Kintsugi Plays Dragon Age 2 (a winner is me!)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by blue, Dec 3, 2015.


Who should we bring to the Deep Roads?

  1. Carver

  2. Fenris

  3. Aveline

  4. Anders

  5. Isabela

  6. Merrill

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    My sort-of-serious in-universe justification for Cullen inexplicably ceding to Hawke's judgement all the time is that Cullen is really, really afraid of trusting his own judgement on important matters, especially regarding mages, after what happened at the Circle Tower in Ferelden, so he prefers to look to other authorities to tell him what the best thing to do is so he can be sure it's not just him being irrational or naive. I assume originally this mostly just meant Meredith, but as the game goes on and she gets more and more obviously unhinged and the city and Templars get more and more embroiled in tensions, Cullen is stuck without anyone he can rely on to steer him right, and ends up periodically latching on to Hawke like "look, can you just go solve this thing, do something about this all right" just for lack of a better option to look to as everything spirals out of control.

    Possibly this is not actually canon-compliant since I've heard Cullen gets more in-depth characterization in DAI, but until I can play it this is my story and I'm sticking to it. >>

    God, I had that exact reaction while I was first playing the quest, and it only got worse as I put together exactly what Anders was planning towards the end. I almost screamed when I got back and discovered he'd followed up by making a sudden change to his appearance. And then basically flipped a table when the very next scene started with him giving away treasured belongings.

    EDIT: Also, > Let Aveline face her accusers, I guess?
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    • Like x 10
    • Agree x 1
  2. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Let Aveline face her accusers.
    (Hawke flying through the air being dragged behind Aveline by the wrist again) okay goTCHA
    • Like x 4
  3. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Does anyone else see those creepy-ass shadows behind the fighters? That is a bizarre glitch. also I HATE THESE GUYS
    Honestly, they have been annoying me so much this entire game that I am genuinely motivated to go kick their asses.

    >The captain you replaced?
  4. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    • Like x 1
  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Time to find him.
    That shield really is REMARKABLY ugly.
  6. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    This glitch is still super upsetting!
    Ohh, "She" has been a desire demon this whole time!

    The dusters have a saying: "Blood or coin, the Carta always gets its cut." When Beraht was running Dust Town, he took the saying literally. He commissioned a pair of wicked blades made by SmithHouse Dural. Beraht gave one to his right hand, Jarvia, and the other to his second, Karshol, so that whatever hand of the Carta you got, it'd be holding a big sodding knife. Beraht wasn't exactly a poet.

    Jarvia was killed in Dust Town during the messy succession, and Karshol turned all of Orzammar upside-down looking for her blade. Some duster struck gold finding that blade and must have been clever enough to sell it right away. Stone only knows what Karshol will do to the luckless clod who has it when he finds it.

    —From the account of Kalah, a casteless of Orzammar
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    • Like x 2
  7. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    There are SO MANY people who want to kill me in this stupid city.
    What world are you living in where you think this is gonna end well for you, dipshit?
    (left - companion option, right - green/purple/red)

    • Like x 2
  8. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Wow, he has a stupid face. Which is pretty much expected for a guy ranting about "Make Kirkwall Great Again." Anyway.

    brotherhood of the purple hawk.jpg
    • Like x 7
  9. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Let Aveline at him.
    • Like x 3
  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    ... I misread the number of likes on Tez's post and did
    >Have at him, Aveline.
    , whoops.
    The funny thing is, if we *asked* Aveline to make a stirring speech, you know she would have frozen up.
    I love Lady Party, but they're not super tactically viable, because Merrill and Isabela both fall over unconscious if anyone breathes on them.
    Despite my best efforts at healing. But it's fine, Aveline and I can --
    Aveline and I can handle it. Is what I was saying.
    • Like x 2
  11. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    The real villain of Dragon Age revealed: Java Update.
    • Like x 7
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  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    What is this mysterious object.

  13. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom


    Or if they're paths, >No guards
    • Like x 2
  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Happens all the time.
    • Like x 4
  15. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I love them...

    >You served a different king.
    (Path icons)
    • Like x 1
  16. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    >what will you do?
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >What will you do?
    Don't worry, the end of this game could not under any circumstances be described as "going out with a whimper." It's more the other thing.
    • Like x 5
  18. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    >That sounded decisive.
  20. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >That was so obvious!
    Huzzah! Wait -- what's that? The signal is breaking up--
    • Like x 1
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