
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. Hobo


    My fairy horse collection is done! :D Now I only have a few easy special horses to go (i.e. bat horse), then it's just a case of collecting all of the vanilla + t1/2 mo creatures horses. Though I think I can safely say that I'm more or less done with horses for now. Prob going to move onto wyverns or maybe ostriches if I can find any. Pics below!

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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    i am impress, for real!
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  3. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    Hobo, I would love to know what you crafted such that this ridiculous pickaxe you gave me became spare gear to be given away. SO FAST. SO MUCH LOOT. SELF-REPAIRING DURABILITY.
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  4. Hobo


    @The Frood Abides Ahaha yeah, it's pretty awesome, I used it for ages. Literally only reason I replaced it was because it couldn't mine cobalt or ardite, so I replaced it with what SHOULD be a more powerful steel pickaxe with these stats.

    Not sure what I'm going to add as the last modifier. More haste seems.... excessive........
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  5. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I mostly do RF instead of moss when possible.
  6. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    I wandered around a bit looking for a place where I could set up, and I got killed by a witch and her cat. I set out in a slightly different direction and got killed by some sort of etheral guardian.

    I have dug a hidey-hole in the side of a cliff and I am not coming out again, except to yoink some foods from the cafeteria across the lake.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
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  7. Hobo


    @seebs Would it be possible to stop wither witches from spawning in the wyvern lair? It's completely impossible to find wyverns because of how many of these assholes spawn in there. I'm not even sure the wyvern lair is supposed to have anything besides wyverns and tiny animals like bunnies. Dunno where they're coming from.
  8. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I don't know of a way to control that kind of spawning thing.
  9. Minitiate

    Minitiate Delicious

    Not sure if this is helpful, but there's a mod called "Mob Spawn Controls" that lets you control which mobs spawn in which biomes. If these wyvern lairs are their own biome or are only found in one biome, this may help.
  10. Hobo


    Yeah, wyvern lairs are sort of in their own universe like the end/nether. I think the actual name of the biome is like... wyvernbiome or something similar. Without clearing out those witches it's basically going to be impossible for anyone to get wyverns since they're not breedable. I know I'm probably the only person who cares about this sort of thing but this mod seems like a good option? Resetting the lair might work but I have a sneaking suspicion that the witches are just going to end up swarming the place again.
  11. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I don't know much about this. So sorta spoonless right now, might be able to progress on it later. I guess the other option would be to clear out the witches by force. :P
  12. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @Hobo - @Avalon has some wyverns, he says he captured one and made a spawner. He says you are welcome to plug in his wyvern spawner and make some if you like. He says he also has some spare eggs.
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  13. Hobo


    Haha yeah, I spent 30-45mins clearing out what had to be at least a hundred witches, and massive groups of them respawned instantly (no sign of wyverns). They're like fucking cockroaches or something. I did find some snakes though, so that's something. But yeah, no rush dude! It's hardly an emergency, just something that's probably worth addressing at some point.

    @Kaylotta Ah awesome. I knew he had wyverns, but I had completely forgotten that he had a wyvern spawner. Tbh I'm sort of surprised he was able to find one in the first place considering how infested the lair is with witches, but maybe the problem was less bad when he first went in there? Tell him I said thanks, and I'll probably get on that sometime tomorrow. Bedtime for me! Night all.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    so seebs, the reason i haven't been on much lately is that minecraft has had a tendency to hang so badly that i have to opt-cmd-esc to force it to quit, it won't even crash on its own, it just blacks the screen and sits there grinding. i don't think it's any one activity or item that's doing this, i think it's just lag-inducing cycle-heavy things seem to be building up. going anywhere near your base definitely speeds up the process, but other things that have caused crashing include: exploring while flying, breaking a chest with a bunch of things in it, and looking up a recipe while it's raining.

    i know my laptop is not the most powerful of computing machines, but it wasn't doing this last week.
  15. Hobo


    Uh, does anyone use thermal dynamics fluxducts for energy transfer? I'm not sure whether I should be going for cryo-stabilised fluxducts or resonant ones, tbh. Like cryo-stabilised ones are the theoretical best since they have no maximum energy transfer compared to resonants 32k RF/T, but they also don't store energy internally and I feel like my energy storage probably needs some improvement. Blah. I guess cryo-stabilised would be better and I'm just looking for people to agree and tell me to get my external storage up to par.
  16. Avalon

    Avalon *Insert witticism here*

    So, there are some things left in this pack that I could do, but I think i am going to call this the end of the line for me.

    To that end, I have unlocked my AE system, all the travel anchors are now set to public, and I offer everything in my base to who ever wants it.

    Examples of things I have:
    - I have Most of the machines form Thermal expansion and EIO
    - Automated farm
    - Multiple methods of RF production
    - auto-brew potions for Extra utils. potion generator
    - Large scale bio-fuel production
    - Hootch (liquid that is burned in any liquid burning generator)
    - Oil (unrefined (could never get the BC refinery to behave))
    - Scrap
    - Advanced Blood magic setup.
    -there is a light controlled, cursed earth spawner beneath the alter, with a drill of the dead ritual that insta-kills any mobs to generate large amounts of LP
    - Basic railcraft set up to auto produce railbed
    - A largish TC smeltery
    - 8 different EIO spawners
    - auto crafting system for infinite cobble, stone, sand, glass and gravel.

    All this and more.

    -Leave the main AE system intact, (ie, the controller, drive bays and the terminal) intact, as most of my stuff is stored there, and I'd want people to take the stuff before the AE system.
    - leave the Altar where it is. They can be a pain to setup again, but if you know how to set it up again then go ahead.
    - someone please take care of my fishies, either leave them where they are or make a new pond for them to swim in.
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  17. BPD anon

    BPD anon Here I sit, broken hearted

    I saw a post of Luka's about skulls and for a moment I was excited to buy minecraft because I could make a big ol palace made of skulls with a lava moat and caged baddies hanging off. But then I looked it up and apparently you can't put skulls on top of each other? What the heck? I thought this game was all about customizability, why would they not let you make skull buildings?
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
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  18. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    There's some very erratic internal logic. You can't place skulls on top of each other.

    However, I believe you can place a skull on stone, then dig the stone out, then place a skull on the next stone down.
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  19. siveambrai

    siveambrai Negative Karma Engine nerd.professor.gamer

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  20. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    what the fuck is your texture pack
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