Kintsugi Plays Fallen Hero: Retribution (ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …(^_^)…)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by keltena, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    let us answer your question by gossiping about someone else

    > "I thought you and Lady Argent were a couple?"

    "I thought you and Lady Argent were a couple?" The oldest tactic in the book, turn the situation around. Make Herald explain himself so you can get a moment to think.

    "Oh no, that was just for the media." He looks embarrassed. "The Rangers needed a bit of human interest."

    "So it's what? An act?"

    "Was. It's over now; she won't do it anymore." He runs a hand through his hair, giving you a shy little smile. "Not sure what they're gonna do now. Not with Ortega…"

    "With Ortega what?"

    "Well, she quit for a while. After you and Anathema…got killed." There's a nervous little laugh at that. "And when she came back, she said she was through with being the face. Steel makes a good marshal, but…"

    "He's not doing much to humanize the team." You don't bother to hide the groan. "I get it. Is that why you're asking me out? I'm not going to play the fool for the paparazzi."

    "No!" The shock is real enough that you look up. "I wouldn't put you through that; I just want to have a coffee. With you."

    Is this just a friend thing? No. Friends don't invite each other to coffee with that look in their eyes. With that nervous smile. They are "wanna grab a bite?" like Ortega.

    Fuck. That doesn't simplify matters.

    How do you feel? Herald was supposed to be a useful tool, but suddenly you're not sure. Is there a temptation there to say yes? To see what would happen? Of course, you're going to say no, but…

    No buts. Turning him down would be the safe thing. The smart thing. Why not start with admitting that you were the one who beat him and his friends to a pulp?

    "No cameras?" you ask, cautiously.

    "None. So…what do you say?" The silence is hopeful and tense.

     ‣ "Yes, but don't get any ideas."
     ‣ "No, I don't think that would be a good idea."
     ‣ "Sure, why not?" Fuck. Am I flirting?

    Well, then. Spend time with Herald outside of beating him up: y/n?


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  2. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I just don't know how Herald can claim zero on cameras. Celebrity, meet public with phones in pockets/hands. Maybe not The Paparazzi TM, but like. That's just not a convincing claim, unless Herald's inviting us to some secret coffee shop where they vet for cameras as surely as that bar tries to prevent mental powers.
  3. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I think he means "no cameras" in the sense that he's not planning on any cameras or expecting us to play nice for the media just because we're hanging out with him. Though the prospect of a secret coffee shop is awfully compelling...
    • Agree x 1
  4. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    I wish it was a secret coffee shop. I would love that.
    in any case, because I love Herald so so much and want to see more of him, I'm putting in my vote for "sure, but don't get any ideas"
    we're just being friendly! friendly is good for cover!
    • Like x 1
    • Agree x 1
  5. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    We can be friendly! Just watch us!

    > "Yes, but don't get any ideas."

    "Yes, but don't get any ideas. It's just coffee." You're still not sure what to do about Herald, but coffee sounds innocent enough. Useful. The kind of setting where you relax and talk freely. Things can slip out.

    "Really?" Herald's smile is an infectious beacon of joy.

    "I mean, yeah? Sure?" A nonchalant shrug as punctuation.

    "Wow. I mean…cool." Herald looks as rattled as you feel; it's almost as if he didn't expect you to say yes. "I know the perfect place."

    Huh. Maybe he really does have a secret coffee shop.

    "Of course you do." You give him a friendly clap on the shoulder. "I'll leave that to you then."

    "I'll be in touch so we can settle on a date, okay? There are no showers up here. Otherwise, I'd suggest right now."

    "Maybe the rooftops weren't the smartest idea," you point out.

    "Look, I didn't think you'd say yes? But maybe later this week? I'll find the time."

    "Sure," you say, amused despite yourself at his enthusiasm. "You do that."

    > There's Nothing More To Say

    There's nothing more to say, but you'll be glad to get down on the ground. The stairs feel safe compared to the open roof, and without Herald, there's only you and your thoughts. It's strange how much of a routine this has become. Herald is not Ortega; he doesn't stress you. Open. Honest. Reliable.

    You like reliable tools; they are easy to use.

    You're not sure what you'll use him for, but something will come along. That's the beauty of planning long-term; you're more than likely to have an ace up your sleeve when things go down.

    Maybe Herald's not exactly an ace. More a knight, but beggars can't be choosers.

    There's already a clump of regret in your stomach; you should never have agreed to this. Coffee. Preposterous. Like actual people.

    Coffee. The thoughts keep spinning as you stomp home.


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 60% (+13)

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  6. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    suicidal ideation, self-harm, medical experimentation, dehumanization
    > It's Not A Restful Night

    You've been running on empty for months, and it's starting to catch up to you. Slipping out of your body, into your puppet, and back again, leaving yourself at the mercy of sleep only if you have no other choice.

    The dreams are stronger. Stranger. You flee them when you can, running on caffeine, just hoping that whatever chases you down will be mercifully brief.

    It seldom is.

    You're sitting in the lab, arm out, and you've cut your wrist again, blood dripping on the floor, not enough to kill you. They will notice. They always do. You're not allowed to die.

    Too much money invested in you. Too many careers.

    They'll never let you go. Too useful.

    Infiltrator. Telepath.

    > Her Project

    You're sitting in the lab, the green shift too short, open in the back, easy access for their tools. Not covered. Not hiding. Just enough to spare their eyes. They don't care about your sense of decency, only their own.

    They don't want to look at you. You pick that up in the body language that they taught you how to read.

    Looking would mean caring. They can't afford that. It would make it harder to do what needs to be done.

    Tiredly, you wonder how many times they will stitch you back together.

    You want to rest. Nobody's coming for you. You know that.

    Nobody's coming for you because you weren't friends. Not really.

    Too many lies. Friends don't lie to each other. Nobody is coming for you.

    Nobody even knows you're alive.

    are you?

    "No!" You snap awake, halfway out of the bed with the sheets tangled around you, breath shaky with sobs.

    Awake. Your bed. Familiar. Alive. You can feel your pulse, do the counting, too fast, and you lose count, remaining on the floor with one leg on the bed, sweat staining your pajamas. On the other side of the blinds, the world is painted bright with sunlight, but it's early.

    Very early.

    You hadn't meant to fall asleep. You slid out of Barbara hours ago, but your body must have refused to wake up.

    Running on empty.

     ‣ I remain on the floor until the panic fades.
     ‣ I untangle myself; I need to move.
     ‣ I drag down the sheets with me, sobbing quietly under them.
  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    The floor is nice, the floor is our friend

    Also, I absolutely see what you meant about a pet option fixing 60% of runs.
  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Floor time, but also with sheets? Luxuriate in the power to cover ourselves as much as we like
    • Agree x 2
  9. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    If we're going down, the least we can do is take our captors with us.

    > I drag down the sheets with me, sobbing quietly under them.

    You drag the sheets off the bed, covering yourself, rolling up until you're nothing but a bundle. Tight. Warm. Sometimes the pressure helps, like pain but better, kinder. You roll yourself up so tight you have a hard time breathing, or maybe that's the sobs you don't bother hiding. No need to; you're alone. Always alone.

    That never changes.

    It fades eventually, like always, pushed back into your subconscious where you keep the things that would destroy you. You untangle yourself, tossing the sheets back on the bed, doing your best to ignore your shaking hands. You need a shower, so you make your way to the bathroom. Maybe you can scrub the memories away with the sweat.

    Blinking repeatedly, you wipe the fog off the mirror, meeting your haunted gaze. You need to suck it up; you have things to do. The bug you planted on Jake went dark fast, but not before revealing a few unsettling truths. You always thought Ortega's claims that Hollow Ground ran this city were overblown, but Jake meeting face-to-face with the mayor's aide, a man named Deveraux, means you have to reevaluate. Is Mayor Alvarez in the pocket of Hollow Ground as well as the companies that elected her? Or is the aide playing both sides?

    Either way, it's useful knowledge, but you need to know more about Deveraux. You've got work to do.

    And that means you can't spend the day as a ghost of who you're pretending to be.

    You need to focus.

    Luckily you know how to deal with yourself when you get like this. You slap your cheeks hard to bring forth some color, then you grab some cold-brew coffee from the fridge. You're out of the door before you have a chance to regret it.
  10. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    > You Know You Need This

    Outside, the relentless sunshine glares down on the city, a stark contrast to your mood. Moving fast would mean working up a sweat, even in the colder morning air. If you hadn't felt this rattled, that might have been an option. In the past, feeling like this would have made you put on your mask and go looking for trouble.

    Not today. It feels…dangerous somehow. As if you're on shaky ground as it is.

    All you want is some fresh air before getting back in the armor. And everyone knows walking is a good way to relieve stress.

    Lets your mind wander as well.

    Letting go, your feet take you westwards, facing the wind. It feels nice, a cool touch on your face when the streets line up just right. It's early enough that there are not many people on the street; in an hour, it will be busy, people hustling to get to work. You're far enough downtown that cars are a liability, another change the Big One brought.

    The web of highways came crashing down in the quake, and when Los Diablos got rebuilt, it was small and broken enough that cars were optional. Highways were largely defunct, with no state government to rebuild what the companies didn't find profitable. The same was true for the defunct subway system; after the quake, nobody was eager to go underground to get anywhere.

    These days many of the roads have been rebuilt, but public transport is still common. It mainly consists of buses of various sizes, run by private entrepreneurs working together. It's not a perfect system, but it works, and it hasn't been profitable enough to be bought out. There's bigger fish to catch in Los Diablos for someone out to make money.

    On the one hand, Los Diablos is a post-apocalyptic libertarian hellscape; on the other hand, it's finally achieved decent public transit. :toot:

    You don't dare take the bus. Not now. Not when you're vulnerable like this. You can feel yourself falling apart, one shard at a time. You need to recenter yourself, ground your senses, and find peace among your thoughts.

    > With Other, Kinder Minds

    The Boneyard.

    Whoever named the dog park had a knack for puns, but you suppose places like this call for it. It's a large, fenced area of gravel and sand, though the tough grass is healthier than usual due to the recent rains. The sparse trees provide a modicum of shade, and large concrete structures provide more protection from the elements, both for owners and dogs. There are plenty of benches to sit on, and you aim for one in the shade as you hurry through the gate.

    It's busier here. People are walking their dogs before work or before the heat gets too intense.

    The fence is tall, and this place should feel like a prison, but it's for the inmates' protection. You know that. No running into traffic. No endangering yourself. The dogs can run freely here, which is just what you need. Nobody questions your lack of dog or pays any attention to your presence. You're a ghost when you want to be.

    And right now, you do.

    The concrete bench is cool and solid, anchoring you to the ground. With a nervous breath, as if you were leaping into cold water, you close your eyes and let your shields down.

    The relief is almost immediate.

    Slowly, the people fade; their thoughts are not intrusive, only focused on their dogs, relaxed, almost happy. There's no discord here, not today, but you did not come here for the people.

    You came for the dogs.

    They don't have complicated minds to read, not like people, but they have a strong presence all the same. Bright. Cheerful. Intense. So intense. Sitting there on the bench feels like running in the rain, cold, refreshing, making you aware of your surroundings in a way you weren't. In a way you actually like.

    The way your lungs feel when you breathe echoed in their breathless racing, hearts beating, tongues panting as they chase each other. Muscles tensing with the joy of it, claws digging into rough sand, turning fast to catch the Frisbee, a single leap into the air, and for a moment you're overwhelmed with the urge to bite down, hard, catch your prey and bring it to the rest of the pack.

    Love. Pure. Simple. Loyalty without complications.

     ‣ My eyes are not tearing up. Absolutely not.
     ‣ They called us dogs as an insult. I never saw it that way.
     ‣ Better than people, all of them.
     ‣ I'm still wary of dogs, despite their effect on me.

    I'm hereby abusing my power as LP overlord to make a new rule for this choice: Anyone able/willing to share pet photos must do so before I'll count their vote. (This is on the honor system; if you don't pay the pet tax, I'll assume that you're unable to or that it would constitute an undue burden.)


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 60%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
    • Like x 1
  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    A dog would fix them.


    I'm really tempted by the lore in option 2 but I gotta go with option 1. And so:

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
    • Winner x 4
  12. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    I will second 'eyes totally not tearing up'. I would've voted agree, but like, the dog picture....I HAD to give that face a winner rating.
  13. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So I don't have any pets at this time. Do previous pets count for the pic tithe, LP Overlord?
  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    bad angle but they were cuddling and grooming each other and I didn't want to move and startle them TTATT
    • Winner x 2
  15. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Still smiling at the sheer coziness of this picture...
    I think you mean best angle. <3
    • Agree x 1
  16. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    if previous pets count then please observe Hannah
    • Winner x 2
  17. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    A darling brat who doesn't live with me, but is generally happy to see me


    (Purrs loudly)
    • Winner x 2
  18. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I think you mean spoilered because too cute??? Please view responsibly, stay safe
    And I'm happy to see them!! 10/10 voidcat, clearly a talented gymnast, all-around star ♥
    • Like x 1
  19. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    thank you so much for the pet photos, this is the best lp decision i have ever made

    > My eyes are not tearing up. Absolutely not.

    Your eyes are not tearing up. Absolutely not. They're just burning from the dust, and you rub them, following the dogs as they play.

    Maybe one day you'll understand how they do it. Maybe one day you'll learn something. Learn their trick.

    How to burn that bright.

    You play with your earring. A familiar tic. Familiar thoughts. Back at the Farm, you were warned against connecting deeply with animal minds because it might confuse you. Funnily enough, dogs have the completely opposite effect. Not like seagulls, there lies madness.

    Pack behavior is strangely addictive, but maybe it's the fact that dogs have been partnered with people for such a long time that makes it different with them. More understandable.

    But still, oh so tempting to stop thinking and just feel…

    It's not wise to do this, but you need to get your head back in the game, and this is better than a good night's sleep or getting drunk. An hour or two of vulnerability in exchange for a new focus. It's a dog park.

    > What Could Happen Here?

    "I didn't know you had a dog." The words are distant, unreal, and it takes a moment for you to realize that a man is sitting right next to you. No. Not just any man.

    Steel. You struggle to make sense of it, blanketed by the dog minds as you are. You feel the urge to laugh. Of all the people to come sneaking up on you. He looks nothing like the Marshal, not even like the man you remember from your past. A faded US military cap pulled low, shading his eyes. Worn cargo shorts, exposing his mods.

    He's currently wearing civilian legs, lightweight and practical, making no pretense of looking human. Thin and mechanical, carbon fiber probably, the kind of legs a runner would have. They would probably break if he tried to kick someone. It looks disconcerting with the sneakers, the feet padded to make the shoes fit, as if someone trimmed his lower legs down to bare bones.

    You blink hard, pushing back the momentary Nanosurge flashback before it can burrow itself too deep to uproot. The thin sweater has an unfamiliar sports logo, and you focus on that. What team? There's a baseball outline, which should give you a clue, but the orange and blue are unfamiliar, as is the name and the city skyline in it.

    You could ask, but instead, you try to judge how to approach this situation. Is he here for you?

    You doubt it; right now, he doesn't feel like the Marshal, just another military vet dealing with PTSD by getting a dog. Is he wearing shorts because it makes people look away in pity? Perhaps. You've used your own scars that way on occasion. There's no better way for people to forget you than to make them uncomfortable.

     ‣ "Sorry, I was a million miles away," I say, shaking my head.
     ‣ "I don't. I just like watching them," I say, shrugging.
     ‣ "I didn't know you did." The thought never occurred to me.


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 60%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    >Didn't know you did. UNO REVERSE, STEEL.
    • Agree x 1
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