the basic technique is:

    Get heavy-duty aluminum foil (or several layers of regular foil)
    Put chicken on foil
    Add a little seasoning and/or sauce of some kind
    Add handful of veggies (or not)
    Securely wrap chicken up
    Throw packet in oven at 400 degrees for half an hour
    Carefully unwrap and consume
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  18. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

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  19. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    I had them with rice. They were pretty good.
    • Like x 1
  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    The boyfriend and I have a delicious problem: we have a huge jar of reserved bacon grease we need to use. Of course, my first thought was cornbread, and I'm definitely going to make that, but cornbread and using a teaspoon in your sautéed veggies only goes so far, and while I could eat cornbread for basically forever, the boyfriend can't. Anyone have any good bacon grease/lard recipes? Preferably gluten-free or easily made that way, boyfriend has Celiac's.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
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