Made Glorious Spring ( 18+ from page 10 onwards )

Discussion in 'Swords Across the Styx' started by Zin, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... I can do that." Ben smiles shyly as he cuts the sausages, all awkward fondness
  2. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    Martin grins. "Just add them into another pan on medium, after?"
  3. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "Uh... Medium?" He frowns at the stovetop.
  4. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    "....turn the thingy there to five," Martin points.
  5. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... Oh. Right. I ... right." He flushes and obeys.
  6. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    Martin smiles. "You mostly use the microwave and oven, right?"
  7. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... y... yeah. ... And the pizza delivery. On good days."

    Or sometimes he just eats things cold. You know. Whatever keeps you alive, right?
  8. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    "An' bad days?" Martin asks curiously, then pauses, blinking slowly as a thought occurs to him. "...y' don' have t' say if y' don' wanna."
  9. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    Ben hesitates, blushing. "... uh... I don't eat, mostly. I... don't... I get nervous around people. Sometimes it's too much."
  10. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    Martin considers this. "...then you should get a big, big box of saltines, or somethin'? Then you can at least nibble 'em?"
  11. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "..." Ben hesitates. "That... that's a really good idea. I didn't think of that..."
  12. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    Martin grins. "...I know a lot of folks. They taught me some good tips."
  13. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... they sound like interesting friends," he says, smiling shyly back. "... you wanna tell me about them?"
  14. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    "Hmm. Maybe! Depends on what you want to know. I know a lotta people in a lotta places?" He's cheerful, bubbly.
  15. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... just sounds nice. I don't see a lot of people. Don't get out much." He's wistful, chewing thoughtfully at his lip.
  16. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    "Alright. Guess a name, and if I know somebody with it, I'll tell you. First or Last, either works." He grins mischievously.
  17. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    He laughs. "Um... Smith?"
  18. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    He blinks. "...I think we have a family of regulars? All siblings, they come to the Streetcar and catch up once a month."
  19. Benjamin Halverson

    Benjamin Halverson The gales of November come early

    "... huh. Uhm. ... John?"

    He's just guessing common names because he figures it's his best bet.
  20. Martin Reed

    Martin Reed Seer-Witch of Heart

    "Uh. Not that I know of for sure?"
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