Moonlight Nocturne

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    Nick turns, grinning back at her as she fidgets. "....calm down. She's not gonna bite."
  2. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

    "...who isn't?" Natasha glances over.
  3. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Are you sure? She seems like the kind of person who would bite. ... actually bite. Not metaphorically."

    She flushes, still flopped. "... Um. Miriam."
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  4. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

    "...why would Miriam be upset with you?" Natasha frowns.
  5. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    "Oh. Uh. No reason, Nattie!"
  6. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

  7. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena makes a muffled whimper from the back seat, covering her face with her arms.
  8. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

    "...Elena." Natasha glances in the mirror. " there something I should know about?"
  9. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    ... whimper.

    "I wanna ask Miriam to watch James Bond," she says, blurting it out.
  10. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

    "...oh. well. Don't worry about, she loves James Bond." Natasha laughs. "She and Nick love quoting lines."
  11. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "But what if she doesn't want to watch it with me?"

    Also she would really like to try to kiss her at some point and she is not sure how that will go. Even after a couple hours spent basking in explosions and pretty Bond girls.
    • Like x 1
  12. Natasha Wilkins

    Natasha Wilkins Sylph of Hope

    "I'm sure she'd love to watch it with you. Don't worry." Natasha laughs.
  13. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Sometimes, Elena doesn't feel like she's being taken seriously.

    She continues to flop the rest of the way.
  14. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    They arrive shortly, and Natasha smiles, heading up to kiss her husband on the cheek as he walks out. There's a cop car parked outside, as well as a big, sturdy truck that looks like it could plow through a concrete wall with little problem.
  15. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena would ordinarily stare at the big, awesome truck. But right now, she's a little distracted; she'll follow the two of them inside, and go try to find Miriam.
  16. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    Gabriel gives her a nod and a "Hey there, little lady."

    Elena can follow the sound of explosions to find Miriam watching the tail end of V for Vendetta.
  17. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Hi," she says, smiling up at him.

    She sits on the couch next to Miriam, watching the explosions. "... Hi, Miriam."

    Help, help, what do I do.
    • Like x 1
  18. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    Miriam holds up one finger, keeping Elena hanging until the credits roll, then glances over. "Hey. Nick's working for you, now?" She lets her accent go thick, drawling the words.

    She leans against Elena's side, tucking her legs up under herself.
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  19. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena doesn't really mind. It's a good movie. Lots of pyrotechnics. "Mmhm. I think Natasha bullied him into it. It was pretty funny."

    She tentatively wraps an arm around Miriam, leaning into her in return. "... I can come hunt monsters when my homework's done. As long as it's not too late on a school night."
    • Like x 1
  20. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    "Awesome. You get a bigger knife, yet?" Miriam turns to grin at her.
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