Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    HEB sample lady: here, try some fancy ravioli in alfredo sauce with truffle oil!

    Me: hnnnnnng that's good and the recipe looks really easy... $10 for truffle oil though, idk

    HEB sample lady: And there's a coupon today where you buy the truffle oil and you get a free thing of fresh pasta!

    [regular price of fancy ass fresh pasta: about $5]

    Me: ...shit. GET IN MY CART

    So I had spinach and ricotta ravioli in fancy ass truffled up alfredo sauce for dinner. The fresh ravioli cooks in about 4 minutes, the alfredo is pretty much just... heat up heavy cream and whisk shredded parm into it until it tastes good, maybe add salt/pepper/garlic if you really want to. Also, the sample lady was careful to mention that the truffle oil is a finishing oil and should ideally be added just before serving and definitely not while the sauce is still on the burner because the heat will kill the truffle flavor.
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  2. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    does anyone have any dairy free recipes that aren't trying to mimic cheese or dairy, but are similarly comfort food-like? I'm feeling deprived right now, and I'm very disillusioned with dairy alternatives
  3. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    I find scrambled eggs comforting, and they can be made without dairy & in the microwave. Also toasted pitta with peanut butter.
  4. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    How do you feel about fried chicken and potatoes? Because that's max comfort for me and it doesn't have to be dairy, though dairy makes potatoes much better.
  5. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    thanks guys~

    I'm not much for scrambled eggs, but I do like eggs in ramen, and that reminded me to do that soon. I LOVE the grilled peanut butter and jelly idea, and I found out I have a box of instant mashed potatoes in the cupboard. uwu I feel a bit more inspired for this week.
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  6. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    dinner tonight:

    1. soak ~1 cup of navy beans for a couple hours if they're real dry. (or pop open a can of whatever beans you like and rinse 'em. you do you.)

    2. in one large pot:
      brown two large links (~500g) of farmer sausage and twelve rashers of back bacon (or, well, ... bacon. grab some bacon. probably also about 500g) in some oil. (i used oil because i was using back bacon and fairly lean sausage - not much fat to render in those) set all the meat aside, i.e. not in the pot you just used.
    3. fry one large onion, chopped fairly fine. add three cloves garlic, also chopped. (or more if you like garlic.)
    4. splash Worcestershire sauce liberally into the onion and garlic. (i probably used, like, a tablespoon and a half?) stir it around a bit.
    5. add about a cup of water, then two cups broth of choice (i used chicken, had it on hand, it also had lots of chicken fat in it 'cause it was homemade broth). mix it all together. (note: you could totally use a wine here - i'd either sub it for the water, or sub it for half the broth. again, you do you. red or white would work, they'd taste different but w/e)
    6. add two large chopped carrots and three stalks chopped celery.
    7. add ~2/3 cup of tomato sauce
    8. add some paprika, thyme, oregano, basil, mix it all in
    9. rinse your beans again and toss those in
    10. simmer 15 mins
    11. add a cup of brown/wild rice mix
    12. simmer for about 45 mins. you want the beans and rice between crunchy (ech) and mushy (blah)
    nom with abandon. would probably be good with cheese on top, maybe even ricotta? also would be damn good with avocado on top.

    note: this amount of liquid left the pot a stew-casserole consistency. if you want soup, which would also be tasty, add more liquid. (you could also add cabbage, that'd fit nicely. or potatoes instead of the beans and/or rice. you'd have to adjust your cooking time a bit.)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
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  7. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    next day update: i was correct, it is indeed damn good with avocado.
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  8. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i'm not good at exact measures But here's something that my family makes all the time +2 variations! this isn't exactly low spoons, but it's good as fuck (for a low spoons one, add ingredients to box mac and cheese) you need:

    1 box rigatoni (about 16 0z)
    1/2 of a package of kielbasa (the ones that come in a U-shape, like this, you want about half of that)
    1 8oz block of sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese
    3 tbs flour
    1 cup milk
    3 tbs butter
    1. get pot. put water in pot. salt water. boil rigatoni in water according to instructions until it's al dente, then strain and set aside.
    2. slice the kielbasa to your liking, then put it on a plate lined with paper towels and microwave that shit for about a minute, minute and a half. take that shit out of the microwave and press it with more paper towels until all the grease has been sucked up.
    3. mix pasta and kielbasa in a greased baking dish (pyrex is best, but anything will do)
    4. grate the entire block of cheese, separating half of it for later. set all of it aside
    5. now for the part i suck at! make a roux by melting the butter in the pan--you'll know it's hot enough when flour you sprinkle in starts to bubble. whisk your flour into the butter until it starts to clump up and turn a nice golden color (this will be a lot of stirring!) then, add your milk and stir until it becomes a smooth, almost silky mixture. then add your cheese and mix until everything is incorporated. pour over pasta and kielbasa and mix thoroughly
    6. sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top
    7. bake at 350 degrees F for 30 min
    this'll feed anywhere from 3-5 people, and it keeps pretty well in the fridge for lunches later

    cool variation number one
    substitute kielbasa for chorizo
    we cooked our chorizo in a skillet instead of microwaving, but that's because it didn't lend itself to slicing very well
    put chorizo on paper towel lined plate, cover with paper towel and sop up the grease
    continue original instructions, until you're at the point where the meat, pasta, and sauce is all mixed up in the baking dish
    add chili powder and cumin to taste, cover with cheese and bake as above

    cool variation number two
    substitute kielbasa for italian sausage
    cook it whichever way is best for you
    put sausage on paper towel lined plate, cover with more paper towel, sop up grease
    continue on original instructions same way as with the first variation
    add basil, oregano, and garlic powder to taste
    optional dash of tomato sauce could be added in as well
    mozzarella mixed in with the cheddar is also good (you could either mix it in or substitute the topping entirely for mozzarella)
    cover with cheese(s) and bake as above

    basically, any sausage you like could go in there and any spices that would go with that sausage can be mixed in! it's pretty versatile. basically fancy hotdogs and mac! nom nom nom
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  9. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    makin mac'n'cheese all by myself for the first time, wish me luck! \○/
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  10. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Good luck, have fun!
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  11. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    thank! :D
  12. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I made Cornish pasties but forgot to take pictures! It was actually pretty simple: I made a savory pastry dough (just water, flour, salt, and butter) and a veggie filling (potatoes, onions, celery, and peas, sauteed in olive oil and then simmered in chicken broth until nice and cooked). Rounds of pastry dough -> add filling -> fold dough over, seal, crimp with a fork -> bake for about 25 minutes. I can give specifics if anyone is interested. I'm going to make them again soon because what a great lunch, and I'll post some pics then!
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  13. Key

    Key never make a triangle

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  14. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Just butting in to say I'm disappointed this thread isn't called Kitchensugi
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  15. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    mac and cheese happened! i used way too much milk and burned some of it to the bottom of the pot, whoops, but i think it turned out good! :D
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  16. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Cornish Pasties!

    1 3/4 c all-purpose flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    5 Tbs cold butter/margarine
    6 ~ 10 Tbs ice water


    Sift (or not!) salt and flour together, mix well. Cut or rub in the butter, using a pastry cutter, knives, or your hands. You want a coarse meal-like texture (see picture).


    Then add the ice water, starting with about 6 Tbs and only adding enough to bring the dough together. I used partially whole wheat flour, so I had to add a lot of water to get it hydrated. When combined, shape into a disc or a ball and stick it in the fridge for about an hour. You can also leave it for longer; it may affect the texture, not sure.


    Traditionally, pasties have meat, but mine didn't because I didn't want to buy it. The filling can change a looooot based on what you're into having.

    Enough olive oil to generously coat a large nonstick skillet/pan
    4 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
    Half of an onion, diced
    2 stalks of celery, chopped up finely
    2 handfuls frozen peas (about 1/3 cup? I didn't measure)
    Salt, pepper, and herbs to taste (my herbs: a bit of crushed rosemary, some oregano, some italian mix; more traditional seasonings would be thyme, salt, and pepper)
    200 mL hot broth (I used instant chicken because it's what I had)


    Put olive oil in nonstick pan, heat on medium. Add all veggies but the peas. Saute for a few minutes (about 4). Pour in hot broth and cover; cook on medium for 10 minutes. Add peas and more broth if the filling looks dry, then cook for 5 more minutes. Finally, add seasonings, mix, and remove from heat.

    Assembling the Pastries

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

    Remove dough from fridge, cut in half, and roll out on a floured surface to 1/8 of an inch thick. I did roughly 5 inch circles for my pastries, and got 8 pastries out of it. Cut out your dough rounds, add a dollop of filling (about 1~2 Tbs, I think), fold over, seal, and crimp with a fork. Poke a few holes in the top of the pasty so it doesn't explode. Repeat with second dough half. If you want them to be even nicer-looking, brush with an egg wash (egg beaten with water). Bake on a baking tray with parchment or oiled with cooking spray/whatever for 25 - 30 minutes, or until done. I checked mine at 20 minutes and they needed a little more time.

    I had some filling left over, which I just ate for a potato-veggie breakfast because it was good. The celery was a little bit undercooked in the leftover filling, but perfect in the pastry itself.
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  17. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

    Cool thing: you can make mini cheesecakes with muffin tins. Just mix up the cheesecake batter, put cupcake liners in a cupcake tin, line the bottom with graham cracker crumbs mixed with a little melted butter (you can compress them with the bottom of a glass to make a solid crust), then put the batter in and bake!
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  18. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    Yesss i love making cupcake sized versions of big baked goods
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  19. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    dairy free rice pudding with a scoop of peanut butter mixed in tastes a bit like a peanut butter milkshake

    you're welcome
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  20. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I was looking for shortbread recipes and I had to come share this WTF with you all:

    I am sincerely tempted to start a twitter for internet recipes.txt, because I find WTFs like this almost every time I go looking.
    • Like x 9
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