Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    do these plebs not know how to use lemon juice?
    avocado tastes best with lemon juice ANYWAY it belongs on it one way or another! The only other option is LIME JUICE!
    (i may have a thing where i have Opinions About The Correct Way To Eat Avocado, please do not take me seriously)
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  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @IvyLB I 100% agree! But the other function is to stretch the amount of guac, as tomatoes and onions are quite a bit cheaper than avocados. And some people like it that way, but that particular concept makes me go '????' personally so
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i mean i like tomatoes. and onions. so my usual approach is to toss all of it in lol
    (or apple instead of tomato. that is also a v good combo. and also just apple and avocado slices with cinnamon, allspice, cayenne and a pinch of vanilla salt as well as a splash of lemon juice makes best sandwich)
    (i love avocado)
  4. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Facebook friend made post demanding to know why there is no coffee ice cream with Oreo bits in.


    I used my standard no-churn ice cream recipe-- (1 can sweetened condensed milk + flavor) + 1 pint heavy cream whipped to stiff peaks, gently fold flavored milk into whipped cream along with any bits you might want, gently pour into loaf pan, freeze overnight. For the coffee flavor, I used some of that instant iced coffee concentrate stuff you squirt into water. The bits: Oreos crushed in a gallon Ziploc bag. A half-assed effort was initially made to de-cream the Oreos, but eventually I said "fuck it" and just unscrewed them for easier crushing.

    Preliminary testing of the pre-frozen mix (i.e. licking the spatula and bowl) yields satisfactory results. We'll know how the finished product tastes tomorrow.
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  5. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    our local place has coffee oreo ice cream : P
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  6. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    The coffee-Oreo ice cream. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it's good.

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  7. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Okay so I saw @a tiny mushroom talking about how they wanted to try biscuits in the regional word differences thread.
    SO I got my mom's biscuit recipe.
    they are amazing, you cut or pull them apart in the middle into two halves, and smear them with butter (really good while warm), jam, both, honey, sstuff like that.
    Depending on what you put on, they can be sweetish or more savoury
    the biscuits alone are also hella good, especially warm.
    I also might post a drop biscuits recipe later, cause those were also good, and are technically kinda easier, since you dont have to roll or cut them.
    So yeah! I just realized that you may have been joking about wanting to try these, but if you werent, here's a recipe to try.
    I can attest to them being super good. :P

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
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  8. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I posted about cream of chicken soup before, but I made it again today and I figured I'd write down the whole process. This is a thing to do when you have lots of time and spoons to spend on making sure you don't have to cook dinners for the rest of the week.

    Step 1: Beer can chicken
    1 whole chicken, thawed
    Butter, about 1/4 stick
    1 can of beverage of choice

    Baking pan (or metal cookie sheet with raised edges)

    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. You may have to take out the top rack to make room for the chicken - do not forget to do that and then realize you forgot when the oven is already hot! (Guess who has done that twice...) Take out the giblets and neck and put them on a plate in the fridge - you'll use them in step 2. Rinse the chicken and pat dry with a paper towel.

    Get your can of beverage of choice - beer is traditional, but I don't like beer, so I usually use hard cider - Strongbow comes in a can. Drink about half of it. Then put the can in the center of a baking pan and slide the chicken onto the can, tail end first. Soften the butter a little bit in the microwave. Butter the chicken, then rub salt and pepper on the skin.

    Put the pan in the oven and roast for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Prick the breast and thigh to make sure it's done - the juices should run clear. If it's not quite done, give it another 5 minutes.

    Let the chicken rest/cool for about 15 minutes. End step 1.

    Step 2: Chicken stock
    Roasted chicken
    Neck and giblets
    Half an onion
    A couple cloves of garlic
    Herbs (rosemary, thyme, and sage are good. maybe a bay leaf or two?)

    Large stock pot

    First of all, enjoy the fruits of your labor in step 1 by cutting a chunk off the chicken and eating it right then and there. It will be suuuuuuper moist and juicy. I like to carve off one leg/thigh. Done? Good.

    Carve the rest of the chicken and shred the meat with your fingers. Put it on a plate or in a bowl or something and stick it in the fridge for step 3. Save the skin, the bones, the pan drippings from roasting the chicken, and the rest of the liquid in the beer can.

    Get the giblets and neck out of the fridge. Roughly chop the onion and garlic. Heat some oil in the bottom of a stock pot over medium-high heat and fry the giblets/neck in the oil. Really let them stick to the bottom of the pot. Add the onions and garlic. When the onions have started to go translucent, deglaze the pot with the rest of the beer or cider from part 1. Reduce heat to medium-low. Dump all the leftover chicken parts - bones, skin, and pan drippings - into the pot, and add enough water to just cover the carcass. Throw in the herbs and maybe a couple tablespoons of salt (I have no precise measurements here, sorry).

    Stock is a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. Simmer it as long as you can - 2 hours is good, 3 is better. Check to make sure it's not boiling over and stir it maybe every half hour or so. The chicken carcass will completely fall apart after the first hour. When you're ready to move on to the next step, strain the stock. You'll need 6 cups for the soup. You can freeze any extra and use it for cooking later if you're so inclined.

    Clean out your stock pot. It's time to make the soup!

    Step 3: Cream of chicken soup
    Recipe here. Double the recipe and don't bother to measure the chicken - just use all the shredded chicken you have from step 2. The soup is delicious on its own, but IMO it is best served over rice. For me, this is about 5 meals.
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  9. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    the asparagus roll-ups hors d'ouevres I made for Easter were a hit with the family '3' Managed to make half of them vegan for my vegan aunt and uncle by leaving off the parmesan and bacon for those (because apparently vegan cream cheese is a thing? who knew. owo) I'll post pictures once I can get my mom to email them (took them with her phone).
  10. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    (Used the recipe I posted higher up in the thread)
    the weird inner ones were the extra dough
    inside a biscuit!
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  11. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I made a fritata in my rice cooker!!!

    and i'm getting "The file is too large." error. 1mb seems small for a max file size :(
    and i can't embed it off my tumblr either. :I
    okay, well here's a link. Ignore my dads ancient lunch box in the top part of the image.
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  12. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Can't upload pictures, apparently my new phone has too good of a camera to upload here, almost all the file sizes are above the 1mb upload limit. :(
    anyways, here's a link to my latest rice cooker experiment.
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  13. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I keep making this over and over again because it's spicy and makes like four servings so I have leftovers for a while:

    1 can of chili (I use Wolf Brand Spicy because it tastes okay on its own if I don't have anything else to add)
    1 cup of rice
    1 bag of frozen broccoli
    Assorted peppers and either some red pearl onions cut in half or a chopped red onion (usually Anaheim or ghost peppers, depends on how spicy you want it - I like reeeally spicy)

    Toss rice in a rice cooker with water for minimal effort
    Put peppers and onion on a baking sheet in the oven to sit and roast for a half hour or so (you can drizzle them with oil and spices and stuff for flavor if you want, but then you'll want to put foil down under them for easier clean up)
    Heat chili in the microwave
    Heat broccoli in the microwave
    Cut peppers into pieces (and remove the seeds if that would be too spicy for you)
    Mix everything together in a single bowl until it resembles an abomination in the eyes of god and man - I usually put some of the finished rice aside to maintain a higher chili:rice ratio
    Sprinkle with chili powder

    I would add a picture but this isn't a pretty meal - just spicy and filling and easily microwaved after the fact. It's probably pretty easy to double without much extra effort, since mostly it relies on the microwave
  14. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    so i made delicious garlic bread in celebration of submitting a major class project & i thought i would share. i call it: VICTORY BREAD

    sourdough bread (1 loaf, don't care how you get it if you can make sourdough bread teach me ur ways)
    butter (a lot)
    garlic (i will wax philosophical on how much garlic you need in a lil bit)
    cheese (must be solid & able to be shredded, other than that go nuts. you need 2 handfuls)

    to do:
    cut your sourdough loaf in half. place it on a baking sheet, turn your oven to 350 F. now melt enough butter to cover the cut part of the sourdough (if you don't melt enough that's ok, you can melt more later!)
    ok now garlic. i really like garlic. i personally would get fresh garlic, because i prefer it to the prepared stuff, but any kind works here. as for how much you need, it depends on what kind you get. i like strong garlic like the italian variety i forget the name of & russian red, so i would use a bit less and have a different taste, use 3 cloves. a milder garlic like elephant garlic would be used more, so 4 cloves. for the preprepared garlic, i would use 4 tea spoons. this also depends on how much you like garlic, so use less if you want less garlicy bread & more if you want to destroy all vampires in a 5 km radius
    mince the garlic if it's in cloves & mix it with the butter, then spread the garlic butter on the bread.
    shred your cheese & slap it on the buttered bread. stick the bread in the oven for approximately 15 minutes.
    take out of the oven, cut up, let cool for a bit. feast on VICTORY BREAD
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  15. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    i have a recipe for sourdough starter somewhere ...
  16. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Ooh. I've got the family shoyu ahi recipe, but it's...well, it's a lot of generals. I'll try and get some exacts and write it up (maybe with a picture :O )
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  17. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I feel you, I wanted to share a recipe here but I realized the only exact quantity it had was "1kg of flour".
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  18. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @palindromordnilap I know right?? like I LOVE the recipe but when it's "oh just add a DASH and then a BIT" I'm so hesitant about sharing it without at least getting down some basic info!! There's the whole "cook to your tastes" thing, yeah, but there's cook to your tastes and then there's going in TOTALLY blind @_@
  19. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Yeah, cook to your tastes generally only works if you have an idea of what it's supposed to taste like in the first place :P
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    how to make fucking delicious breakfast breadrolls

    you need:
    • your fave cereal (something with actual oats is best)
    • yoghurt or quark
    • all those neat things you might like on your cereal too, like nuts, chia seeds, dried fruits, whatever
    • 1 egg
    • baking powder
    prep your cereal like you'd wanna eat it with yoghurt/quark/comparable dairy product of your choice (seriously like if you're very extra you could probably use mascarpone or something fancy like that)
    mix well in a bowl, cover bowl and put in the fridge over night
    The next morning you can either eat your musli like that with some fresh fruits OR you ad 1 egg and a bit of baking powder, combine well and bake in a muffin tin at 180°C for twenty minutes.
    • Like x 4
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