Kintsugi Plays Dragon Age 2 (a winner is me!)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by blue, Dec 3, 2015.


Who should we bring to the Deep Roads?

  1. Carver

  2. Fenris

  3. Aveline

  4. Anders

  5. Isabela

  6. Merrill

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Will the hunters return?
    >You would help a mage?
    Well, I guess that's all we can reasonably hope for.
    >Will you work with mages?
    >I could use your help.
    You get rivalry with Fenris just by being a mage, so. That didn't go too badly!
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    at least he has a roof over his head *SIGHS*
    gosh what a cute elf
    • Like x 2
  3. hawke flirting 101: tell the someone that it sure would be a shame if he had lyrium FORCEFULLY RIPPED FROM HIS SKIN bc he's cute
    • Like x 8
  4. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    A new quest! Should we go talk to Fenris before we start the Romance Poll? Should we go talk to Isabela in the Hanged Man, at that?

    Encountered in the Fade, the true form of a rage demon is a frightening sight: a thing of pure fire, its body seemingly made of amorphous lava and its eyes two pinpricks of baleful light radiating from its core. The abilities of such a demon center on the fire it generates. It burns those who come near, and the most powerful of its kind are able to lash out with bolts of fire and even firestorms that can affect entire areas.

    Fortunately, even powerful rage demons are less intelligent then most other varieties. Their tactics are simple: attack an enemy on sight with as much force as possible until it perishes. Some rage demons carry over their heat-based abilities into possessed hosts, but otherwise the true form is mostly seen outside of the Fade when it's specifically summoned by a mage to do his bidding.

    —Transcript of a lecture given by Vheren, Templar-Commander of Tantervale, 6:86 Steel[1]
    "It has often been suggested that the only way for a demon to affect the world of the living is by possessing a living (or once living) body, but this is not always true. Indeed, a shade is one such creature: a demon in its true form that has adapted to affect the world around it.

    My hypothesis is this: we already know that many demons become confused when they pass through the Veil into our world. They are unable to tell the living from the dead, the very static nature of our universe being confusing to a creature that is accustomed to a physicality defined entirely by emotion and memory. Most demons seek to immediately seize upon anything they perceive as life, jealously attempting to possess it—but what of those that do not? What of those that encounter no life, or fail to possess a body? What of those that are more cautious by their nature?

    These demons watch. They lurk. They envy.

    In time, such a demon will learn to drain energy from the psyche of those it encounters, just as it did in the Fade. Once it has drained enough, it has the power to manifest and will forever after be known as a shade. Such a creature spurns possession. It instead floats as a shadow across its piece of land, preying upon the psyche of any who cross its path. Perhaps it believes itself still in the Fade? There is evidence to believe that is so.

    A shade will weaken the living by its very proximity. If it focuses its will, it can drain a single target very quickly. Some have even been known to assault the minds of a living victim, causing confusion or horror and making the target ripe for the kill. The tragedy of a shade is perhaps that, once it has drained a target whole, its appetite is only heightened rather than slaked."

    From the journal of former Senior Enchanter Maleus, once of the Circle of Rivain, declared apostate in 9:20 Dragon Age.
    Slavery still thrives in Thedas, even if the trade has been outlawed. Who hasn't heard the tales of poverty-stricken elves lured into ships by the prospect of well-paying jobs in Antiva, only to find themselves clapped in leg-irons once at sea? And humans fall prey to this, too.

    If they're lucky, they end up in Orlais, which has only "servants." Most nobles treat them decently because they are afraid of admitting the truth. Orlesians go to great lengths to maintain the fiction that slavery is illegal.

    Of course, the greatest consumer of slave labor is the Tevinter Imperium, which would surely crumble if not for the endless supply of slaves from all over the continent. There, they are meat, chattel. They are beaten, used as fodder in the endless war against the Qunari, and even serve as components in dark magic rituals.

    —From Black City, Black Divine: A Study of the Tevinter Imperium, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar
    Kirkwall is built on a solid foundation of greed and human suffering, and its underworld is a place where everything is for sale and everyone is fair game.

    There are many criminal empires within the city, some of which have been around since the Imperium used Kirkwall as a hub in the slave trade. Alliances, spying, manipulation, betrayal, and open warfare is all commonplace in the never-ending struggle for power.

    The Coterie is a thieves' guild that has been around for almost a century, but until recently was never a major player in the underworld. Some twenty years ago, the strongest of the local criminal empires was an ancient guild known as the Sabrathan, but its leader was betrayed from within, and during the turmoil the Coterie made a successful grab for power.

    Since then, they've sunk their claws into almost every level of Kirkwall, including the city guard, the Dwarven Merchants Guild, and some of the most influential citizens in the city. It's safe to say that the Coterie gets a slice of every pie, and very little goes on in Kirkwall that escapes their notice.

    —From In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Travels of a Chantry Scholar, by Brother Genitivi
    "I'm Isabela. Previously 'Captain' Isabela. Sadly, without my ship, the title rings a bit hollow."

    Isabela is vague about her days as a sea captain, though it's obvious she was involved with piracy and smuggling. Shortly after the Blight ended, Isabela's ship was caught in a storm near the Wounded Coast. The vessel was destroyed, and Isabela feels lucky to have escaped with her life. Now she's stranded in the Free Marches, spending most of her time in the Hanged Man tavern.

    Isabela also reveals that she was born in Rivain, but spent many years in Antiva. When asked about those years, she changes the subject.
    "Even those who live without chains are still bound: by fear, by tradition, by honor. Slaves dream of freedom, but I have found free men dream of it even more."

    Fenris was a slave—a bodyguard to Magister Danarius of the Tevinter Imperium—until his escape several years ago. He speaks little of his past, saying only that he most recently came to Kirkwall from Tantervale in the north. The markings on his skin are akin to runecrafting: made of lyrium and ink, they suffuse Fenris's flesh with a power even he does not fully understand. The process of their creation was painful, and in unguarded moments, Fenris attempts to control the agony that lingers still. Even so, the markings enhance his fighting skill and have made him a unique and formidable warrior.
  5. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Yes, let's talk to both of them!
  6. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Oh, jesus fuck. Okay, it seems possible that I could have just played this on my Mac this whole time, removing the need to fight Family Member for the PC. Stay tuned while I try to download it.
  7. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag


    This is my first Dragon Age fanart ever, I'm so proud.
    • Like x 13
    • Winner x 1
  8. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    This is amazing. Can I make this whole picture my avatar :O :o :O

    is fenris pushing anders out of the way

    i'm so pleased with aveline's expression.
  9. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    oh no they're cute

    isabela winking
    varric's fucking smirk
  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Hawke: Find Fenris
    He's right there.
    >No, in his house.
    It's also right there.
    Oh, NOW he gets the quest symbol.

    >I like your appearance. (Straightforward Hawke.)
    I love Hawke's... weird sideways flirting smile?
    IS THAT A SMILE 0: O: o:
    Now, Fenris' drinking-from-a-bottle animation is somewhat awkward. Luckily for @OnnaStik, by Inquisition, the graphics have improved quite a lot. Finally, video game characters can realistically -
    No, wait, I'm receiving a correction and it says: nope.
    This should say "It's good that I can enjoy the small things," but I fucked up. Anyway.

  11. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    im dyign

    (Also: >You want revenge?)
    • Like x 4
  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >You want revenge?
    Alright, that was .. a little more hostile than I expected...
    [​IMG] '
    But Fenris doesn't seem offended.

  13. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    >Lothering is gone.
  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Lothering is gone.
    Mousing over one to show the choice icon that they all have.
  15. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Tough choice, but >I have a new life.
  16. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >I have a new life.
    You know, I always think of Fenris as the grumpy one, but he's like.. really pleasantly conversational here? I appreciate it.
    This screenshot is included solely to depict his sad staring into the distance.

    >You're staying in Kirkwall?
    >You don't remember?
    >Where is Danarius now?
    >How long since you escaped?
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >You've been alone?
    >Are you sure?
  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    >Why bother?
    ... he says emphatically.

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
    • Winner x 1
  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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