Kintsugi Kitchen

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, May 19, 2015.

  1. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    push it off the counter?
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  2. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Does anyone know if there is such a thing as cheeseburger nuggets? I listened to a MBMBAM episode a while ago in which beef nuggets were mentioned and now I can't stop thinking about it. Google has given me recipes for taco nuggets, but not cheeseburger. I can't imagine that no one has tried to make this food before. The idea that I might have to invent them myself is problematic because I don't know how to cook with beef and I live with my sibling who is vegetarian, but if they really don't exist yet, I guess I won't have a choice.
  3. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    taco nuggets but sub powdered cheese in for taco seasoning?
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  4. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    That might work! I was envisioning something either cheese stuffed or with a cheese dip, and then with diced onions and maybe relish (unless that would be completely disgusting?) mixed in with the ground meat.
  5. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Ive put cheese slices on chicken nuggets as they finished cooking (in a pan since i only have a toaster oven and didnt want to clear the counter off)

    It was p good. Throw cheese on the burg nuggets to achieve cheeseburg nuggets?
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  6. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    I will try that! ...whenever I actually get around to making this thing.
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  7. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I would probably do it cheese stuffed with bits of a good pickle brand and some caramelized onions mixed in. Then, breaded and deep fried.
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  8. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Roasty Toast!

    Put oven on broil setting. Butter both sides of as many slices of bread as you want, top with shredded leftover (venison in our case) roast. Add generous amount of sharp cheddar. Broil for just under 5 min, or until cheese is browned.

    Very delicious quick dinner on gaming night! Our roast was a bit dryer from the fridge than I realized, so second batches might have some Worcestershire sauce or HP sauce put on the meat before the cheese.
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  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    potato mash thing

    microwave potato in attempt to make baked potato. add butter. have potato fall apart. decide that if it wants to be mashed you can mash it really well. mash potato, somewhat.
    add toppings you want-i used cheese, salami, ham, chives, parsley, and chicken tonight cheesy creamy onion garlic bacon sauce.

    put oil in a pan, heat, add mostly mashed potato. mash aggressively with frying pan spatula. cook until you think it's cooked enough-this can be 'when it's got crunchy bits' to 'idk when all the cheese is melted and the ham is cooked properly even though you can eat it 'raw'"
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  10. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Today's dinner sounds much fancier than it actually is

    "Lemon-chicken pasta with maple-glazed roasted squash" is what I'd name it for a menu

    I just sauteed some chicken with olive oil + lemon juice + salt + sage/oregano/thyme/rosemary, dumped it on leftover pasta, and put a little bit of real maple syrup on some leftover roasted squash, voila! A dinner that I don't feel terrible about eating
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  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Okay so, churros!

    I just grabbed a recipe off the internet because I had the ingredients and it sounded delicious.

    2 small pots/saucepans
    1 whisk
    1 flour sifter
    One of these thingies you use to press batter into shapes, but I just used a teaspoon

    2 eggs
    1 cup + 1tbsp flour
    1/4 cup milk
    2 tbsp butter
    2 tbsp sugar
    Pinch of salt
    Oil for deep-frying
    sugar & cinnamon for the coating. Recipe says 1 cup sugar + 1 tsp cinnamon, but I had 3/4 of a cup of a 2:1 mix I think left over from snickerdoodles, and just used that. Moar cinnamon.

    Over medium heat, mix together the milk, butter, and sugar until it simmers. Remove from heat, and sift in the flour, thoroughly mixing all the time. You might want to ask someone to help, because sifting the flour, stirring, and holding the pot requires more hands than your average human has. My recipe told me to return to heat and mix until smooth, but it did that really early and started burning the batter, so... nope. At this point it's more dough-y, but that'll change.
    Let rest for ~15 minutes, then mix in the eggs one at a time.

    Heat the oil in the other pot.
    I eyeballed the heat of the oil, but if you have a thermometer for that, it says 375°F. Then plop in the batter, either with a pastry bag for authentic shaping, or with a teaspoon like me. I found that the first churros were dark when I had put the last ones that fit in, and could be turned. When that was done, I could pull out the first ones.
    Either put them on paper towels or in a sieve to remove excess oil, then toss in the cinnamon/sugar mixture.

    Eat with hot chocolate or just like that.
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  12. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Budget Minestrone
    (also known as cooking with leftovers)

    This uses up a bunch of leftovers and cheap stuff from the grocery.

    First, buy a rotisserie chicken. After 7 p.m. at my local store, they are $4.99. Consume all of the chicken you care to eat, saving the remainder, including all the skin and cartilage and bones. I mostly use these for making chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.

    After you have eaten all the chicken you want, make stock with everything that is left. Put the bones and skin and whatever you don't like in a slow cooker, cover it with water, add an onion and a couple of bay leaves and let it go for several hours until it falls apart. Strain it--the bones have given up all their goodness and can be thrown out. If there are bits of meat left, you can keep or toss them--your choice.

    Put the strained stock in the fridge.

    Meanwhile, buy a package of cheap hot Italian sausage. I can get one of these for about $3.00 at Aldis. Cook up the sausages and eat some of them. Save two for later.

    You've already eaten at least two meals, and it's time to turn the leftovers into budget minestrone.

    Pour the stock into a big pot. Add two small cans of diced tomatoes and about 3-4 cups of water and heat it up. Meanwhile, in another pot, get some water boiling. When it's boiling add three handfuls of elbow macaroni and cook for five minutes. It won't be completely done, but it will be close. After five minutes, take the macaroni off the heat and drain it.

    Make about 2 tablespoons of roux and toss it in the broth/tomato mix. Chop up the leftover sausage and toss it in the pot. Also, add about half a bag of cheap frozen mixed vegetables. Then add the partially cooked macaroni and a can of cooked white beans.

    Add about a tablespoon of dried basil and two shots of Tabasco sauce (more or less, depending on taste), and a bunch of black pepper. Salt to taste.

    This makes a shitload of soup. Freeze it and you have food for at least a week if you can get some cheap bread to have with it.
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
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  13. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    one of the go to meals I eat about every other day is a (very) approximated sesame spinach salad, like you get at some japanese restaurants

    I microwave a 1/2 to a full bag of frozen chopped spinach, add sesame dressing (I usually have kewpie brand on hand, but any creamy sesame or sesame dressing is fine), a few shakes of dried onions, and a few shakes of nutritional yeast

    some days I add in some chopping pickled onions, which I always have a big jar of in the fridge (1 part water, 1 part apple cider vinegar, sugar to taste)

    some days I add in hardboiled egg

    it's filling and tasty, I never get sick of it, and it gives me a decent serving of vegetables
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  14. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    also when I'm craving dairy (it gives me skin problems), I spread margarine on a tortilla, sprinkle nutritional yeast, and a tiiiiny bit of lemon juice

    it doesn't taste like cheese, but it's... weirdly satisfying in a similar way
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  15. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    dinner tonight was like the potato mash thing but fully intentional and this time it had cabbage and chicken and no ham
    also instead of chicken tonight sauce, there was milk and onion and garlic

    ETA: and no parsley because it was dark out and i didn't want to get parsley in the dark, getting chives in the dark is fine though because it doesn't involve stairs
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
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  16. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    My mom recently got into foraged food, and last weekend I discovered that basically every garden weed is actually a salad green in disguise. I went out with her and grabbed a bunch of stuff from the garden and around the yard, and then we made a pottage (since we had been talking about medieval cooking a bunch that day) out of carrots, parsnips, onions and garlic, cinnamon, sage, rosemary, thyme, a little honey, breadcrumbs for thickening, and fistfuls of weeds. It was delicious.
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
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  17. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Dandelion used to be a prized vegetable-it's high in a whole bunch of vitamins-and then rich French people started using "I HAVE A GRASS-ONLY LAWN" as a status symbol and clueless Americans copied it.
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  18. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    To be fair, clueless British copied it first and then we copied them.
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  19. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Unfortunately we didn't get any dandelions - it was a a little too late in the season, and they were mostly big enough to have turned bitter. There was a whole bunch of other stuff, though. Dock, garlic mustard, something called shaggy soldiers, a bunch of other things I can't remember... so much bedstraw. Our property is apparently covered in bedstraw. We got enough to also make a greens pie with goat cheese a couple days later.

    I want to try introducing cattails to our property, since we've got a mini swamp. I'm really curious to find out how they taste now. (though I guess that would stop being foraging and start being cultivation, wouldn't it)
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  20. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Just made these marshmallow things with limited edition Star Wars lucky charms knock-offs. They will be the best worst breakfast.
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