(PS, does everyone in this lady's family introduce herself by going "Well, well, what have we here?" Somehow I didn't catch this until now.)
I love that "My name is a pun" drawing. It's adorable. I'm naming all future Hawke's Sparrow. I think you could safely go ahead and ask all the investigation questions since they rarely advance the conversation and we're probably going to pick them all anyways
"Is that not enough?" Hawke considers snapping a response: "you could have shown up five minutes ago," maybe, or "how do you feel about killing ogres?" But she reconsiders. Takes a deep breath. Rearranges her face into a smile. Carver: :o >_?
How Far Do You Recommend? (bc if someone smartasses abotu the length of your journey they damn well better have a better idea)
Oh excellent, a thread that will let me see what the heck is up with this fandom without having to watch an hours-long let's play or actually do videogame things myself! :D Thanks bluefox! +1 to "how far do you recommend?"
@adisagestar You're welcome! (Oh, Hawke. I love purplehawke so much. [Hint: the deep roads are empty bc the darkspawn come from there; don't go there!!]) (Apparently Flemeth this mysterious stranger agrees with me.) (Sparrow Hawke is as suspicious of this super ominous remark as I am.) >_?
Hawke decides the conciliatory approach is working? >What do the rest of you think? (Ouch.) (^That's Wesley talking.) ,':o <.<; >_?