Sadly Cailan and Loghain were unavailable for moonage. To Duncan it is then I was there. That mage totally started it >What do we need darkspawn blood for? >Go into the Wilds? Isn't that dangerous? >Surely you could've acquired some blood before now
>And what's the second task? >What kind of scrolls are these? >And what if they're no longer there? >Is this part of our Joining too? >How will we find this archive? >Find the archive and three vials of blood. Understood.
We now have a full party of companions to talk to and the ability to progress in dogquest! Just need to find some darkspawn. Heeeeeere darkspawn! Here boys! You're not darkspawn! Why does that wolf have a lyrium potion on it? u ok bro? Alistair no >?
Guess I'll be the tie breaker and go for "put a band-aid on it" >Let's try to bandage him up at least
>You forget I have magic at my command. We'll be fine What follows is about half an hour of me wandering around because I constantly get turned around in my desire to find every nook and cranny. So here's the highlights A dead body! What's he got? We got ourselves a letter~ We got ourselves a leeeeetter~ Wonder who it's from?~ Letter to Jogby Some codex entries are actually sidequests in disguise! The quest often doesn't immediately show up in the journal but reading the entry will give you a hint as to how to proceed. Those will be linked as they appear. In this case, we've got a dead missionary with a stash somewhere. Oh and we find the flower for dogquest almost immediately. That's it, we're done here. We can all go home now. The dog will live! I have magic, you'll be fine! My magic won't actually endanger you more! We also get the darkspawn blood pretty quickly. 2/3 tasks done! I like how the darkspawn look in DA2 better, particularly in the Legacy DLC Also Alistair is kind of a shitty tank at the moment because he doesn't have Agitator Threaten and Taunt to hold hate And with a level up, Crow can now make everyone's weapons glowy. Very important So we'll be walking along minding our own business, nothing around and then there's be a growl and these guys appear. A chest gives us this. Signs of the Chasind Basically find trail signs, get shinies Those wolves actually killed that darkspawn on their own. Can we sign them up for the Wardens? Another dead body! Rigby's Last Will and Testament He's got a cache hidden somewhere too
This is Jogby's chest! It had a weapon and shield in it Wait the darkspawn have magic too?! Well we're totally fucked then Dead body #3 A Pinch of Ashes The spot for it's here Should we mess with it?
Wait read the excerpt from local myths first: (Torn from a book of local myths and legends) The Korcari Wilds are rife with legends and myths that have amazed and confounded scholars since the fall of Ostagar in ancient times. One such mystery lies behind the tale of Astia and Nebbunar, two young lovers who lived in Ostagar. The legend says that Astia grew up in the company of Gazarath, a spirit of the earth bound to an overhang on the bank of a lake in the Korcari Wilds. Gazarath began to fancy her, and they spent much of their days together, talking and laughing. Over the years, however, Astia became a woman and began to seek the company of men. When Astia met Nebbunar, the two fell in love, and Astia hoped to bring her lover to see her spirit friend. But the spirit, angered and jealous, bade her begone. Gazarath told her that she would never see it again until she brought her lover's ashes and sprinkled them over their spot. Astia was horrified, and she fled from the enraged spirit. But she began to miss Gazarath, and on the day Nebbunar asked her to marry him, she cut her beloved's throat, burned him, and brought his ashes to Gazarath, knowing that their marriage would forever sever her ties to her dear spirit friend. There are legends among the Chasind that Gazarath still haunts that lake, and that those who sprinkle ashes of the deceased over the right spot can summon the spirit. In memory of the contract with its beloved Astia, Gazarath will grant a single wish then vanish, never to be heard from again. (A note is scribbled in the margin beneath the page) "Markus, I think this is real! If you take the ashes I gave you and scatter them over a pile of rocks on an overhang overlooking the half-sunken Tevinter Dome, maybe Gazarath will appear and give you a wish! If the battle takes you there, I think it's worth a try!"
>Do the thing! I don't know what we expected What do we get? A sword and new shoes! This is Rigby's hidden cache. Do we deliver it or loot it?
>Get PH4T L3WTS Also found the Chasind cache Lot's of nice things in here! Meanwhile back with the plot... ! <3 >?