Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    I didn't dislike Vriska when I first read Homestuck. I LOVED Vriska. She was one of my favorite characters. And fandom drama hardly ever ruins a fandom thing for me. 99% of the time, I shake my head and move on. But damn if watching people just unambiguously love and support Vriska's heroic, totally in the right actions every single time she did something just. It killed the mouse.

    She kept acting worse and worse and so many fans never realized. Christ. It was abuse apologism coming from such an inherently weird source and what love I had for the character had to die within me for my safety.

    The only bit I don't get is how after all that I still stan for Gamzee until blue in the face. (purple in the face??)
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  2. I don't see how you can stand by Gamzee either :P

    In all seriousness, I'm not a fan of Gamzee but I have no bad feelings for him either. He was sorta funny before he started killing people, sorta scary (but seemed stronger than he should've been) during the killing spree, and was underutilized after that, somehow pushing the plot along despite barely even speaking. And then they shoved him in a fridge to let Lord English sort him out.
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  3. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Gamzee is a poor motherfucker who, like Vriska, deserves a better parental figure.

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  4. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    God, Gamzee's story arc got the RAWEST of deals. It feels like Hussie had so much planned for him and then he had to wrap that shit up in a hurry and whoops, it all got chopped!
    • Agree x 9
  5. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    Dad Crockbert should really adopt most of the trolls, many of them could've done a lot better with a lusent like him.
    • Agree x 6
  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    I just wanted to take all the sprite shit and Vriska and Beforus trolls out of Hussie's hands and shove literally all the rest of his key characters back at him. USE YOUR ASSETS, HUSSIE
    • Agree x 5
    • Witnessed x 1
  7. Someday I'm going to write an AU of homestuck. Or five. Someday.

    My latest idea- every time someone is commanded to Act, flip a coin. If heads, they do it. If tails, they don't. This includes "joke" commands, such as bleating like a goat. I have no idea what havoc this will cause, and that's part of the fun tbh.
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  8. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    Thinking a bit more on this, how many of the main trolls fit?

    Karkat, Kanaya, Nepeta, and Equius all have pretty good lusii and/or relationships with said lusii. I could see an argument that Dad's positive reinforcement would be of benefit to Equius, and his strength is certainly up there, but those four overall seem pretty happy even if things are maybe not always ideal.

    Feferi seems to sort of like her lusus, but also has a whole lot of responsibility and stress from taking care of her.

    Eridan's lusus gets almost no attention of any sort, and clearly didn't do the most amazing of all jobs.

    Vriska needs a better living situation, stat.

    Terezi could maybe benefit from having some actual, in-person guidance and support, for all that she has as good a relationship with a sleeping dragon as possible.

    Aradia's lusus we basically never learn about, so who even knows. Still, orphaned early, so that's a parenting.

    Sollux clearly loves his lusus, but I dunno how good the situation is with needing to feed him mind honey to make him smarter all the time. "Child taking care of their lusus" seems a common troll trope, and one that kinda makes a proper parent appealing from the human angle.

    Gamzee obviously could use a real, living, present parent of some sort, holy hell.

    Tavros... hard to say, but I think Dad's abilities with Positive Reinforcement are likely superior to Tinkerbull's. So... parentage!

    All in all that's about half the trolls that could strongly benefit from being raised by Dad Crockbert, to say nothing of those who would get a mild benefit.

    Then again, my favourite fic type from back in the day was "all 20 kids and trolls are taken in post-game by Dad Crockbert in a giant house and it's kind of a mess but also full of pleasant fatherly affection and fluff" and things like that. So I might be biased.
    Great thing about this isn't just the making them not when they did, but making them do things they'd normally refuse to. Might be hard to do as a full thing, but picking a few (dozen?) key moments and flipping for changes, seeing how things compound over time, might be more doable than effectively re-writing the whole thing. Unless I'm misunderstanding your intent.
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  9. My intent is to rewrite the whole thing, but summarized. That's how I turned 3 seasons of Total Drama Island into a 50k-ish word trilogy.
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  10. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    (Got any recs?)
    • Agree x 2
  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I read one ages ago but for the love of me I can't remember its name.

    And I have one in which they all get adopted by the Avengers.
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  12. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    Something about Tony Stark not being Willie Wonka?

    i have it bookmarked but i gotta run off to work so i can't check the exact title
    • Agree x 1
  13. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    yeah, that one. "Tony Start is not Willie Wonka", and the rest of the summary is "even if he has the last of the Oompa Loompas (Trolls) in his basement."
    Such a great fic, and I still periodically check for updates even though it's been over a year and a half since the last one.

    I think it's time for a reread, it's good for the soul.
    • Agree x 3
  14. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Rain still writes Homestuck, so they may yet update it. Eridan <> Darcy is the most wonderful ship, please give my dumpster fire fish baby more stable and level headed authority influences, PLEASE.
    • Agree x 2
  15. Helen of Boy

    Helen of Boy Hugcrafter Pursuivant

    Not that spring to mind. :( There's the Tony Stark one already linked, and one which turned out to be, uh, rather less happy than it seemed at first glance, but I don't actually recall ever finding very many stories that used that premise much, despite the prevalence of the idea.
  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    There's Asuka's Family You Choose verse, which is Gamzee and Karkat get adopted by Dadbert, the other trolls are taken in by the other guardians, and there are shenanigans.
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  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    That was the one I had read that I couldn't remember! ::O
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  18. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    A+ AU and also Davesprite/Karkat is not a ship I expected to enjoy so much.
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  19. You know. We've had Davesprite, Jadesprite, Jasprosesprite and Davepetasprite, but John never became a sprite. I wonder why that is.
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  20. Bunny

    Bunny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    So recently I have been picking away at a Silent Hill/Homestuck thing when I am having a hard time sleeping.

    Have some crossposts from my ramble thread.

    And now for fresh rambles.

    While some of my worldbuilding here revolves around what would of happened with troll Alyessa if I ever do more with this I dunno that I want to deal with her much cause like the franchise focuses so much on her. 2 and 4 are good fun for how little alyessa content there is. I haven't checked out downpour yet so I don't know how much she sneaks in there.

    However when sharing au with my partner we did end up discussing how much Vris likes to gamify things. It makes her particularly well suited to a video game au but at the same time she will dig around a lot to try and work out what the win conditions are. So, like, good at working out what the dimension is and how it happened but really that wouldn't help her "win". I feel like it would be a real struggle for her to look at her own actions and go this is why torture hell chose me. Dead Vriska's character development gives some hope on that front but it came more from a positive relationship rather than a big outside force going hey, ur a dick.

    The idea of repeating loops of silent hill hell are great in here cause really I can see her solving puzzles like a boss and killing bosses would be great fun and there would be noplace near enough introspection going on. Then go back to the start with this uneasy sense of deja vu, killing these monsters is still great but she kind of feels like she's done it before/it's not quite as satifying/there is a sense that it is not quite enough to WIN. The trouble would be changing stuff up enough that it doesn't get too repetative.

    Other vauge thoughts: NPCs that resemble ghosts of trolls past or actual interaction with like, puppets of trolls she used to know.

    I suspect some of the original Troll cast of hs did not survive to ascension for various reasons and other relationships would of been cut off or made very raw by her being a horrible little goblin who wouldn't of been given the tools to mellow out and change by troll society.

    Also another big planning scream for me: Classpect stuff and everything that would be missing because no sburb. Her freakishly good luck? Her vicious slapwar with Terzi? No magic cueball. No so much stuff I don't remember cause I still havent reread hivebent.
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