Moonlight Nocturne

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "He'll get better. You're injured?" The heels click a bit faster. "Can you tell me what happened? In as much detail as you can, okay?"

    Her voice softens at the edges. "Keep talking, okay?"
  2. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Um. Nathan tried to eat me? I said..." She blinks hard, trying to clear her head. "... He bit me. In the neck. And some teeth broke off. And part of my shirt, I think. And it kind of bled all over. And also the rat tried to eat into my stomach but Nick killed it. ... and he smelled gross and I think he was rotting?"

    She... can't think of more details right now. "... okay. Um. Thank you for coming."
  3. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "Okay. Well, I'll be there to take a look in just a few moments, okay?"

    There's a tinkle of broken glass at the door, and a woman with icy blonde hair ( with two ice-blue streaks ) pulled back in a tight, high ponytail steps inside. There are... several things to notice about her, from icy blue eyes to her white heels to her delicate snowflake earrings, but the thing that stands out the most is... well. She's wearing a white leather catsuit.

    "...are you in here?"

    She delicately steps over the corpse, scenting the air, then clicks her phone off and heads for the counter. "Little girl?"
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  4. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Uhhuh. I'm okay."

    "... 'm back here." It's hard to be that loud right now, and she's mostly hidden from the door, from back here in the corner. She blinks hard again. "... I'm not little."

    "... ... are you a fairy?" She looks like a fairy. Like, really like a fairy, and not a wolf at all, even though she sniffs the air like Elena imagines a wolf would. "... I like your earrings."

    It seems rude to comment on the catsuit.
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  5. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "...again. For me to know, and you to find out if you need to." She turns away from Elena as she hears Nick's distinctive tromping gait hurrying back, pulling a pouch from her suit and sprinking dust over the corpse, which begins to rapidly disintegrate. "And thank you, they're my favorites."
  6. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    "FROSTY!" Nick bounds down the stairs, skidding down to settle next to Elena with a first-aid kit and a bottle of vodka her mother had stashed away, half-drunk over the course of the past year. "Thank you thank you thank you, do you think the guys can fix the door?"
  7. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena stares in fascination at the disintegrating corpse. She wonders if this happens a lot. Nathan was... a person once. Before he was a zombie. She didn't know him very well, but... it's not fair.

    She moves to lean on Nick, smiling shakily. "Are you supposed to be running with your stomach stabbed?"
  8. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "Yeah, I'll give them a call. Probably need to figure out what to tell the shop owner?"
  9. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    "...huh? Oh. Hah... Don't worry about it." He grins, putting some of the vodka on a cloth. "I've been shot through the spine and walked away. I'm good. Uh."

    He holds his hand up. "...if you wanna bite something, bite my hand. This is gonna hurt a lot, but we have to clean the injury."
  10. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "The shop owner is my mom," Elena volunteers quietly. "She's running errands."

    "... yeah. I don't want to get... creepy zombie tetanus." She cringes, moving to take his hand in her mouth. At least he heals really fast, right?
  11. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    " long is she going to be gone?" Winter asks, heading back over to sit on the counter.
  12. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    "Uuuuh. A... while?" He presses the alcohol-immersed cloth to Elena's injury.
  13. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena stiffens, biting down hard on Nick's hand to muffle her scream, her hands clenched into white-knuckled fists in her lap.
  14. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    She bites down hard enough to break the skin, but Nick doesn't seem to mind, taking the time to clean her injuries before sticking a bandage on her stomach and hesitating. "Uuuuh. Winter... can you... sew?"
  15. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "...yeah. Hold on."

    Winter hops down, taking a needle and sterile thread, and makes swift work of the open parts of Elena's wound...


  16. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    His blood tastes strange in her mouth, hot and coppery. She pulls back when he's done cleaning, licking her lips without thinking, and flushing uncomfortably when she realizes how weird it must look to be licking his blood off her lips.

    "Sewing... hurts less, right?" She smiles tightly before Winter begins, clearly on the last dregs of her energy.

    It doesn't hurt much less. Her hands ache from being clenched so hard into fists.
  17. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    Nick ruffles her hair. "...better?"
  18. Winter Hemming

    Winter Hemming Stay Frosty

    "Sewing means the scar is going to be smaller." Winter corrects her.
  19. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... uhhuh. Thanks." She smiles tentatively, twisting to watch his hand like she expects it to heal visibly. It's kind of a distraction from the ticklish pain of the needle, at least.

    Then she blanches. "... um... Is Miri the dog really Miriam?"
    • Like x 1
  20. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

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