
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    Ender portal found and activated, it's at 885, -85. There's kind of a drop, be careful and dig down slow if you don't have slowfall or something. Ender dragon is NOT dead yet, figured that might be something more people wanted to get in on. I did gather a bunch of end stone and ender lily seeds. The Ender Dragon is an asshole and even though it can't really damage me to death, it kept knocking me off the island so that I fell into the void.
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ender lily seeds yay!! if you give me some and some end stone i will farm the shit out of those.
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  3. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    @littlepinkbeast Thanks. Once the server's stable and my client is working reliably, I might get on building a Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
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  4. Avalon

    Avalon *Insert witticism here*


    It is actually possible to move the end portal closer to civilization, since that would be quite a hike for most. You would need the highest tier of teleposer to do it in one shot, since end portal frame (like bedrock) can't be broken.

    @jacktrash If you would like I could give you a ritual of the green grove, which will also help with grow time. the ritual works in a 3x3 area btw.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    @Avalon probably better if i don't have one of those, i'll just stand around harvesting compulsively if things grow too fast and not actually go play the game :P
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  6. Key

    Key never make a triangle

    I'm having this issue, too. I'm pretty sure it's not lag - I can open doors/chests without lagging, and most of my foods are still edible. One item specifically is cherries. I ate about four cherries four days ago and since then I haven't been able to eat any more. There have been a few other items this happened with, (I don't remember which) but they took longer to stop being edible and I think are all edible again now.
  7. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    that sounds like a problem with the nutrition stuff.. also one thing i had trouble with before i realized what was up is that you can't eat until you actually have your hunger bar starting to go empty. i was thinking that the gold glow around the food was a measure of hunger and was trying to eat as soon as that was gone but couldn't. then i realize i wasn't actually even hungry yet, because actual hunger makes the food pieces disappear completely.
  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    The yellow around the chicken legs is, I think, a measure of saturation - and I believe that the more saturated you are, the slower the saturation bar goes down. As it goes down, I think it speeds up, and eventually the hunger bar starts going down too.
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  9. Hobo


    You know, I've been wondering... what's up with those extra exp orb looking things? There's the regular ones you see in vanilla minecraft, but there also seem to be extra shiny globes that spawn that you can't pick up when you kill a mob? What are they? Are they like a thaumcraft thing or something that you've gotta absorb with an item/wand?
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  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    I've been occasionally having a similar problem with mining - the mining animation will work, the pickaxe's durability will decrease, but after a split second, the block reappears. Not sure if it's related, but I think the mining issue is lag of some sort.


    Since my base is not flammable, and the worst they did was set a couple trees on fire, I'm just finding this hilarious. And yes, I bred out the lightning trait. Although if for some insane reason you long for lightning bees, I do have a drone with the trait. XP

    (By the way, if anybody would like to play with Forestry bees, feel free to wander by my base and use the machinery and pilfer some bees from the base. I have lots. I can make apiaries for folks too, if they're interested.)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
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  11. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    Ender portal is now at -70, -200, up the hill from my base
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    that sounds like a graphics bug to me...
  13. Hobo


    Huh. Weird, it's been going on since I first started playing! I'll try and get a screenshot, they fade out after a couple of seconds.
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm sorry, i think i might've crashed the server. at least, i had just picked up my chunk loader and put it down when the server went down. :/
  15. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Those things are probably Aspect Orbs. They can recharge wands.
  16. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    It's possible? There was a crash, it was a generic one that tells us nothing about what happened.
  17. Hobo


    Alright, now that mushroom tower is complete, I'm finally getting around to posting these screenshots I took of the orb issue. Aspect orbs, huh. Maybe I should be getting my wand out since there seems to be a severe lack of ignis around and these might help with that. I also lost my daylight sensor in the crash, boo :(

  18. Avalon

    Avalon *Insert witticism here*

    @seebs So I found out were all the mobs are "Falling out of the world". It happens when the BM ritual "well of Suffering" kills one of named mobs.
    Also, I finally got all the music discs.

    @vegacoyote I found your goat wandering near my place. It wouldn't let me pick it up in a net (or soul vial); So I boxed it in. the coors are 283 291 61.
    (I may have forgotten a - when i wrote them down. If you were standing on my roof, it would just be to the SW, ~70-80 blocks away. shouldn't be hard to spot.)
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  19. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Oh-hoh! I had not thought of the well of suffering.

    Well, if you have all the music discs, we ... well we should probably kill the end dragon first, but then we could go do the fancy ritual and get ourselves a pseudo-inversion sigil.
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  20. siveambrai

    siveambrai Negative Karma Engine nerd.professor.gamer

    Updated Map! Sorry for the difference in resolution. I stole the one posted earlier and had to scale to fill in pieces. If anyone wants to help, please post journey map images (you may need to take a few) I'll stitch them into the current map.

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