Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    My grandmother's coffee cream cake family recipe
    (gluten free)

    (it looks fugly because i can't make pretty cakes)
    @cryptoThelematrix I promised I'd tag you

    • 6 eggs, separated
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 1 + 1/4 cups ground nuts
    • 2 tbs finely ground coffee
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 + 1/2 sticks butter
    • 4 tbs strong coffee
    To make the dough:
    Whisk egg yolks and sugar until foamy, then mix in nuts.
    In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites until stiff, sieve in coffee grounds
    Fold the two together, bake in a well-grased pan at 200°C / 390°F for about 15 minutes
    Cut vertically into 3-4 pieces (the one in the pic is 4)

    To make the cream:
    Whisk eggs and sugar over steam until foamy (hot, but not solidifying), mix in coffee
    Let cool, mix in butter. Let chill in fridge for a few hours

    To make the cake:
    Layer the dough pieces and glue them together with the cream. Cover cake with leftover cream. Try not to eat the whole cake at once.
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  2. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola


    HEB had a two-pack of New York strips for 7bux and change. GET IN MY CART.

    This is the first one. It got rubbed down with some steak seasoning called Bull Shit, which I picked up at a gift shop in Lufkin a while back, plopped in a buttered skillet, and... slightly overcooked. Whoops. My first NY strip, I'm used to thicker cuts and more time. Oh well. It was still pretty tender and very tasty, though. Next time I'll slap it in the pan, count to ten, flip it, count to ten, and get it outta there.

    Its vegetable friends are: sauteed baby bella mushrooms, steamed broccoli with garlic butter, and prefab loaded mashed potatoes from the heat-n-eat case at same HEB.

    NY strip #2 is in the freezer; I'll probably cook it up Friday night. It's gonna get chimichurri'd.
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  3. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

    Sometimes I forget how versatile Spam is. I just had a fried spam and egg sandwich and it was so good. Or spam in macaroni? So good. Spam yall. Its Good.

    Also, would anyone be interested in a few old-school Appalachian recipies? They usually have simple ingredients and are really hearty.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
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  4. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    It's hella good with rice man, like, duuuuuude.
    And if you like rice and seaweed and spam BOY DO I HAVE A RECIPE FOR YOU
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  5. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

    I've never had rice and spam before! (we're very much a Beans Family ahaha) but i'd love the rice-spam-seaweed recipe! It sounds really interesting OuO
  6. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    Where I'm from rice is a straight up staple!! And spam musubis are like...kinda like pbj sandwiches, sorta!!

    So basically, you need a few cups of rice—also a mold for making the blocks—and strips of nori (seaweed!!), and a can of spam.
    For the spam, you can cook it a couple of different ways, but my fave is lightly browning it in a pan, then tossing soy sauce and sugar in, then putting the spam BACK in with it, and letting it grill/soak up all of the good stuff
    at which point you slap it on your rice block, wrap it in nori, and wait for it to cool off

    shit keeps SUPER well

    notes: spam's already good to go, so cooking it is optional—a lil light grilling defs helps the flavor though
    if you don't wanna do soy sauce + sugar, you can straight up teriyaki that shit


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  7. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    The thread's current topic is reminding me of my dad, who lived in Hawaii during middle/high school and loves Spam musubi so much. He gets Spam for his birthday and Christmas and is very happy about it.

    Edit: also I want old school Appalachian recipes!
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
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  8. Yo I made a real simple curry the other day (saute garlic, 2 tbsp curry powder, and half a chopped onion for like 10 min; add can of coconut milk, a couple tsp sugar, and an 8 oz can of tomato paste; throw vegetables of choice + sauteed chicken cubes in and simmer until all is tender and excellent) and at the last minute just plopped in a big ol' spoonful of peanut butter. I've concluded the result is my favorite thing I've ever accidentally made. Best vegetable choice was sweet potatoes!
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  9. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    weird, I used to have a recipe for a soup that included sweet potatoes and peanut butter. also cabbage. it was unexpectedly good. tomato curry sounds like it has potential too
  10. I made a really good peanut butter and sweet potato soup once! It goes really well with, like, a dash of cayenne pepper. Definitely a flavor combo I wouldn't have called until I had it and was like "Oh MAN."
  11. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    potatoes and peanut butter makes a lot of sense. potato candy is made with peanut butter after all, at least the recipe i learned it from is
  12. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    potato candy??? pls continue
  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

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  14. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    oh cool, I would not have guessed mashed potato+icing sugar. now I really want to make it and find out what it tastes like.
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  15. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    it is....very sweet. which is why its called candy and not something like idk no-bake cookies.

    its a soft consistency and honestly i think crunchy peanut butter would really make it nice, add some texture. we don't make it often though since its so easy to kinda get burnt out on it. seriously, veeeeeery sweet, definitely good for sharing XD
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  16. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    huh, we never put milk in ours. figured if it was wetter it'd just take more sugar to get the consistency right, we would just boil a single small potato and go from there.

    edit: yeah looks like some folks had trouble with it being too i guess mash the pot first and if it looks very dry add a bit of milk. i think depending on how long they were in the ground some taters are dryer than others when cooked.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
  17. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @Saro I'm actually from Hawai'i! So that might explain it :D
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have never had spam musubi but every time i see it my mouth waters. one of these days i'll actually make some.
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  19. hanka

    hanka the sweetest double agent

    lovely gent in the honors commons @ uni keeps baking things. i wheedled one recipe out of him and these things are so fucking good.

    pro-tip from brian in the commons: replace oil with applesauce when you make spice cake, it's so much spongier and it stays moist like a DREAM
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  20. keltka

    keltka the green and brown one

    @jacktrash if you're low spoons you can do like I did in first round college and skip the cooking entirely, just slap it on some rice and wrap that in nori!!
    the mold makers also help a lot
    perfect rectangles happen for no keltka
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