I... I thought I was in... I was going to post jubilantly... it got as far as "logging in" which was further than it got before...... AAAAH I'M INNNNN bbl
That helped a bit for a while, but didn't last long. The issue for me has more to do with the blinder view, if that makes sense... feels like the eyes are connected to the hands. Games where you can interact with things on the screen without having to put them in the center of the screen first do not cause that problem. A friend of mine suggested I try taking medicine for motion sickness before playing but I just haven't gotten around to convincing myself to invest money in an attempt to play a game...
BTW here's how to fix this error if anyone else gets it you need windows and a 64 bit machine obvs The game is running. Please wait. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096M The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size. Process ended with code: 1 1. go here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html and download jre-7u79-windows-x64.exe 2. once you install it you should now have this path C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe 3. open the launcher and click options, paste that path where it says JVM path and press OK 4. ????? 5. profit
So glad I checked forum in my insomnia wanderings downloading the thiiiiing so hopefully I can bounce in sometime tomorrow once I am awake.
aaah i got on the game and i wandered around and i picked pretty flowers and i found a fortress and i bothered a witch and she didn't kill me to death and then i got sucked into a black hole thing twice and i found squid flowers and i aggroed a snake and ran away and there was a meteor crater and i got stuck in a tarpit and almost died but i got out and then i mined iron and went to the village forge to smelt it and then i got kicked from the server AAAAA IT'S SO PRETTY it didn't have the new kinds of doors that you can make from diff woods in the vanilla game, though. I'd gotten to like those... Oh, also, does anyone know how to get the non-shitty water and glass textures? The ones that make the water shiny and let you actually see through glass? I thought maybe it'd be on this but i didn't get it if it is...
The new awesome doors/fences thing is 1.8... And most mods are only up to 1.7.10. So to have all the mod snazzy things, we have to lose the update snazzy things. :( For not shitty water and glass there are texture packs I forget where I found one for glass. Download stick in the right folder and select before entering the server.
13745 textures? What am I getting myself into 0_0 Oh gods now it's 16203 D: I can't even close my Firefox tab it's lagging so much from loading all these textures, I'm on the tablet so I can do something while the forge does its thing
@seebs I would like to join in on all this or at least see if my laptop can handle it without spontaneously combusting but everything that people are saying is confusing me because I am a useless tit I know I probably need to get Java again but there seems to be an especial type I need and I don't know where to find it. My username is JaydenSpinelli though if it ever becomes relevant. Heh.
@KathyGaele somewhere in keybindings it should say the shortcut for the chat. it's usually T i think?
I got in, I tamed a snake! I got killed by spiders. I found a legendary sword! The server died on me :D 10/10 would craft mines again
The server didn't actually die, it just timed out. And I've been studying the world generator that does those lovely more-realistic mountains and things, and, well, it's beautiful, but the code is crap and it seems to interact poorly with other biome stuff. So I am currently leaning towards rebuilding without it.
Oh okay! I'm going to practice basic things in vanilla for now so I get a vague idea of how to interact with the game.
The modpack things are downloading i am oddly excite i am not sure if i am on whitelist though (vorpal.penknife@gmail.com and/or jaydenspinelli not sure which)
I have successfully installed no problem, and am running at 20-30 fps on top settings. No massive amounts of complaining from my client. also, @seebs, J's username is avalon_117. :) edit: lordy fuckin' lou that's a lot of mods edit 2: general request not to use too many carpenter's blocks, as they tend to slow shit down like nobody's business :(