
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    Also your base is very stealth, lol. I *definitely* didn't find all of it. Although your mine is very well-organized, I like the signs for each level.
    • Like x 1
  2. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    naw thats fine. as you can tell by my upside-down map, my directions arent very good in minecraft, and I thought you were west of avalon, which would put you a hell of a lot closer to me.

    I cant tell if sarcasm or not O_o (are the ** for emphasis or sarcasm?)
    thank you about the mine!! It toak a while, but was worth it cause now it looks nice, unlike the rest of my underground base

    edit: oo. warning. pretty soon you may want to go down and deactivate that dark patch in the taiga biome. Ive dealt with the one north by me, but havent bothered with the southern one. (it increases mob spawns, you have to break the aura node to get rid of it)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
  3. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    oh - emphasis, not sarcasm, sorry. I should just use italics like a normal person. And thanks for the warning, I'll deal with that next time I'm on. I'm going to go to bed for tonight - I've got my base roofed, which I think makes this a good day's work. :)
    • Like x 1
  4. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    I would like to claim blue/purple for my ender prefix
  5. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member


    they are three colour combos :l
  6. Hobo


    Everyone gets a 2 colour prefix, so basically they own every third colour associated with the original 2 as well. I think mine is like... pink/magenta, or something like that.
  7. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member



    I hadn't heard that, like whatsoever.
    When I claimed mine I picked a three colour one
  8. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    I took extensive notes on this thread, which I'm planning to compile into some kind of newbie guide, maybe, at some point. Anyway, here's the prefixes as they stand, to the best of my knowledge (and giving anyone who listed a three-color combination the first two as their prefix):

    Server: black/black
    Seebs: magenta/magenta
    Avalon: green/blue
    littlepinkbeast: pink/pink
    something_blue: blue/blue
    Kaylotta: red/white
    jacktrash: green/white
    Imoyram: black/dark green
    Luka: red/orange
    Hobo: pink/magenta
    Nianeyna: blue/purple

    In addition, white/white/white is free-for-all inventory that empties into an ME storage unit near jacktrash's base; blue/blue/blue is free food; red/red/red is designated for player trades; and there has been a proposed "bee box" using either black/yellow/black or yellow/black/yellow (since putting bees in the white/white/white box would clog it up pretty quickly, as they don't stack). And that covers all the ender storage conventions I know of, lol.
    • Like x 3
  9. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    Forestry peeps! Where do you get your seed oil? Most of the seeds I have aren't compatible with the squeezer and it's very annoying.

    Also I scanned everything in Seebs' base with the thaumometer. so many delicious research points.

    Also also I may need to find a secondary base. The taiga is not optimal for bee production, it turns out.
  10. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    i have not messed with this personally but i believe vanilla seeds serve just fine. i have a large wheat farm on my base, plus a barrel with much wheat in it free for the taking. if you would like to grab some you are welcome to. (i have no idea what my coords are, though i think they were recorded somewhere upthread? i haven't been on in months, but there's a train stop labeled w my username (astrodynamicist, same as here) so hopefully that will help))
  11. asterismThreefold

    asterismThreefold edgewitch

    I think some of the harvestcraft fruits(& nuts maybe?) work. I know the cherries do, as that's what I've been using, but wheat farming is probably easier to do at large scales, even [though] the seeds make less oil per unit

    (edited for missing word)
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Note that there is a shapeless crafting recipe that lets you turn wheat into seeds as well, so if you set up a farm for seeds you can use the wheat for seeds too
  13. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    oh dude you can turn wheat into seeds? sold, giant wheat farm it is. :D
  14. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    I figured out why refineries aren't working. It's because we have galacticraft oil, and (buildcraft) refineries only work with buildcraft oil. Well. That kind of tanks (heh) my power-generation plan...
  15. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    In theory the oils should be converted from one kind to another by... something. There's a mechanism. Somewhere.

    Server is temporarily down from office move. Hope to get it running again tomorrow.
  16. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer



    now i have to work.
  17. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    BC and Galacticraft oil are both a thing! the geysers are buildcraft oil and there are massive wells underground. don't fall into BC oil, shit's like quicksand.
  18. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    ohhhhhhh okay. Well I ended up going with magmatic dynamos (which are safer than combustion engines anyway) but maybe I'll try the refinery again at some point just for funsies. And to show it who's boss.
  19. Hobo


    Hello I am here to whine about my fucking atrocious attention span, I spent most of the day trying to work out the best setup for a fast hammer that'll make excavating the area around my new base easier, got it built, got all the extra modifiers added, thought to myself 'Wait, I shouldn't add lapis to this, I don't need fortune on something that's only for mining stone', then 5 seconds later I had added lapis to my hammer. Fuck you, attention span! I NEEDED THAT FOR REDSTONE.

    Edit: Also since this is a useful resource, here's an updated list of TiC material stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...lD4qPwSo3sHIN-adeOBM/edit?pli=1#gid=0&vpid=A1
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  20. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    man. i can't remember the last time i was on. been a weird couple months. Feel guilty neglecting my pixel goat and pixel chickens. and my hole in the ground where i was experimenting with orebamfs. Should get back on once rl stops sucking up my spoons.
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