Moonlight Nocturne

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "Sorry, Miri. I'll see you tonight, okay?" She sighs heavily. "Maybe Lou will homeschool me soon."
  2. Miriam Pierce

    Miriam Pierce New Member

    "I hope so," Miri sleepily mumbles.
  3. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She changes clothes sleepily, and follows Nick out the door. Ughh. School.

    She's so not in the mood for this. If anyone messes with her, she's going to punch them.
  4. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    Nick hands her breakfast as they head towards the car...

    The drive is pretty, but longer than usual, so Elena... is probably sleepy.
  5. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She dozes off with her breakfast half-finished, head leaning on Nick's shoulder. Stupid school.
  6. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    He gently shakes her awake once they reach the school. "Hey. Hey. We're here."
  7. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She startles, going for her knife, wide-eyed. It's halfway drawn before she really wakes up.

    "Oh. ... Ugh. Thanks, Nick."
  8. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    He hugs her tight. "....knock 'em dead, alright? I'll pick you up after?"
  9. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    "... uhhuh. See you then." She smiles shakily, putting her knife away, and hugs him tight in return. "Bye, Nick."
  10. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    Around lunchtime, Nick gets a text from Elena.

    "kicked out, can u come pick me up?"
  11. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    Nick stares at his phone, texts hurriedly back.


    He heads for the door, flipping the store sign to closed and heading for the car.

    He... might be speeding.
  12. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    um, stuck in principals office, got in fight?? help?

  13. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    She doesn't get a text back for 5 minutes.
  14. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She panics, curled up in the corner of the principal's office, starting to cry. He's staring at her.
  15. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    The front doors to the office are pushed open as Nick steps in, looking around, amber eyes worried. "...Elena? What happened?"
  16. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She's easy to spot, curled up in the corner, crying hysterically and covered in smears of dirt and blood.
  17. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    The principal looks up at him, and frowns skeptically. "... Elena, you need to get an adult to pick you up. I know your mom's in the hospital, but..."
  18. Nicholas Pierce

    Nicholas Pierce I Was Kidnapped By A Kitten

    Nick moves, quick, to crouch next to her, hands moving to her arms, quick, gentle, warm. "Hey. H-hey. Hey. It's okay, I'm here, I uh..."

    He glances at the principal. "I. She's staying with my big sister and her husband, I. Uh. If. If you call the Sheriff's office and ask for Sheriff Wilkins?"
  19. Elena Yakir

    Elena Yakir on the hunt

    She sobs, clinging tight around his neck. "'m sorry. I'm sorry. They were saying things. Can I have my knife back now?"
  20. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    The principal frowns. "The sher--" He pushes his glasses down his nose, looking more closely at Nick. "... Sheriff Wilkins, huh? He's taking care of her?"

    He sighs deeply. "Alright. But... Don't let her get into trouble like this again, alright? She's lucky to have a clean record, or we'd be seeking police action."
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