Kitchen And Craft Wix Corner (Exciteable Bird, Enter At Own Risk)

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by IvyLB, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Ironically Vela is not currently the declared heir of the Jarldom, bless her, but that's because there was an oracle proclaiming Felici would bear Sindri's heirs.
    So the lot falls to a double rulership under Fidiculania Prima Helia Sol and Fidiculania Secunda Luna Ylva instead. (The names were Felici's idea, Sindri tends to call them sunshine and wolfling respectively)
    • Winner x 1
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Hortensius is an abusive piece of shit and awful human being
    but i gave him a sad backstory and mommy issues.
    So of course i'm completely obsessed with him ever since
    • Agree x 1
  3. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I made my bed and now i have to lie in it, thinking about how I can give him a huge painful scar and yeet him into mountain exile with another terrible father figure who hasn't been paired off and given hot steamy fantasy sex yet
    Ironically that means Placide's (Vela's boyfriend) father and Vela's biological father are also dating. But then before long any relationship tree i make becomes a relationship ourouborous
  5. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    ...relationship blackberry bramble
    • Agree x 1
  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Being bisexual and genderqueer and having bad taste is really difficult you see because I made a perfectly good goddess of a girl who everyone should worships because she's a hot sexy courtier lady but I don't talk about Gydha enough because instead I latch onto all the toxic skinny emo men in Faustian Bargain because I have the gender envies and also long haired boys with androgynous faces pretty
    • Winner x 2
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  7. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    (This is a 'Pats you on the back lovingly' witnessed, i should add)
    • Agree x 1
  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    me talking about the female characters in FB: Competent, gorgeous, stunning, not always perfect, but able to be mature and apologize. We should all be aware of how wonderful she is.
    me talking about the male characters in FB: he's damaged, he has no excuse and also he's hot so I beat him up a lot. You can watch but mostly I'm doing this for me
    • Agree x 2
  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    thinking about Hortensius is the architect of his own downfall, even though his mother handed him pencil and paper and said 'go draw'
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I'm just gonna
    ramble about names for a bit
    His full name and title is Heir Apparent Hortensius Postumus Necopinus.
    1) Hortensius is his praenomen and roughly translates to "One who tends the gardens", and is incidentally also the root for many languages' words for the Genus Hydrangea, a flower that according to a list in the Polite Society at Home and Abroad from 1891 on flower language was used to symbolize Heartlessness and assumptions. In other documents it can also be used to mean frigidity or heartfelt gratitude to be understood.
    2) Postumus is technically a praenomen most common in the roman republic though there was a patronymic gens arising from it later as well as cognomina of it. and shares a root with the modern adjective "posthumous". It was often used for the last child of a family, often if the father died while the mother was pregnant. In this case it functions as a gens, potentially it was the cognomen Amaranthus assumed upon ascension to the throne and liching, because, you know, declaring yourself last of your blood line aggressively because you intent to rule eternally
    3) Necopinus is his Cognomen, in this case still using the "nickname" or "acquired" name function of it. It roughly translates to "the careless" or "the unprepared" or "the unexpected"

    4) Hyacynths are used in flower languages and symbolism, depending on color, to mean Sorrow (purple), Loveliness (white) or Jealousy (yellow)

    5) Amaranth symbolizes immortality
    • Winner x 2
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  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    People should ask me about the girls in Faustian Bargain. there are many good ones and if left to my own devices I just circle through the same 4 skinny dudes with emotional issues eternally
  12. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    *slides in* Awright tell me about The Womens in FB
  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    My what a totally unexpected question :P

    I have mentioned Gydha before, she was born on an isolated island nation known for its export of pearls and snail based purple dyes and paints, as with the name Asherah. As a kid she was abducted in a raid/invasion attempt by the Faustian Empire and since she is quite beautiful, soft spoken and a great singer she was the chosen present/tribute to the Imperial Palace as recompense for the failed conquest. Hyacynthia gave her to Hortensius as a playmate and companion and she quickly became quite attached to the sensitive sweet boy. Since she was 100% the Heir Presumptive's favorite she quickly was given quite a few freedoms and because she is a quick study in the courtly arts of manipulation and charm many people around her forgot she is a slave. Once the two of them were old enough for it, Hortensius and Asherah began a very loving and committed relationship, though it involved weird things like Hortensius trying to get her a friend by way of another raid (this being Syrus, who is a good bit younger than her, and who she loved like a little brother despite all the shit going on with him). Once Hyacynthia ah, expires, and Hortensius takes a steep nosedive into traumagenic maladaptive behaviors she realizes her situation is not... good? Though she still loved Hortensius she realized there was no way he would ever a) free her, b) marry her or c) let her go home. And then she ends up pregnant and that causes a whole uh. Mess. Since Hortensius decides to threaten the baby, Asherah packs what few things she has, pays off a few guards she's friendly with with her allowance and flees the Imperial Palace and the Faustian Empire as a whole, finding her way into a remote mountainous region quite a ways away. There she meets a young, very handsome and very sweet man who just. kind of offers her a place to stay. Initially she stays because it is convenient, then because Sindri reminds her a little of Syrus in his better moods, then because there's genuine affection blooming between them. Sindri buys her whatever she wants without a second's hesitation, he values her council, he doesn't judge her, nor does he have ulterior motives. When she reveals she is pregnant he just shrugs and offers her a handfast to make sure the kid won't be a bastard. After the handfast runs out Gydha (a name she assumed to evade Hortensius' spies) just... ends up staying. Marries Sindri properly. Not because they're madly in love or anything, nor do they fuck, but they still love eachother platonically and at that point Sindri was running his household without spouses and it was not. going so well? Sindri is not very good at mundane household organization. So this is a thing Gydha does for him as his wife, besides helping with raising the kids. She really enjoys motherhood a lot and is a very feminine and unashamedly girly woman. She is short, fat, violently ginger but with a slightly olive teint and light tan and wears exclusively tyrian, copper and gold. She's bi, but after the mess with Hortensius kind of only dates women anymore and has a lot of girlfriends. Sindri invites them for dinner a lot :P

    You know Brynhildr already! She's a Jarldom native but from a border region, and a soldier, who was a prisoner of war turned gladiatorial fighter in Faust for a while before buying herself out of the collisseum to go back home. She was very famous and very feared and is now Sindri's general, second in command and wife. She is actually a transwoman but as part of Sindri being chosen by the god of Justice as avatar a few things happened: Sindri and Bryn swapped reproductive organs (both were already on herbal/magic hormones) and all of Sindri's latent magical talent was reattached to Bryn since it would have messed with the justice deity's ability to empower Sindri. They met by way of Bryn trying to rob his hunting party and Sindri and her fighting so hard they end up in a draw which they both thought was so fucking cool and funny they immediately struck up a friendship over it. Same deal as with Gydha, not necessarily romantic love but they are very very close and they do occassionally fuck. Bryn only and exclusively tops, absolutely no question and no debate. She is tall, extremely buff, darker skinned with dark hair with a single white strand and blue eyes.

    Sindri's third wife, Valdis, simply turned up one day, saying she had a vision and that she needed to handfast Sindri. She is a priestess, a seer, and a very talented mage whose abilities are tied closely to ice mirrors as a scrying and foretelling tool. She's presumed to be half-elven, has very dark skin and is very tall and willowy thin, not even just in a normal way, she always seems to move slightly oddly, her limbs are a little too long, etc. She came to the religious site she studied at with a failing pregnancy and deathly ill and injured, though she does not remember why or where she came from, only that a lot of things needed to be done and attempted to save her life, the scars of which are still visible on her face and body. Some of her body seems to have been spliced with mythical beings or animals -- Her eyes are very pale and a bit hazy, though she can see fine so long as it's not too light, there are facial scars and her teeth are really more like fangs. To not worry people overmuch she tends to wear dark silk veils covering most of her head and face, sacrificing physical vision to a degree. She has used her time in service to the gods in great part to study the medical arts and thus she is quite the accomplished medicus and midwife, though so far she has not found a way to fix the fact her womb is barren. In Sindri's household she takes care of the ritual and religious affairs, when she's not giving cryptic council, or floating about the castle like a black praying mantis. The cryptic remarks is partially that she has a hard time relating to people and has poor social skills outside of ritual frameworks and part her slightly odd sense of humor. She has some problems connecting with people, but she does genuinely love and care for her spouses and the children.

    Vela is Sindri's firstborn daughter if you ignore the fact that she isn't his biological child. She is Gydha's, and until Sindri's and Felici's twin daughters are born most people assume she will become Jarl when she grows up, which she doesn't like at all. Unlike some of the other kids she does kind of look like she may be related to Sindri, since both he and Gydha are redheads and so is Vela, but mostly she's the spitting image of her mother, down to the heartshaped sweet doll like face and the huge eyes. When she grows up she wants to breed horses, slay dragons and save princesses which is her excuse for why she doesn't have to go to math classes because dragon slayers don't need accounting duh. (Her parents disagree) She ends up especially latching onto Sindri's husband Felici and while she does not have particular magic talent, she has enough of it (and enough ambient magical influence) that her eyecolor ends up shifting to yellow by the time she's an adult, like Felici's eyes are. She is a Horse Girl (tm).

    Ginette is an agent of the Crown, a small backwater fiefdom attempting to court the Faustian Empire for an alliance. She herself is a commoner, but she led a yearslong affair with a higher ranking noble (Vivien) who fathered a child onto her. This child, Placide, as a child born out of wedlock, is in a very precarious position, something Vivien shamelessly abuses to manipulate Ginette and keep her loyal, dangling the prospect of acknowledging Placide as his heir in front of her whenever she even considers questioning him. One of these occurences leads to Ginette attempting to kidnap Felici and return him to the Faustian Imperial Palace, which Sindri manages to prevent while in full Godly Avatar mode, an occurence which scared the shit out of Ginette and had her abandon ship, and promptly almost freeze to death in a forest somewhere along the border of the Jarldom. Luckily she is found and Sindri takes her in while she recovers enough to be put on trial, where she gets away with a small punishment since it wasn't her idea and she's hardly genuinely convinced of the task she was sent to commit. After some time she becomes close friends, confidants and lovers with Valdis and manages to steal her son back from his father and bring him to the Jarldom as well, so Placide can heal a little, though he never stops being cold, severe and strict in a way very reminiscent of Vivien.
    • Winner x 1
    • Informative x 1
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    same vibes
    • Winner x 2
  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    For context: this is after they flee the imperial palace, with Hortensius having inflamed, horrible burns around his wrists, throat and forehead (like slave bands AND a crown :3c), with Hortensius naked, feverish and being bathed by Vivien because he cannot do it on his own when both of them haven't eaten in a few days. So there is no power differential, except for the protocol they both desperately cling to.
    • Winner x 2
  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Yes the symbolism in those burns is on the nose but listen, it's sexy as fuck actually because i make the rules
    • Agree x 4
  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I am really fucking good at travel organizing for this being my first time actually going on an international trip, like this went fucking smooth so far
    • Winner x 7
  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    And I'm done packing a day early!
    • Winner x 8
  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    go go ivy!!!
    • Agree x 3
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i have returned~
    I have also done precisely nothing creative in 2 weeks beyond being super fucking gay, but i got really cool rocks and a new Doll-Customization OC, her name is Shelly Meowcean and she's a Sea Cat Warior-Princess bc fuck it I'm going to be twee and silly about the Doll Projects bc I can (Mirrors and I have dual custody over her, she's just with me rn so i can work more on her clothes and maybe her hair and repaint) (I thought at first she was a Catty Noir, but she's a Purrsephone, so now I'm lowkey tempted to track down a Meowlody to be her twin sister....)
    • Winner x 4
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