
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Hydros die after three days and produce hardly any power.

    Endoflames don't have a cooldown time and are also easily mass produced, as well as being easy to automate-the setup I had for automating them works now that I moved the top of my circuit higher and this is the very first redstone thing I've done

    entroptyniums (probably not spelt like that) produce a lot of mana, and their cooldown time is "however long it takes them to empty into the mana spreader"-they fill up totally after absorbing 1 explosion and have to empty totally to absorb another

    there's a flower that eats cake, and that can be automated if you have thaumcraft, as thaumcraft has a fire that turns water into cake

    gourmalilies also automate easily-they just need a dispenser with a timer above them and also need to be spaced 3 blocks or so apart, use a food like bread or baked potatoes to feed them and put them on a...4 second timer i think for potatoes?

    narslimmus is good if you are in a slime chunk

    if you don't need much experience but get lots, putting a rosa arcana in an area of your base that you walk through frequently might be a good idea

    anyway that's all the good mana generating flora, i think
  2. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I know about all that, I have a lot of overgrowth seeds which make passives live forever, not enough to actually generate power. I could also just use vastderps solution and make some lava vases for infinite lava given sufficient whatever thaumcraft uses. I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep and respond in a useful manner tomorrow.
  3. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Oh! The reason I was thinking hydroangeas was that we used to have passive decay disabled. That was before that got removed by a botania update - I don't think the option even exists anymore.
    • Like x 1
  4. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    Yes this. All mah flurs kept disappearing. It was vexing as I find using the flower-birdbath kind of a swirly pain in the ass. (Though I do concede it looks cool.)
  5. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    if you have overgrowth seeds you can keep them. I have op right now while I fixed the issue i had earlier, I can spawn some in if you'd like. I don't really consider it cheating since they shouldn't disappear imo.
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  6. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Endoflames are easy to make as well-mana powder, brown petals, red petal, light grey petal.

    If I remember correctly, 1 endoflame=something like 5 dayblooms? And I think you can use overgrowth seeds to make them more powerful, too.
  7. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    That'd be cool, though I haven't been on the server for ages. Combination of spoons and internet connection being temperamental. Mostly a matter of asking myself "OK how much do I feel like dealing with a lag-induced rage quit today?" and answering, "Not so much!"

    ... We did get someone in to look at our connection, though, and it's been better than it was. Maybe I'll try firing it up again. I have been missing rambling around ADHD: The Building.
    • Like x 2
  8. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I'm playing solo Vanilla, the newest snapshot, and holy shit this was creepy: ghost town. posts set up for lights, but not a single torch. No doors. No villagers. No zombies. Just silence and untended fields, and mushrooms growing in the church.

    :SHIVER: IT SHOULDN'T BE CREEPY BUT IT SURE GOT ME SPOOKED, esp considering i've got a buzzing metropolis x 3 some distance away, so to find this just... empty. creeeeepy. anyone else get a place like this before?
    • Like x 1
  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    I updated my mana generation and general Botania setup-I now have a lot more mana pools, a lone Elven spreader (need to make more), a few Sparks, and a nearly-fully-automated mana generation setup. I got the hopper working, so it only drops a coal block if there's nothing on the pressure-plate, and there's a hopperhock next to a chest to pick up unburnt blocks and put them in the chest. I used item frames to make the hopperhock only pick up coal and charcoal* blocks, and I used a chain of spreaders, mana distributors, and pools to get my alchemy catalyst pool far away from my endoflames.

    The non-automated bits are just refilling the chest of coal blocks-it's not full yet but my big field of 10/10/10 coal essence can more than keep up, so I just need to find a way to automate harvesting and crafting. I think Drum of the Wild harvests Agricraft crops, but I have to then get the harvest to the JABBA Bspace barrel and automate crafting of both coal and coal blocks, and then get it into the chest...I should probably get farther into the tech questline to get pipes and stuff, I want to try a Forestry multifarm because I've never used one before but I know they work with Agricraft and I'm not so sure about Drum of the Wild.

    *from Garden Stuff, I'm playing Regrowth
  10. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    If it has extra utilities, you might be able to get a vaccum hopper, unless that was from openblocks, in which case you'd need open blocks. They suck all items near them, and drop them into a chest. They pick up experience too, and also put that into tanks!

    fake edit: it is open blocks, and I am too lazy to correct that before posting.
  11. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Regrowth doesn't have OpenBlocks or ExtraUtilities.
    I'd probably have to use hopperhocks or Buildcraft stuff-then again I am planning to use a Forestry multifarm, so I'd need to see if they're compatible with JABBA.
  12. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    I'm loving the modded server so far, even though I haven't been online at the same time as anyone else!
  13. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    I just figured out thaumcraft golems. THEY ARE. SO. CUTE. I didn't realize how tiny they would be! oh my gosh!

    • Like x 2
  14. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    My sister installed the mod pack, and she gets this error every time she tries to launch it:
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
    Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096M
    The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
    Process ended with code: 1
    Any idea how to fix it?
  15. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    it looks like your machine either doesn't have enough ram, or you have the ram on the game set too high. try turn the ram down by a gigabyte. Go into setting and then decrease the amount for max ram by 1024. If that doesn't work, try reinstall.
  16. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    The game will open now, but it crashes when the mod loader is on the 5th phase.
  17. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    You need to be running a 64-bit version of Java, and have >4GB free memory available. Like, you actually need this, because the mod pack is huge.
  18. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    I'm pretty sure she has both.
  19. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Make sure Minecraft is using the 64-bit Java, and not a 32-bit Java.

    I've had large modpacks crash for no apparent reason...and turn out to be using the wrong Java.

    Also, if BetterFPS, Fastcraft and OptiFine aren't installed and activated, do that. I've gotten Regrowth to a stable 20-ish FPS inside my base on 2 gigs ram with those-up to 40 out of chunk loading distance of my base. (Regrowth is also big.)
    • Like x 1
  20. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    The failure at -Xmx because of 4096 is, so far as I know, unique to 32-bit Java. There's an options thing in the launcher for changing which Java binaries to use.
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