a thought: what if Bec did the Husky Talking thing. What if he was a major talker and whiner and complainer on top of the God powers. What if when Jade went godtier she inherited the Husky Talking Thing and just vocalizes wildly when she's upset or annoyed or feeling any major kind of way before the urge to talk kicks in. Talking out loud might be secondary urges for her, living alone for so long. But vocalizing is a Must.
https://artbyifer.tumblr.com/post/648317313309868032/hey-all-this-past-couple-of-weeks-we-have-been Woo! Zinestuck Jam was super fun!
i would like to thank kintsugi as a whole for not letting me know about the character "yiffy" until i watched Sarah Z's vid the other day. i think we stopped talking 'canon' homestuck after the meat and candy epilogues, or maybe half of the homestuck 2 thing. think interest in that died down pretty quick.
yeah i think i read the very first homestuck 2 update out of a “lmao homestuck.... 2!!!” mood, but aside from that the epilogues filled me with bitterness and loathing so i decided you know what, i am still fond of old homestuck, but i’m not going to consume any future homestuck canon.
i read the epilogues once and it was more than enough for me, and hs2 read like a soap opera and wasn't fun for me either. I kept reading it to know what was currently happening and on the hope that something, somehow would catch my interest, but aside from Yiffy the entire thing just... failed to capture any of my interest, which was depressing for me.
I read most of homestuck (on a tablet so i missed the flash stuff lol) and dont feel much need to reread it. The most important contribution homestuck made was a bunch of fanfic. The story itself is frustrating in a lot of places
ah. I just realized I haven't read any of the epilogues, I think this realization is making me feel some sort of way
hey. im not gonna hold my breath to find any with my condition but like my health is being fucking awful right now can anyone point me towards any fics that involve chronic illness like where the spoonie rep at gimme :grabby hands:
i have since decided to go mad with power and write a fic with my own condition will update when it's complete
Faint: a fic where Rose has Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and shit progresses from there. This is my most SFW fic ever. Enjoy.
Late to the discussion of it but I didn't even read the epilogues, either. Probably because I was already emotionally exhausted of Homestuck not being what it promised when Act 7 dropped, and then the immeidate follow-up to that being the weirdly opaque impossible to access snapchats, I just never went over there again. And the one time I considered dipping my toes in, uh, New Homestuck Fandom immediately sent me back out again.
Oooooooh its the moooost wonderful tiiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeeeear The time for gifting and getting smut! Drone Season 2021 signups are open. Social media posts for sharing are here: https://twitter.com/HSDroneSeason/status/1406676184205729793?s=20 https://drone-season.tumblr.com/post/654533978907361280/hey-homestucks And the New Signups Form is right here! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/droneseason2021/signups/new Happy bucket filling!