
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. Hobo


    The outer layer of my base is finally done :D

    Behold, the Homosphere!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now I just need to get the inside and deco done.
    • Like x 12
  2. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    @seebs Any chance we could see an update to Immersive Engineering? They've added neat stuff like floodlights and a multiblock furnace.

    Also this might be presumptuous but I'd like to suggest/request Mekanism and Growthcraft. I really, really dig the thought of having a functional wine cellar.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  3. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    holy fucking shit this is amazing
    • Like x 1
  4. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    yo i got you covered.
    • Like x 1
  5. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i just bred my first emerald bees ^_^
    • Like x 2
  6. emcapi

    emcapi Well-Known Member

    Why is Vast Derp like Red Bull?
    Because he gives you wings.
    (seriously tho thanks those have saved my tush so many times)
    • Like x 1
  7. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member


    In a shocking twist, I'm actually fairly happy with my base! Except now I have no idea how to expand it. I still have so many things I need to put down!
    • Thaumcraft Infusion Altar
    • Thaumcraft Crucible
    • Witchery machines and rituals
    • Storage
    • Various machines
    • etc etc etc
    Any suggestions for where to put any of this?
    • Like x 2
  8. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    aaaaaaaaaa I want to get back into this so bad. But the minecrafting computer is broken. :( and likely to remain that way for at least another month. I'm starting a new job on Monday and I do not foresee myself having the spoons for "research, buy, and install new motherboard and cpu" for quite some time. nuuuuuuuuuuu.

    mine craftily, everyone. I am with you in spirit.
    • Like x 3
  9. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Is the minecraft server down for anyone else?
  10. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

  11. Hobo


    It's down for me, spent ages trying to ping it and finally came up with "can't connect to server". Boo!
  12. emcapi

    emcapi Well-Known Member

    hmm, that may explain why i got kicked off randomly earlier today. thought it was just my computer being a turd again, i've had a few assorted crashes due to the assorted number of mods. but hey maybe this time i finally got my baby to behave and it's just the server acting up :D
  13. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I may have just crashed the server by trying to place a title scroll in the mine and blade slots... Sorry
    @seebs can you help please?

    Edit: Also, i hope you don't mind being tagged for this.[s/]
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  14. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I made an ender chest using light grey three times for everyone, its full of ender pearls, feel free to take what you need from it. I can also add bones, string, or anything else i get from my mob grinder.

    I use blue/cyan/blue and blue/cyan/purple ender chests for myself, don't know what anyone else uses.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
    • Like x 1
  15. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    There was indeed a server outage for a while because of a power outage, and then I didn't think to actually restart the server once the machine was up.
  16. Hobo


    K it's official, somehow all of the shit related to building the Homosphere has disappeared. Shit's weird, yo. Lost dozens of stacks of stone/stone bricks, all my dyes disappeared even though I spent forever collecting almost a full stack of each one, and my paintbrush is gone :((((. Major pain, and it's weird that nothing else seems to have disappeared...
  17. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Would you like to borrow my igneous extruder and a tesseract for power? You'll have infinite stone that way. I was planning on starting botania today, i can probably make a jaded amaranthis for you which should be infinite dye, if you break flowers into petals and then use them in a botania mortar and pestle. Sorry about your stuff, I know it sucks losing a lot of work.
  18. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    That is really odd. Were they in your inventory, or where?

    FWIW, I'm hoping to "sometime soon" do some updates of mods that are sorta outdated. Not sure how many I'll do, and there's probably a lot of interactions so I may need to do a BUNCH. That will be a multi-phase process; first, getting it so I can start the program up at all with all those mods, second, checking whether anything breaks, third, doing that to the actual instance holding the shared world. So. Long process.
    • Like x 1
  19. Hobo


    Appreciate it, but I'm good. Strictly speaking I don't actually need any of that stuff since I'm done with the coloured brick section, was just frustrated (and weirded out) by the leftovers all disappearing like that.

    My memory is shit, but as far as I remember I had transferred them all into my warehouse. Came back the next day and nothing's there, and couldn't find it in any other storage place either.
  20. Hobo


    And looks like I can't log back in. Gah. Got timed out like an hour or so ago and haven't been able to reconnect at all >:(

    Oh well. Look at some more pictures of the Homosphere in the meanwhile! It's really starting to come together, and the floor plan inside the sphere itself is done. Just gotta finish up the fences, pits and animal pens and then I'll be good to start moving my shit over. Moving my warehouse is going to be a fucking nightmare.

    [​IMG] This one has a better view of the pit where the animal pens will be going, they'll be divided by the mini-spheres. Hoping to do most of the pit in marble bricks, but ugh. Finding all that marble '_,
    • Like x 7
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