Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i wonder if specibi are reallocateable
    if they arent, you might get stuck with a stupid weapon (prank galore) or a weapon you dont like or cant get upgrades for.

    but on the other hand
    imagine having to deal with your weapon from when you were 6 because you thought laser velociraptors were the coolest shit ever.
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  2. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

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  3. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    You can get others though, e.g. John picked up bunnykind from an imp.
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  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Point! I only half-remembered a line from the Glitch FAQ wrt strifekinds, and some bug remark.

    But remember. Hiding your older specibi because you're too embarrased by Plungerkind. Or Hairdryerkind. Which possibly has a dualkind like Kanaya's Chainsaw/Makeupkind. (Also the kind abstrata selection image that is somewhere in canon but I dug it up from the MSPA wiki has "Plungerkind" twice.)

    Imagine parents forbidding their children strifekind in general, or the use of certain "dangerous" specibi.
    Imagine choosing specibi as a form of taking back control over your own life.

    I wonder if there's school rules against specibus use. There's probably a prevalence of subtler kinds that can pass as something else.
    Imagine the teacher collecting strife specibi as punishment.

    Who the hell let this be legal.
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  5. Alright, question for you guys. I think I'm too much like Tavros and Eridan. I wanna be more like Vriska. Should I try to emulate Vriska?
  6. versi2

    versi2 ???????

    ...probably not?
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  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Why do you want to be more like Vriska?
  8. She's assertive and determined, she usually tries to do good (though she really screws it up most of the time), she's stylish, she's far more extroverted than I am, even her fakest confidence is more confidence than I usually have, and despite all the bad things she's done, a lot of people really like her. Meanwhile, I'm... kind of a loser.
  9. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    be latula then

    latulas got all of that plus she never shoved a dude off a cliff
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  10. I'm not surprised that you say that, but that's also not a terrible idea. And I did think about cosplaying Latula once...
  11. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Absolutely no one should ever want to be Vriska. Yeah, she runs an at least somewhat convincing game of "look at me and how great I am" but look at Vriska (Vriska). Girl is just as hurt and terrified and broken on the inside as the rest of them but she turns it into everyone else's problem until she runs out of people to bully, and that ain't cool.

    If anything, be more Aradia post god tier.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
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  12. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Relatedly, I feel like this post belongs here.
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  13. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    I'd say the big thing is that you can look at positive traits a person or character has without modeling the whole character, if that makes sense. Take the good, but don't feel the need to adopt the whole thing, particularly the less good parts. For all that astrology, blood types, and similar stuff tends to lump people into "types" humans are far more piecemeal than that. I feel like that's a trap a lot of people fall into with role models and heroes and such. Vriska definitely has good qualities, but she's not really a good or happy person. Similarly, there're probably traits you like in Tavros and Eridan, even if there are others you don't.

    Though it's also important to note that a lot of people like Vriska the character but can't/couldn't stand Vriska the person.
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  14. My friends keep saying I should just try to be a better version of myself, but being someone else just. Sounds better. For a long time now.
  15. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl


    the proper answer here is something comforting that encourages you to embrace yourself instead of making yourself someone else but tbh considering i completely ignore that advice wrt myself do what you want

    there are downsides to Becoming a fictional character though so it isnt this magic flawless cure all for self esteem issues

    EDIT: BUT none of this is really related to homestuck anymore so
    if you want me to elaborate tag me somewhere else
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
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  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    The thing about that kind of advice about just being a better you, or accepting being you is that it quite often doesn't address any underlying factors that you can't control. Such as, oh, say, mental illness and disorders, trauma trigger, environmental situations.... You can't just reach into your head and flip switches, that's not how it works. If it did we wouldn't pay therapists big bucks, and there wouldn't be a giant industry of self help whatsists.

    It's understandable to want to be someone else when you don't like who you are, but it's a bad idea, I think, to try and be more like any one specific person, fictional or otherwise. Rather, trying to emulate behavior that your think is better would probably be a good start. Another thing that I think would help most people is to learn to pause, take a breath, step back if possible and start asking yourself questions. Like creating a sort of mental flow chart. I started doing it just out of a fascination to figure out how my brain works, and it ended up turning into a really useful trouble shooting tool.

    So something like, "I'm feeling bad," should lead to, "why am I feeling bad?" It does require emotional honesty with yourself which can be tricky if you're not used to that. You can't answer "why am I feeling bad" with "because I'm a useless piece of shit that blah blah blah *beats self up for the next 5 minutes*." Rather "I'm feeling bad because I am upset about something. What am I upset about? X thing happened and made me feel Y. Because I was feeling Y it made me act out Z action which I now feel guilty about." And then move on to trouble shooting how to address that specific problem, if it can be addressed. Sometimes the answer is "it can't" and you need to go do a self care, or sometimes the answer is "yes but it's really hard" in which case you might start a new flow chart about how to make it easier or if there are other solutions or even temp fixes. If you get into a habit of self reflection you start finding patterns and then you can recognize when those patterns start happening and change them before something fucks up. It's not an over night thing, and takes a lot of practice, but it's useful.
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  17. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    holy shit i was looking at pics of eridan and realized Snooty Dingus is a viable troll name, somebody get on this
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  18. What material do you guys think Latula's gloves and boots are made of?
  19. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    pleather, probably
  20. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    mmm i dont actually know what boots and gloves are made out of in general

    something shiny as Fuck obv shes gotta be visible from space
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