
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    In the end the solution is easy: Let the pack crash once to generate mod configs, then go to the MineFactory Reloaded config, search for "bucket" until you find the right line, then set that to false
  2. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    I am still totally into the minecraft server! Although the last couple times I was on it was REALLY laggy, like almost unplayable. Might have been me, of course, but fyi.
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  3. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    @seebs is the server still turned off?
  4. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    It was. And yeah, it gets laggy over time, and needs periodic restarts, which is probably in part because of flaxbeard's steam power, but also some mods have things that get really laggy after a while. Anyway, it should be back up in a few minutes.
  5. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

  6. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    Jumping back into the server. It has been so long since I played Minecraft that I have essentially forgotten how to play Minecraft. This feels like the ideal state in which to get back into Minecraft.

    Though I'd still love it if we could explore the possibility of jumping to 1.10!

    EDIT: Though that reminds me Witchery isn't in 1.10 so I guess I'm playing a heckload of Witchery now
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  7. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    There's some discussion of a shiny new 1.10 modpack, but I keep being too swamped to pursue it.
    • Witnessed x 1
  8. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know why the game crashes every time I try to craft a golemancer’s bell? Alternatively does anyone have a golemancer’s bell I can use? Cause like... I got all these golems ready to go and I can’t do anything with them. :(
  9. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Ahh, yes. We do know why that happens. There's an error of some sort where another mod added another thing with the same recipe and it doesn't quite work. I'm gonna make some spares and dump them in one of the chests in the big building around origin.
  10. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    There's a couple of both types in the red/red/red Ender chest now.
  11. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    Bless you. Now my farm full of cute tiny golems running around can become a reality.
  12. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    don't forget to make them tiny hats
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  13. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    I'm glad the server's back up, I've missed this obscenely large modpack!
  14. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    aw man... I thought the order-upgraded golems would replant my wheat, but they don’t. They do in a different game I have going, so I wonder if it’s a mod interaction. Anyone else have an automated wheat farm? If so how did you do it?
  15. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    That Newbie Guide I've Been Promising You

    A while ago (like almost two years ago, yikes) I wrote up a list of the ender chest color codes people have claimed, plus some other miscellaneous useful info collected from the thread. I figure it's time I finally posted it. I'll try to keep it updated as the thread continues.

    Useful Info

    -for general minecraft chatter unrelated to the server go here https://kintsugi.seebs.net/threads/on-the-general-crafting-of-mines.56/

    -server info is at https://www.seebs.net/minecraft.html. Install Java and vanilla minecraft first.

    -pm seebs with your minecraft user name to be added to the server whitelist

    -hold shift to drop down through the glass at spawn (this totally tripped me up when I first logged in)

    -numpad 0 to configure WAILA (that thing at the top of your screen that shows what you're looking at. many people want to make it smaller.)

    -minimap hotkeys are J and M (there are two minimaps)

    -you don't lose your inventory when you die, and creepers don't explode blocks

    -you can claim any empty patch of turf for your base, but do check thoroughly that no one's already there. Some people have bases that are largely underground. Eyeball existing bases to determine approximately how far you should be from your neighbors.

    -the rail line was at one point maintained by Avalon and Kaylotta, but I believe it has been abandoned. Feel free to add onto it however you like.

    -Kathy Gaele has a stable with unnamed, un-owned horses which are free to take. Do not take horses from the other stable (by the quarry). Anyone is welcome to take cows, chickens, and sheep from her pens, as long as you feed them beforehand so they will reproduce. There should be wheat in nearby field or in barrel on second floor of her house.

    -one of the villagers in magic town has emeralds to trade for a stack of okra

    -coke ovens make the wrong kind of creosote, but it works if you pipe it directly to the carpenter; you can also use tin cans or wax capsules

    -the ender portal is at -70, -200

    -avalon's base (findable through the rail system) is abandoned, and everything in it is free to take/use. The power's off though, so some stuff might not be accessible.

    -jacktrash has a depot with free stuff.

    -bats are very rare. Enter horse armor into a portal dialer to get to a dimension that has tons of bats. (post)

    -you can't craft golemancer's bells, the client will crash because of a mod interaction. To get one check the red/red/red chest or ask seebs.

    -a power-generation setup: https://imgur.com/a/eniDs

    Quick Guide to Ender Chests

    Change the code by right-clicking the pads on the top with dye. Use an ender pouch on an ender chest to sync it. You can right-click on the lock of an ender chest with a diamond to make it private - it'll only link up to other private chests locked by the same player.

    Server Chests

    white/white/white: free-for-all (empties to depot near jacktrash's base)
    red/red/red: player trades (also contains a pseudo-inversion sigil, PUT THIS BACK when you're done using it)
    blue/blue/blue: free food
    black/black/black: trash
    black/yellow/black and yellow/black/yellow: bees
    light gray/light gray/light gray: ender pearls

    Personal Chests (you get all combos starting with the two colors you've claimed):

    Seebs: magenta/magenta
    Avalon: green/blue
    littlepinkbeast: pink/pink
    something-blue: blue/blue
    Kaylotta: red/white
    jacktrash: green/white
    Imoyram: black/dark green
    Luka: red/orange
    Hobo: pink/magenta
    nianeyna: blue/purple
    NevermorePoe: blue/cyan

    Base Coords

    Here's a spreadsheet with coordinates of bases and such.


    Here's some coordinates that are not on the spreadsheet (at some point I will get to transferring them over. Or someone else can.)

    Seebs: 0, 0
    littlepinkbeast: 0, -640
    Kaylotta: 243, 69
    Hobo: -55, -33
    Kathy Gaele: -139, -55
    Elainar: -150, 174
    Aniseed: 452, -245
    Astrodynamicist: 125, -169
    Frood: -301, 351
    Nehiretanaan/Vmaprie: 460, 95
    nianeyna: 220, 290

    TODO: list of portal addresses
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
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  16. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    In theory they should, but there might be an unwanted interaction with a thing. In particular, if memory serves, if anything in the area grabs popped items too quickly, they might not be able to?

    (EDIT: And no, sadly, there is no "pin to top of thread", only "pin thread to top of forum.)
  17. nianeyna

    nianeyna Well-Known Member

    OH WHOOPS I KNEW THAT, what I was thinking of was, can you edit the first post in the thread with a link. That way people can find it.

    Also I’m sad because infused seeds aren’t working. I only get aer infused seeds no matter which type of shard I use, making them essentially useless. (not asking anyone to try and fix it, just expressing sadness. sigh, I was gonna have a book farm.) THE GOOD NEWS IS, my bee farm now has bees! After like a year and a half I finally got to change the “Nianeyna’s Bee Farm (no bees yet)” sign. My perfect three-biome intersection is getting some use at last.
  18. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Alright, looks like I need a generator capable of making about 25,000-30,000 rf/tick to power my base at peak operation. Looks like i'm getting into big reactors... Also, I need to move my computer somewhere I can organize it better. And maybe remake my base again, it's just buildings after all... I think i've figured out a way to get get infinite, no maintenance power but it'll take a bit of work to get it started up.
  19. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    anyone know of a decent way to generate large amounts of steam? I'm looking at running a steam generator for my base power supply.
  20. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I followed the instructions on the skcraft launcher page to build a modpack, and now i have a json file, and a couple of folders from doing the build thing. Unsure what to do next to get the modpack into the kintsugi launcher @seebs
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