Let us tell you about Homestuck

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay


    I'm fucking yelling, John is once again stuck in his own house (in a titular sense)
    and this makes me think that John, in his house, is now Caliborn's imprisonment-juju??!? because we pointedly never see him leave. caliborn even taunts him and he's just like 'nup'
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  2. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    All you need is a black tee shirt (even an old one inside out), some green paint (preferrably fabric), cardboard, glue, duct tape and a hairband for the horns and grey snazoroo + hair spray if you are feeling fancy.

    The portland homestuck community is still fairly strong, cosplaying homestuck is a great way to meet the horde at a con.

    I'm gonna be at kumo all three days, I'll be homestuck Saturday and sunday.
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  3. The Phoenixian

    The Phoenixian Not an eldrtich abomination, but getting there.

    My read on this is that the end of the credits is the moment where John and the rest of the kids are goaded into the fight with Caliborn the ends up trapping him as lord English and them in the house. The hammer coming down on the phone being not the end of it all, but rather the symbolic declaration of war.

    So if my read is right, John is now a 20 year old man living in his childhood home, who gets into fights with (presumably) 11 year olds...

    And loses.
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  4. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    My god. Homestuck is just an allegory of internet wank all along. We've all been played.
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  5. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    I also think there's gonna be more after this. Today's upd8 were just the credits, so it would make sense if the post-canon stuff Hussie talked about would take place after canon is done. After the credits rolled, in other words. I really hope that is the case at least!
    The pesterlogs were so integral to characterisation and story-telling in Homestuck, so the absence of them towards the ending made it feel kind of incomplete to me.
    But yeah, the credits were hella cute, and I'm especially looking forward to all the theories they will inspire!

    And sorry for all the out-of-the-blue likes. I just now caught up with this thread because I didn't really check out new Homestuck stuff after the ending left me feeling all "???????" and weird.
    The Hiveswap Trailer looks so gorgeous and I'm glad they switched to 2D after all.

    It's usually pretty hard for me to sit through Youtube videos that are longer than 3 minutes, but this was such a beautiful mindfuck that it felt like I was actually gaining time by watching it somehow. To be honest, deliberately weird stuff tends to work best for me when it's obvious that the artist put genuine time, effort, and attention to detail into achieving just the right amount of surreal shittiness.
    It just feels so... Homestuck.

    Also also:
    +1 Fuck Yes to the canon aging thing. I wonder if antis will now try to argue that this only applies to the characters who are still alive, so all the characters who died at thirteen are still off-limits. Fictional 13-year-olds dying or getting murdered and then being sucked into the void of eternal oblivion is obviously preferable to fictional 13-year-olds getting to grow up and maybe touch a tiddy or two.

    Anyway, now I can finally listen to Volume 10 ;o;
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

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  7. Another question, how are the kids using Snapchat? They started playing Sburb in 2011, Snapchat didn't exist then. Who developed the app?
  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    the governments function perfectly without the creators, seeing as they did so for 5000 years

    they just have honorary figurehead monarchy for the sake of letting the creators have throwns and crowns and be cute in front of crowds

    Vriska vs (Vriska) was a lot about that. You exist to be the role in your story, how dare you be so simpering and selfish as to try to develop as a person with feelings beyond that.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
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  9. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Even worse, Hussie himself romanticized exposure to boobs by having one of his characters liken them to infinitely less dangerous and traumatizing oceans.
    #ummm why is no one talking about how dirk is literally??? shipping??? minors?????
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  10. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    nepeta@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no cone back
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  11. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Human. Troll. Carapace. Consort. Long ago, the four kingdoms lived together in harmony.


    Then, jack fucking shit changed when the creators returned.


    Only Lord English, master of all timelines, could stop them, but when the story needed him most, he vanished.


    5000 years passed and my brother discovered a younger final boss, an cherub named Caliborn.


    And although his tryhard skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to troll anyone.


    But I believe Caliborn can save the ending.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ...Or John could Hammer Stop Time. That works too.
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  12. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Okay, I may be misinterpreting, but...
    All the winning players are off having their happy winners' lives, while Terezi searches for Vriska. Only Vriska, apparently. If the Medium is still accessible, or wherever Vriska is, so Terezi has any hope at all, why aren't the others looking as well, or why isn't Terezi looking for anyone else? Sitting back happily while their friends' existences get obliterated makes them look like horrible people.
    • Like x 4
  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Yeah :/


    I think I have to believe that Aradia and Sollux DID make it to the new universe, but slightly after Dave time jumped. So they just hung around for 5000 years to help out and prevent huge disasters, subtle-like. And also to hide memes in places where they will never be found.

    Seriously, Creator gods who leave when the actual work of making things turn out ok happens and only show up to take advantage of a fully grown civilization... myeh. Why.
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    If the theory that John's homestuck to prevent Caliborn + co from interfering with this universe, John and Terezi keeping in touch re: Vriska's whereabouts may not be to gather their friends to the happy ending, but actually to re-re-retcon this ending to some purpose...?
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  15. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Dad Crocker isn't Dad Egbert, and trying to pretend he is would fuck him and John and Jane the hell up. His and Egbert's lives weren't the same, and since their respective parents were non-identical siblings of presumably different sexes it's literally impossible for them to be genetically identical. The Crockbert family was set up for disappointment and serious issues.

    And they better not be ectobiologising with only their own DNA. You need at least fifty non-related people for a viable gene pool.

    We seem to have a bad case of Esoteric Happy Ending. Any tropers?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
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  16. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Well, we only got snaps, it's not like there isn't literally years and weeks and days we skip over where they could just be skipping around in the timeline because why not. These are just end credits, not a whole new chapter, and if Hussie wrote a bunch of "here's the kids rebuilding civilization!" it would a) take for fucking ever and b) take that particular story out of the fandom's hands which, given the nature of Homestuck, I think it kind of belongs there as a vague, nebulous thing to be played with.

    My theory re vriska, sollux and aradia: Terezi will find them hanging out together on the edge of the black hole. Aradia will have gathered all the trolls from their timeline ready to be resurrected by Jane's life-y powers. Terezi will have had time to reflect on just how bad vriska messed her up and greet her via punch to the snoot.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
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  17. pinnedbutterfly

    pinnedbutterfly *sparkles*

    there was never any doubt that i love homestuck but gosh, do i still love homestuck!!! (also sorry for the flurry of likes--i caught up with where i last saw the thread and i'm Excited)
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  18. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I keep getting distracted by Homestuck today and really really wanting time to do some fun fanart.

    @Lizardlicks now it's my theory too
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  19. No I don't want Terezi to punch Vriska 3: maybe a hug and secretly putting a kick me sign on her back?
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  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    petition to bring gamzee back so he can obey the sign
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