Moonlight Nocturne

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... awesome."

    Nick's pack are the coolest people ever. Ever.

    "... where'd you hide the silver?"
  2. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "If I told you where I hid it, then it wouldn't be hidden anymore, now would it?" He smiles slyly.
  3. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Well, yeah, but Mom's gonna be mad if some of the stock goes missing." She's still laughing.

    "Do you wanna go hunt monsters with us when I finish my homework and stuff?"
  4. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "Not if it's paid for... mmh. No, I'm watching your house. Making sure things are under control. Getting rid of some of the spiritual mess in the area."
  5. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... mess? What kind of mess?" She swallows. "Did you find my brother?"
  6. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    "He's a nerd," Miriam comments, swaggering over with a machete that Elena knows was in a locked case.
  7. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "Lingering spirits. Ghosts. Things like that." He pauses. ", no one's been by."
  8. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Oh," she says softly, looking down. "... there are ghosts in here? Where? Is that bad?"

    She blinks at Miriam, and frowns. "... did Nick give you the keys, or do you know how to pick locks?"
  9. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "You're fine, don't worry about it. Most of it is the expected."
  10. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    Miriam pulls a bobbypin from her pocket. "I have hobbies. "
    • Like x 1
  11. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... what's haunted in here?"

    Elena grins at Miriam. "... awesome. Will you teach me?"
  12. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "The store, mostly. This area's pretty full of things though. Old town."
  13. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    Miri beams. "Sure!"
  14. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Elena shivers uncomfortably, trying to resist the urge to look around. She won't see anything anyway. "... do they eat people?"
  15. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "Depends. Not usually." Louis replies casually.
  16. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... how do you clean them up? With your jewelry and stuff?"

    She sighs, slowly opening up her backpack and fastening her holstered knife to her belt before resentfully pulling out her homework. Homework is lame.
  17. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    "I call ghostbusters," Lou flips to the next page in his book.
    • Like x 2
  18. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She scowls in sudden temper again, tossing her eraser at him. "That's not an answer!"
  19. Louis Aurelio

    Louis Aurelio New Member

    He laughs. "Well, it's a secret, then. What are you working on?"
  20. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... why is it a secret???" Argh!

    "... stupid stuff. A book report and spelling and math homework." She rolls her eyes. "Is school less boring when you're an adult?"
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